General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am i in "very high skill"?

Why am i in "very high skill"? in General Discussion

    I'm still kinda a new player,playing on and off during times when the current mmo i'm playing is getting dull
    it's very frustrating at these levels as players there tend to keep talking about how good their 5k mmr is and how bad i am, i'm just playing normals to have some casual fun and they kept insist on tryharding in normals when there's a place to do that
    how do i go back to normal and high skill games where it's actually fun and casual?

    Giff me Wingman

      new player, almost 70% winrate on meepo.



        new is relative. your mothers weight is low compared to a neutronstar, but it still makes earths Orbit elliptical.




            but i'm not a rapper


              er i did have experience i macroing in starcraft back in the days
              back to main topic?
              is the only way to get back to normal skill is by not getting wards /detection/smoke/tp for the team, i find i lose matches very quickly when i do this


                you can just create a new account if it is such a huge problem for you
                or play party games with those ppl u know

                haru yo koi

                  Pick heroes like treant protector instead of bloodsucker haha

                  Hottie From PH

                    Flame, bait post.

                    lm ao

                      Bait so fuck off

                      < blank >

                        Slark is that you? We won't take the b8 m8


                          this is a game from 2013, so i don't think you are a new player at all. I think it's just a old account reactivated. Sry if this is wrong dude, but its the internet, never trust anyone. ;)

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            already said i played on and off
                            getting pissed at valve matchmaking,why do ppl tryhard in normals and not ranked?
                            why can i have casual fun at normals?


                              creating a new account should work for you since u seem no to care about ranked and as long as cosmetics arent a problem you shouuld be fine.


                                i'm just puzzled why would anyone like to play in the higher skill bracket
                                very high skill bracket is so toxic that every player out there is raging in chat at every mistake you make,screaming support wards etc
                                i don't get those in normal skill or high skill,everyone is just sort of doing their own thing and having fun
                                what happened?

                                Swap Commends

                                  just feed like 10-20 games untill you drop to high skill or normal skill by feed i meant to say go feed couriers have score of 0/20/0,so when you start having bad KDA you will be matched with lower players which means high or normal skill

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    mute everyone


                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      You said everyone is raging? Dude even in 1K MMR there's people saying " You WORST EARTHSHAKER EVERRRR " the moment you misplace 1 measly stun, it's not exclusive to very high skill.

                                      You said you only play for fun as a casual, but I don't believe you or feel sorry for you, that blood Seeker spam is gross.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      Hide The Pain - Herald

                                        Spams Blood seeker and blames others for being tryhard in normals.

                                        the struggle is real


                                          how much mmr u get ????


                                            only plays bloodseeker and meepo, thats not tryhard? attention w*hore


                                              you play for fun with spaming 2 heroes? WHERE IS THE FUCKING FUN IN THIS?

                                              aids confirmed

                                                gusy guys guys
                                                how to get 4 k mmr ?

                                                aids confirmed

                                                  tell me whats ur mmr ?


                                                    Smurf Account. As the old adage goes:

                                                    "Don't feed the trolls."