General Discussion

General Discussionback to main we go, cya guys [ACC FOR SALE 4Head]

back to main we go, cya guys [ACC FOR SALE 4Head] in General Discussion
Óðinn H




        are u actually going to sell it? how much does a 6k acc cost approx?


          about $200 i think. i sold a 6,7k for $300 so yeah it cant be higher than that

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            Yes plz sell ur 6k account to some 3k trash that thinks he should be 6k so he can drop the account back to under 4k.

            Seems like easy $$$ for me.


              that was a fast climb, congratz


                if its really $200 then its not that much for the amount of time you need to get to 6k lol

                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                    yeah but even so if you buy a 5k acc and boost it to 6k it takes you a considerable amount of time
                    obviously people do it for funzies as well but for purely monetary purposes it sucks


                      it doesn't take long to boost from 5 to 6k if you're trying, the only problem is if you tilt cause everybody is so fucking bad.

                      im not selling shit anyway it was a joke

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                          i used 6 days to go from 5,1k to 6k on smurf
                          u dont need an abusive hero to climb mmr "in a few days if u play all day", it's rather a matter of what u orginially play.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          Miku Plays

                            Selling 3k account kappa



                              except many people can do this in 3rd world countries where that $300 is much more than you think it is. like a lot more than you think it is EleGiggle.


                                Nice fuckin climb dude, grats. What's mmr do you have on your main that you climbed with that winrate?


                                  i'm from a 3rd world country lol

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    It's as DD said, if you are a 5k player u can get 6k rather ez by simply spamming meta heroes.



                                      sign my tits please :O


                                        That's not what I said weaaboo, anyway I'm 6,3k on main after today.

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                                          killll yourself you low life fu*kFace


                                            stop selling accounts to fucking braindead monkeys

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Is 6k seriously worth 200 dollars right now? It's not even hard to get 6k anymore, even top 200 has less and less 6k players every day.


                                                ^ depends on how many hours games etc the account has. like an acc with esports profile and like 3k games @ 6k mmr can go for $300-$350, wihle a smurf like dd's $175-$200. im sure u couold sell for it for even more on epicnpc, theres always gonna be that 1 guy who gives no fucks about money and just wants to play dota at 6k 4Head

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                                                plz do

                                                  nice way to earn money