General Discussion

General DiscussionUS east players

US east players in General Discussion

    feel free to add me i'm now a US resident

    except you, sampson

    Livin' Real Good

      EG got nigga's moving to America now. Kappa


        dem br niggas


          ez +1000 mmr


            I'd add you, but I'm on tilt and will play even more sporadically than before because of boring RL issues.


              I'd add you, but since my moving to US my internet is bad as shit, so I quit playing dota until I figure something out with that...

              King of Low Prio



                  Come on, have you seen any LIMITED traffic Internet plans since ~2005? I'm freaking using it now

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    i'm not gonna play much as well

                    gotta STUDY right guys


                      it's hard to study in high school when the information is pounded into your head twenty times per class

                      Bang Energy Thot

                        Sure but I'm looking for 1v1 partners

                        Giff me Wingman

                          except sampson lol

                          lm ao

                            I love sampson I scammed ez immortals from him


                              hey sano, noticed any differences in the gameplay here? more aggressive, passive? players more toxic, nicer?


                                I've only noticed 680 ms ping so far.