General Discussion

General DiscussionHow bad is my BB [Normal Skill Bracket]

How bad is my BB [Normal Skill Bracket] in General Discussion

    Now if I pick BB, it's an insta lose.
    1) Bad pick?
    2) Poor farm?
    3) Bad item choice?

    Please enlighten me.

    While it is unnecessary to win in pub games, but it is where I hide after finishing calibration and BB is one of my favourites.

    Link to BB stats

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    the realm's delight

      shit hero. if any of enemy heroes pick a stun and get silver edge u are useless


        In my opinion BB is a decent hero in maintaining a lead, simply because he is tanky and not easily brought down, giving your team so much time and space to react. You had excellent impact in your recent games as well, and the item choices shouldn't have been a problem too.

        However it is not the best hero to manfight everything, given enough disables from the other team. He also falls off quickly once the enemies got tanky or acquire BKB. Although his ultimate gives him good damage, but he is usually not built as a DPS, so he is not the best DPS machine unless you totally commit your itemization towards that direction. Which then causes you to have mana and survival problem.

        And as I mentioned he gives time to your teammate to react, it is shit if they don't. You can't do much if you decide to go hunting while your teammates are doing other stuffs. Just someone with disables to the rescue will fuck up your gank (OR even better, your target TPs away). Another problem is that you won't be the focal point of most fights simply because you are a waste of time to them until your teammates are down. So you need to be the one initiating most of the time, and slow down enemies who attempt to come near to your main DPS.

        The picks matter as well. Bristleback is not the best lock down hero, so if your team doesn't have much control, going BB helps very little as your enemies will tend to focus on your teammates, then you, without much difficulty.

        Maybe you can try blademail, while having enough ranged DPS instead of melee but squishy ones. So you stay upfront while your Sniper does his typical "ho ho ha ha" work. That's just on paper of course.


          allison urs so stupid go fuck urself


            ^4k trash


              Not the best patch for BB.

              I play him as offlane support item carrier. Works if your team isn't retarded

              Go arcane, mek, drums, pipe, crimson guard, bkb etc. Dont finish grieves till later in the game .


                heart of tarrasque is bad
                u might consider SnY and AC as good core items for BB; as far as i see u do not purchase them that often. mjollnir and abyssal are sometimes optimal, but not always. recently i saw a lot of bb players going for early guardian greaves, which works well sometimes.


                  ^ GGWP to whoever saying 4k trash, from someone who's still 3.8k.


                    there is actually so much kappa here that its kind of next lvl kappa. keepo?

                    Dire Wolf

                      Your items are bad. Radiance is so greedy, bb has a lot of impact early so don't go that route. And don't rush heart, it's not that great. I would try going treads, basilius, vanguard, then maybe octarine core. Or for right click go basher then AC or s&y. Halberd's a good pickup vs teams you need to disarm. Octarine is sweet cus the cd reduction plus mana regen lets you keep full 7 stacks up. You don't need to build dmg items on bb, just attack speed when you have 7 stacks.

                      And your build is bad too, 1 point in goo until bristleback is maxed. You might even want to pick up more points in bristleback sooner over goo or even quills. Nothing wrong with a 0/2/3/1 build at 6 if you need it to survive offlane and get more cs and xp. I usually go 0/3/2/1 then max quills, then a point in goo, then max bristleback.


                        @dire wolf
                        id say the point of not getting dmg items is kind of questionable. we havent seen it on this TI, but in the last half a year BB was a common pos. 1, mostly in european dota, and ppl usually went for stuff like abyssal/ac/mkb or abyssal/mjollnir/mkb on him. it works quite well against certain laneups.

                        Epic Sax Guy

                          Not the best patch for Bristle right now, but he does well in the offlane. As soon as he hits level 6 he can dive and chase squishy heroes at will.

                          Your item choices aren't the best however. There's no reason to go full crimson guard versus an enemy team with a lot of magical nukes. Heart is also a bad choice as Bristle doesn't really need additional tankiness, consider it a 7th item at best. Radiance is NEVER worth it.

                          So just start out with a vanguard and leave it like that until at least mid game. My build is generally to not go Power treads but arcanes who can later be disassembled toward building an Octarine core which is a ridiculous item on Bristle (CDs and heal from quills). Depending on the team's team fight or pushing capability I'd also get AC.


                            Um I noticed that you're not a big fan of the famous core item BKB, resulting in you getting kited so much.