General Discussion

General Discussionfree party MMR

free party MMR in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So yeah, i tend to play like a fucking retard as soon as i stack, but now i thought i might as well just go grind some party mmr for once, so basicially i look for a couple of people to stack with. Here are the req:

    - 4k+-2k party MMR
    - if > 4k don't be completely useless. I wanna grind fast.
    - if < 4k then i don't give a shit how bad u are, for all i care u can be walking deadmeat, won't really change the amount of time used to win a match to much.
    - preferbly some sort of microphone.
    - A fuckton of time, i tend to play at stupid times
    - Playing on EU Serverinos, if you are < 4k mmr u can be from SEA for all i care.

    if u want the party mmr, add me.

    Klick on muh profile -> klick on dat steam ID over friends this month -> login on steamcommunity page -> add friend....


    ez 10 matches
    +251 pts.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    lm ao

      Im from SEA

      lm ao

        I am a walking deadmeat IRL

        Giff me Wingman

          zambie confirmed?


            let's go grills and boys, 2k sheit, add me

            lm ao

              lm ao

                Bail me out living man


                  Giff me Wingman


                    saving private RTZ

                      You promised me this like 2 weeks ago, when you gonna invite Me. And try not fucking evening cuz i go out. Invite Me afternoon or in the morning

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                      < blank >

                        So I get free mmr, nice
                        No losses allowed!


                          Blunt, where the fuck is my free mmr you Danish fuck?

                          Giff me Wingman

                            u are 2 heavy :troll:


                              road to free -pts this weekend

                              Giff me Wingman

                                FREE PARTY MMR, DAVAI.

                                apparently i need people who are online in the morning and are not in low prio (ALLU LOWPRIOBOYYYYYYY :yolo:)


                                  ill be online today since something like 16-17 CET and tmrrw all day long, i guess. but i wake up kinda late on weekends normally.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    if i would stack with triple only i would make him 7k +party mmr. The thought alone makes me shit my pants, his 5man stacks are then really fucked.



                                      so far we lost ~200 pts together :D (brilliant 15-20% winrate)
                                      going into the opposite direction than supposed

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        well yeah, 5man stack is harder to carry than 2man stack.


                                          add me, but promise me you arent a waeboo


                                            I'd like too see Tripple and Blunt trying to carry each other, that would make my life complete xD

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              blunt gave me about -25 mmr

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                memo to myself:
                                                try not to play doto from work. Shitty connection and 90% afk.


                                                  Gimme that free party mmr D:


                                                    why to ppl even care about party mmr anyways


                                                      road to party mmr leaderboards??

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        3 games, 3 wins, ez +75 pts.

                                                        ITS STARTING BOYS!

                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          THE MAGIC ENDS HERE.


                                                            Blunt winning party games, wtf happened to the world? :O

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              indeed, something doesn't seem right.

                                                              inst:  MissMissclick

                                                                lets do it. i have no party mmr

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  Ima prolly gonna play in around 1H, so feel free to invite me then boys.

                                                                  MAX 3 man stack, keep that in mind fgts


                                                                    I want some free mmr boy, i want it baaaaaaaaaad!!!

                                                                    lm ao



                                                                        MAX 3 man stack, keep that in mind fgts
                                                                        gtfo then

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          u are heavy on ur own, no need to get sumo team BibleThump


                                                                            "u are heavy on ur own"

                                                                            Exactly my thoughts too. How much harder can you get carried as the highest mmr player on your team :D


                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              4/4 wins. ez 101 pts. Suck my dick


                                                                                besides the fact that i was playing poorly and it was pos4, im not the highest mmr there



                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    good for you, my partymates were so heavy to carry fk, I mean who ever picks Oracle ranked? unless you were DD and DD is such a R-word


                                                                                      a Rigga?


                                                                                        i never seen dd playing oracle after the nerf, it barely makes any sense now. its one of the weakest heroes.


                                                                                          @1234 hes not even the highest mmr player, most of us have higher solo mmr than he has party mmr :crazy:


                                                                                            triplesteal- best boosting service! 800 mmr in 2 months!!! best prices! would recommend 8/8 m8.


                                                                                              @defiant....this guy cant even carry 2k mmr players...

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                with bloodseeker.....







