General Discussion

General DiscussionI just hit my peak MMR and I REALLY want to maintain it

I just hit my peak MMR and I REALLY want to maintain it in General Discussion
dei carry

    Ok so I started Dota 2 in November and I was new to MOBA games (I sucked at LoL) and I became addicted and played it non stop till i thought i was OK and i started ranked lvl 50 but calibrated 1.3k (I knew I sucked then but c'mon) and I realized it counts ALL your matches not just calibration matches (whatever) fast forward to now 50 levels later i just hit 1.8k MMR and I would say I'm better than that but I don't want to make a smurf and whenever I hit a peak MMR like this I just start losing rapidly so now I'm paranoid to play ranked. I think I should spam omni again cause that won me 10 matches in a row but Storm Spirit is my new ez MMR hero (or Slasher's way: Silencer) and I just want to know A guaranteed way to not drop below 1.8k (I'm literally sitting exactly at 1800) or I will cry if I do

    P.S. I take all pride in my name

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    Riguma Borusu

      I got calibrated @1.3 too, a long time ago, since I sucked. Haven't played ranked for 6 months. Lately I am back to ranked, and have only lost 4 out of last 20 matches, because those people are much worse, since they're as bad as I were 6 months ago, so I am steadily climbing.

      Just play well, and play the role your team needs, be smart with picking and try to rely on yourself as much as possible. Learn to gauge the situation in order not to feed most of the time, learn when it's a good time to farm, appropriate your build to the game, etc... Basically the advice is just - play better and rise.

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        Just learn to farm and you will be 4k easy.


          got calibrated at 1.5k last year. and now at 3.4k


            1.5k exists? What happens down there? Is it gg when Roshan is killed?

            dei carry

              @ZeroRemorse_ something like that

              Riguma Borusu

                Nope, when they kill roshan, they go farm their jungle, and since there are 4-5 core teams it means farm thirst. Yes. That's what happens. Few plays put an aegis to good use, so Roshan is often pretty much irrelevant.


                  Play better on pub
                  Always play better until your skill high or very high skill
                  high 2k<x<3k
                  very high x>3k
                  Play ranked
                  Pick meta hero, ask mid
                  Ez mid, Ez game, Ez life


                    Learn mechanics, i hit 4k only being a better farmer than my oponents, farm patterns and knowing how to micro summons/illusions.
                    And if a scrub like me can, you too man ;)


                      ^ he is true you know. just being a better farmer can up your mmr up to 4k or more.


                        600 consistent GPM everymatch on core heroes is usually 80% win

                        Livin' Real Good

                          went from 2.0 to 3.1 in a month, but now i'm 3.6K, Could of been 4K if i spammed slark or brewmaster, or someone, but now adays i just play pubs to practice heroes cause i feel like i don't deserve 4K just yet, I want to be able to play ALL heroes at 4K level if ya get what i mean.