General Discussion

General DiscussionI looked at heros I struggling vs lately

I looked at heros I struggling vs lately in General Discussion

    And it says legion commander good vs almost all of them maybe I should practice her.


      Go ahead. Another rightclick hero, nothing difficult.

      Filthy First attempt at playing lc a fail, I have been tilting pretty hard this week tho so maybe different outcome if not tilting so hard


          looking at ur itembuild past blink dagger its pretty clear why you lost


            What item after blink should I have made?


              bmail bkb
              you activate blademail as u duel and it makes it so much easier

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              Miku Plays

                dont frget u can use press the attack before blinking in for bonus atk spd

                Miku Plays

                  and ur skill build sucks, one point in MoC is enough for lc to survive jungle


                    I wasn't jungle btw I was offlane and I was being hyper aggressive in lane vs am so I was liking the extra moc procs when attacking him , I wasn't having trouble killing my duel target problem was at end during teamfights I was only able to kill one of the carries then die and rest of team then died . I think a bkb actaully woulda been the way to go honestly . I started out 9-1 , we lost one teamfight and we couldn't beat thier five man after that I screwed up on the lost teamfight , I don't play legion much , I dunno if I even want to practice her yet just find the instant lockdown of duel nice vs high mobility heros like am .


                      Btw u have plus shouldn't u be able to see it says offlane next to my name ?

                      Miku Plays

                        i didnt examine everything, but moc procs 25% on all lvls

                        Dire Wolf

                          jugger's build sucks too. battlefury and still maxed blade fury, makes no sense. blade fury is he's laned with cm is the way to go, but why build a right click farming item then?


                            I dunno jug failed the game pretty much he had 1-2 supports in lane anyways I obvsiouly not good enough at lc to carry a team so I was hoping if I took out am and dominated early game was our best shot , was my first game trying her for real I'll prolly play tonight still not sure if I am even gonna start playing lc .


                              you never want to scale more than 1 level of MoC until lvl 12. Overwhelming odds is LC's best skill.


                                Buy as many aura items as possible. Mek and Guardian Greaves is a good start, then continue with Drums, Vlads, Pipe etc...

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                                  Just pick bs and slay them all.


                                    threads -> basilius -> blink -> deso -> BM -> BKB -> anything

                                    with desolator u can solo pickoff any heroes.