General Discussion

General DiscussionAbusing meta to get 'High skill' bracket.

Abusing meta to get 'High skill' bracket. in General Discussion

    Come at me h8ers.


      Wow. Your girlfriend still bad ass ugly, same for you. And according to your posts here, you are dumb like a brick. And since she is with you, she must be dumb like a brick, too. Your children will have a bright future.

      Livin' Real Good

        That's unnecessary. ^

        But screw you. O_O


          Analoli, is just an angry fat jealous Russian lol.


            lmao who cares 'bout high skill



                Fukin rat the game and win


                  in australia u play with kangaroos ?


                    In Australia, Kangaroos play with you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                    plz do

                      grats, ur the peak of existence and evolution.


                        Yeah, im for sure the fat guy in the trainingsuit on this picture. Rofl. Thats why i called you dumb like a rock. And your girlfriend is ugly, get over it.

                        Ppl throwing tomatos at her on the street, cuz she so fucking ugly.


                          You sounds salty and jealous bro, I'm past the age where insults like that on the internet have any effect angry nerd


                            For sure. And now put your little dick back in your fatass ugly bitch and stop annoying me with your bullshit. Thx god you fuck her. At least someone has to do it. But the real deal is that you even post a picture of this baddass ugly bitch. I would cut my dick before I put it in her. But at least you are not the first one, her (and also your?) daddy did the defloration for you.

                            In my words:

                            "HIGH SKILL" does not even exist in this forum. Everything below 4k is non existent. And for most players here everything below 5k is utter trash. So pls, stop posting your bullshit here (and force us to see your fat ass ugly girlfriend. I swear I nearly became a stone, it was like looking in medusas face).

                            In your shitrating there is no meta. There is just headless chickens running arround and autoattcking creeps. Now and then autoattacking a hero.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              You are one angry loser lol!


                                Whats with the flaming




                                    ^ Anatoli has autism and wants to get attention from pretty much everyone just like Blunt, best thing to do is mute and report them so u can dodge them in further games!


                                      It's embarrassing for him. He obviously has some serious self-esteem issues and personal issues, blatantly obvious.

                                        Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                          **To ZeroRemorse, Match 1777027600, go to dota > watch > recent games > filter > Match ID [1777027600]

                                          Miku Plays
                                            Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                            Chocolate Sailor

                                              I'm not sure I understand. Someone is doing what everyone else is doing and taking advantage of an imbalanced meta and everyone resorts to childish name-calling?


                                                Everyone? Looks just like Anatoli having a bipolar rant, poor kid.


                                                  Woah, this escalated quickly.. Anatoli what is with your strange obsession with this dude's girlfriend?? He's certainly not the first person to have a profile picture with his gf, and in comparison to what the majority of other guys on dotabuff are workin with (grenades and pretend anime gfs) she probably qualifies as decent..

                                                  You're salty as fuck brahh, go get laid.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    @ZeroRemorse - You told the haters to come at you, and they did.. they did come @ you m8


                                                      I'm just saying, I have no respect for people who abuse imba heroes. I'm the last person who will give sympathy to someone who drops 1k mmr and it's because they abused a ptch but never got good at dota. Those posts help me to sleep well at night in fact.

                                                      I don't however give a shit about picking meta heroes, just abusing them. Like lesh is just a fun hero even before the patch. his abilities are cool.

                                                      That said, this meta is not even that imba. Like picking troll (before ww existed), sniper and jugg last patches you could abuse even at vhs and basically boost mmr just by picking them. In comparison Blyatcyka is a bit op but it's still counterable, way more than the past meta.

                                                      Go ahead and try to "abuse" this meta but I don't think you can even at normal skill.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        por que no juegas contra mi team por unos arcanitos


                                                          @JungleMonkey, I go up from 3200 - 4k regular through abusing meta. I usually get around 3800 then get bored and random and drop back down.. Lesh and BS are so powerful at the moment.


                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              'abusing to get high skill'

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                What the fuck happened to this thread wtf? The fuck did you do Salza?

                                                                Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                                  wtf? I was hoping a good read here but I guess its not.


                                                                    1. You do not go up between 3.2 and 4k.

                                                                    Under 3.2k= Normal Skill
                                                                    3.2k-3.8k = High Skill
                                                                    3.8k and above= Very high

                                                                    (pretty much like this)

                                                                    Nearly all your games are in "Normal" Skill. Only a few high, I did not see 1 very high game. So you hover below 3.2k and manage to hit 3.2k for 1 or 2 games.

                                                                    2. What is a metagame?

                                                                    There is only a little tiny piece of the game THAT could be called METAGAME overall.

                                                                    There is a metagame in the proscene for example.

                                                                    They run Gyro on a regular basis, while Gyros Winrate is quite underwhelming compared to lets say omniknight (who is no 1 in Winrate) or Abadon (No 2) for pubs; both are close to no option in pro games. Storm even sits on 49% winrate, while beeing first phase banmaterial. Bloodseeker for example performs pretty well in lower skill ratings, but has a harder time in higher skill games?

                                                                    Why is that?

                                                                    You can't lane him proper. He is jack of all trades but master of none. He has quite okay laning, but can't rly nuke and has 0 runecontrol (disqualified mid). He has no escape and little opportunities to punish a proper safelane (disqualified offlane). He is ok as a semi carry, but once HP pools grow his passive steriodspell does not rly kick in and the active one makes you squishy (no good carry). He is a farming jungler, and that does not work in higher skill games:

                                                                    - You lose every other lane, because of your jungle.
                                                                    - You will get ganked or instant counterpicked (BH).

                                                                    So the only proper lanesetup is (for my opinion) duallofflane with some decent offlanesupport (Lich/UD); wich is still quite uncommon. For Bloodseeker you can just say:

                                                                    The higher skillcap ingame= Less effect of bs.

                                                                    Higher skill ingame= Closer to pro meta.

                                                                    In your skillrange= Completly different rules, since nobody can play doto. Why BS rocks there? Nobody invades jungle; nobody carries tps. Pretty much this.

                                                                    The small pieces of metagame that apply to the current patch from prodota to normal skill sc*m sh*t like you is for example LESHRAC.

                                                                    So what part of METAGAME do you ABUSE?

                                                                    3. What is ABUSING?

                                                                    Playing heros that are fav in a patch is and was always part of dota. Its quite hard for blizzard to balance 6 Heros in Diablo 3; for Blizzard its quite hard to balance 3 Races (in Broodwars it took a rly long time). Balancing dota the way that all 110 heroes are balanced is simply not possible.

                                                                    So picking while knowing wich heroes are favoured and wich are not is simply part of the game and not an ABUSE (aka MISSUSING) the meta. Its using the meta. The current meta favs like 20 Heroes, some of them more or less. Thats part of the game and no way abuse.

                                                                    4. Im not salty and not jelly, and I am not 12. The reason I hate on you so much is this:

                                                                    a) On topic aka dota

                                                                    With only 1 sentence you disqualified yourself as a dotaplayer and your general knowledge of the game so much, that it hurt my brain to read it. So much stuipidity hurts. " ABUSING META TO GET 'HIGH SKILL' BRACKET. Come at me h8ters".

                                                                    aa) There is no overall meta.

                                                                    bb) You make your way with BS through normal, where nobody carries a tp. Arround 4k you will stop, so you use normal skill meta.

                                                                    cc) Use =/= Abise

                                                                    dd) You state making it into "high" as something special, while high is the special olympics of dota.

                                                                    Dotabuffforum started as something elitist. Ppl who cared about stats, while no data at all was available. No MMR etc. Now this forum became a place where sh*theads like you, who have no idea about the game I like and you seem to "play" post their random shit.

                                                                    Every 2. thread is:

                                                                    - "How much mmr will i get?"
                                                                    - "Why are my teammates so stuipid?"
                                                                    - "Look how hard I stomped this pubgame(s) (@Hanter and you)."
                                                                    - "Why don't I built Dagon on Spectre?" (some stuipid as* Itemsuggestion from a stuipid a*s normal player, who has so many things to work on)"

                                                                    b) Personally

                                                                    You seem bad ass dumb like a brick. First, you displayed absolutly no knowledge about dota. And you have a picture of you and your maximum u*ly girlfriend as your steampic.
                                                                    We play dota. Dotaplayers are mean and rude and you give them the max opportunity to hate on your u*ly sl*t. Why would someone do that? I mean, you reaceted to the insults? If you show your sl*t, play it cool and do not react. Since you did react, I can guess that you do it on a regular basis? Why would someone do this to himself? Answer: You are dumb.

                                                                    By showing your real face so many ppl you do not know, you show no interest in privacy (kind of a sign for a low education level and/or age). You look quite young on your pic, so maybe you think your sl*t is something special and you are madly in love:

                                                                    Statistics say: She is not.

                                                                    She will ride many other d*cks in her life after you and if you get unlucky (30%-40% get unlucky), she will cheat on you.

                                                                    You ignore this fact. Sooo:

                                                                    - You are young
                                                                    - You are stuipid
                                                                    - You have no clue how dota works AND you dont know it.

                                                                    Thats why I h*te you and wish you would die. And why did I write this long post?

                                                                    Cause I love insulting d*mb ppl.

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      "jack of no trades but master of all"
                                                                      u wot m8


                                                                        it's funny how much time people spend insulting other people over the internet just to prove them that they're smarter


                                                                          Yeah, I like smashing ppl verbally. In RL and Internet. Its fun.


                                                                            Anatoli I saw your picture in the other thread, and wow you are an average ugly dude lol. No wonder you're so angry.


                                                                              Can you guys just fuck and get it over with.


                                                                                lol i'd assume he was baiting but he's actually still in norm skill after almost 2000 games lmfao


                                                                                  Yeah for sure im the dude on the pick: Just type (in german):

                                                                                  "typisch russischer mann" (typical russian male)


                                                                                  "Holzrusse" (curseword for typical russian male)

                                                                                  And check the first 10 pictures.

                                                                                  You are so dumb man. It rly rly hurts. Suicide an option now?


                                                                                    im fine with this


                                                                                      Anatoli an ugly angry Russian, how cliche lol


                                                                                        im ugly angry russian, not anatoli

                                                                                        < blank >

                                                                                          Beauty comes from the inside


                                                                                            Hence we all know that this is not me...

                                                                                            Are you rly so dumb, that you can't see how much you suck in every aspect?



                                                                                                Beauty comes from the inside

                                                                                                Secret.InternalEnvy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                                  Why can mods delete my posts and fix my threads but not reply to my questions


                                                                                                    I saw your picture in the other thread anatoli, with your 1970's haircut and holocaust physique lol

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      I think this can be settled in a game of 1vs1

                                                                                                      ZeroRemorse vs Anatoli.

                                                                                                      Please post date and time, stream link pls.

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