General Discussion

General DiscussionTriplesteal u kid bro?

Triplesteal u kid bro? in General Discussion

    How old are you? Who the fuck cares if I feed currier in a game where Lina with 1500 mmr dies fb. like that? How can I play 1v3 + fb. advantage and with 250 ping with rubick and lina 3k supports and random carry Tiny? U kidding brah I guess. Game was over after 5 min. of playing ofc I m not going to waste my time in a unwinnable game.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Bogi is back.


        for me, thats enough that there exists such a possibility; and i dont want to play with feeders in party q.

        everyone had 250 ping, and the fact that lina was mentally ill was not the reason u performed poorly on offlane.

        waku waku

          ya i get it still not our fault you died in offlane though


            also, i think back in the days when i posted "LF partymates" thread, i mentioned that if for some personal reason u dont like me/i dont like you, we can just not play together w/o flaming each other, cz it happens rather often. ppl are different, and sometimes they just dont "fit" each other. it doesnt mean one of them is a bad person tho. just life things, you know.

            < blank >


              King of Low Prio

                u both are sheet


                  not as shit as NA dota is though

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    Lmao I got this Bogi guy in my team once and he was playing Phoenix, he fed the shit out of the enemy team.


                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    Giff me Wingman

                      backstory and link pls


                        ^it was not counted cz server crashed


                          TripleSteal- Alright this game was winnable and if I didn`t feed curriers we couldve won kappa

                          Giff me Wingman

                            Why wasn't it winnable? i mean lina can suck donkeycock and can still be carried?


                              No she can`t be. Because we have 4300 average team other team average 4900 and we have Tiny carry vs Lifestealer Ember of 5k+ players one was 5900 actually and it was 12-1 in 4 minutes

                              Giff me Wingman

                                You actually expected something different from triple stacks didn't you?


                                  i guess it was theorically winnable, cz these guys relaxed and gave up several stupid kills (ember, in particular), but thats not the point. idm losing - i play 4 fun, but i cant enjoy the games with feeders on any side.


                                    i guess u missed the fact that 0-4 (5?) out of 1-12 was BOGI's xD

                                    also actually the guy who played on tiny (afeect) was decent, so idk what that point of "5k+ pkayers" on ember/ls is supposed to prove. we had 5k+ players on tiny and leshrac.

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      i guess u missed the fact that i know what is going on in your stacks :rage:

                                      but if u had afeect in ur team dat means u might be right, he can probably carry ur sry asses


                                        stahp talking shit 'bout my stacks, they r mah homies, bitch, i aint no betrayer

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          ima sowy brah, i dun wan da h00d in muh crib.


                                            btw whats the gangsta word for betrayer in english? i tried to remember but my meory failed me.

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              idk double cross?

                                              bum farto

                                                "Snitch" could work.....


                                                  a snitch NI A thats the shit i dont like

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                      Well well triplesteal: Ahem, I am new to forum, few weeks old only and he is one of few ppl who is nice and helpful . Speaks decently and right on point and doesnt act noob or highish ^_^

                                                      Though i know he can be v rude in games if u play bad XDDD


                                                        well, thanks :d
                                                        im not rude in games tho, its one of my self-control rules - not to flame ppl even if i get mad. bogi's point is not related to me flaming him (cz i didnt), i think he just considers i overreacted. he might be true, though.


                                                          Bogi dude... how can you feed curiers in Tripple stack? How do you even have the heart to do it? dont you know everyone is trying their best to win every single game and you just ruin it like that? And remember. Every game can be won till your ancient is alive, so have some faith bro, i believe in you!

                                                          Btw - which fucken game are you even talking about? aFeect didnt play tony for like 18 days or sth :D


                                                            it smells like sarcasm :D
                                                            however, the point is that if some1 starts feeding, he basically makes a choice for his teammates, too. it is okay in solo q, i guess, cz u dont give a single shit on what ppl u get matched with think or feel; but i believe it is sort of disrespectful if u r playing party queue.

                                                            you cant see the game cz servers crashed and it was not counted.

                                                            قصص إختك

                                                              Did you forget to take your chill pill again, Bogi? :D


                                                                holy shit what a cancerous community.


                                                                  welcome to dota, and to dotabuff, too


                                                                    It sure wasnt sarcasm, i never joke Kappa

                                                                    "you cant see the game cz servers crashed and it was not counted."

                                                                    ROFL. Why the fuck are you raging then you special serbian rage boy? xD

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Well, looks like bogi id slowly returning to his old self.

                                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                        :). Someone lost with lesherac?


                                                                          me :d
                                                                          thanks god it wasnt counted and i still have 60% wr on this gay shit


                                                                            I have to be honest, like I usual am.

                                                                            I depict myself as a very impulsive and aggressive guy when i get disrespected, and that may get very nasty in real life.
                                                                            That being sad, I really respect Triplesteal for his self control and overall behavior in game.
                                                                            There's nothing better than being aware that you always have a chance to win, feel positive and just respect your team mates.

                                                                            I stack with people, good people. I stack with Triplesteal because I can have a good game no matter the outcome, I can most of all keep my nerves calm and my rage at bay.

                                                                            If you are unable to respect your friends or teammates (if you don't consider them friends while stacking for some odd reason) then you should not stack for the pure respect of everyone.

                                                                            I've been in stacks where couriers were fed, ppl got flamed and insulted etc.
                                                                            I wonder, what is even the point and do you think you can achieve an easier victory or a more pleasant game while your team mate is upset and bothered by your behavior?

                                                                            My suggestion to you, no matter how right you can be, when u feed on purpose you lose all the right you have.
                                                                            Try your best in that game, try to win for your team mates and keep a positive vibe, THEN, once the game is over, you can decide if you want to keep stacking with them you part your way.

                                                                            That is the most mature and respectful way to do things, but then again, who am I to tell you what to do, I suppose everyone is free to decide its own actions and thus have more people to stack with or less.

                                                                            Just my 2 cents, don't mind me too much

                                                                            plz do

                                                                              the only problem w triple stacks is the bad match ups. the stack has usually a (imo inflated) huge mmr range while the opponents have lower mmr range. hence, triple stack usually relies on individual skill and individual playmakers, which often goes bad.

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                                                                                  wtgf u high yoshi?

                                                                                  triple is like the most cancerous guy I've met

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                      @Black ' alive


                                                                                        DD confirmed Black and Alive :D


                                                                                          an hytt his monster guy ssure is on somethning, im nto fucking alblakc u fuckin monstrersdog


                                                                                            every fucknig game stripeleshit flames the shit otu of the stack weven tho he know we fuckin 1k mmr sub him going iint oteh fucki mdamn ggame jesus christ instrapoert hoenstlyh


                                                                                              You better work on your spelling son, I'd be more worried about that.

                                                                                              You are either way being sarcastic or we are probably not playing with the same Triplestool

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                                  Gotta side with triple dick on this one


                                                                                                    yai m palying w ith TRIPLESTEAL nto TRIPLESTOOl my firend

                                                                                                    Hide The Pain - Herald

                                                                                                      Triplesteal is the man, anyone who thinks otherwise can challenge me to a round of mortal kombat aka (nude mud wrestling)