General Discussion

General DiscussionBet 88value secured.

Bet 88value secured. in General Discussion

    You can take boy from the troll, but you can never get troll ouf of a boy xD


      forum is lagging


        I'd not bet on this map if I wasn't retarded, anyway I might win rares ====)

        waku waku

          i blame dd-sama for this lost bet if you didn't fuck up i'd won and this time i wouldn't ever bet again for sure i swear


            welp I wouldn't bet at this series at all if I mistake the teams ಠ_ಠ

            waku waku

              you suck i'm gonna get to 5k mmr and get in games with you and pick pudge

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Sons of taht shitty 1$ worth clockwerk set I bet 1 week ago
                I also took ~30$ back to my inventory cz I won some items I actually wanted

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  okay images still not working


                    Today I saw an invite coming from someone with same nickname as yours, but the profile pic was displayed as none. Was it you? I was in game at that moment and remembered about it later, but it was cancelled.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      The new coL is next level trash, losing to Root like wtf?

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        VS more GPM than swindle Sniper 4Head


                          i feel bad for empire, it was objectively the right bet from me, but they still lost, meh.


                            was that batider mid with drow safelane?


                              ah well it is elimination mode, it explains everything. it looks pretty curious so far.


                                Good thing I didn't bet big on Col, just few bucks.

                                I thought that Empire's gonna win, lol

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Empire looked really bad, even with Resolution returning. A new patch is needed because only a few teams are doing well in this one.


                                    Easy 2 bets. Thanks Empire and coL for the rares


                                      Man, I missed batrider on a pro scene.


                                        Show what you won

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          I wanna go yolo on C9 actually, with my 1 dollar 4Head


                                            it feels like empire doesnt know well what to do with this meta, but in the 2nd game they picked their heroes and seemed very, very solid.



                                              Not much though.

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                Sam, you think DarkHorse is gonna handle it? Root look more confident so far.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  C9 isn't the dark horse here, Root isn't a good team, coL is simply that bad. C9 is the best NA team after EG right now I think. But NA doto, so anything can happen.


                                                    I might be wrong, but the old c9 roster was dismissed. The new one is former DarkHorse team.

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      What? Did these 5 players have a team before? Weird. Anyway, I think C9 is a level above Root.


                                                        Yeah, they used to play on a pro level and now jumped up to star. We'll see how this goes.


                                                          Ehome vs DK?


                                                            ehome for sure.


                                                              DK used to be good before losing some good players. Now I doubt they can achieve something unless they trade their souls to the Satan.


                                                                35$ on ehome, goodnight boys

                                                                hopefully i'll wake up in new bugatis


                                                                  izi bugatis on c9 and ehome :)

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    fuck i forgot to bet on Root

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      My bugatti mafia mlg bet lords I plead to you all to reveal me who the fuck to bet I have no idea how this chingchong shitstains play Doto


                                                                        Go on TongFu if they 2-0 FTD. They seem pretty solid to me.

                                                                        Bugati bringers are Monkey vs CIS. Medium on CIS.

                                                                        4cl vs alliance, go yolo nl alliance

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          LGD vs DUOBAO the latter seems promising

                                                                          Or I'm just a fucking c*nt


                                                                            SURE BET LATER TODAY

                                                                            4CL VS ALLIANCE, FREE RARES IF YOU BET FOR 4CL


                                                                              NVM, that shit is ELIMINATION MODE, anything can happen


                                                                                i bet on [A] quite a lot, but the real mess is CIS vs Monkey, the current odds are just ridiculous
                                                                                ah, also thanks newbee fangays (although d2l laggs and bugattis havent arrived yet)


                                                                                  monkey has been raping everyone though. But yeah, i think 60/40 seems more reasonable! thing is, who would rather bet on russians? xD. Personally, I would risk it with notail fly combo even if they have have that retarded noob moon.


                                                                                    i dont like notail on core, and i watched all the last games by Monkey and they dont seem solid; they are a bunch of good players rather than an actual team.
                                                                                    also CIS seems rly strong to me.


                                                                                      i wouldnt risk my pa arcana until i saw them play first though :p


                                                                                        I like how people keep betting on Newbee regardless of their roster changes and performance in general.


                                                                                          I'm betting $30 on CIS vs Monkey. Monkey is basically Miracle- +4 imo. Never seen a game Notail play up to good standards.


                                                                                            I think CIS playstyle counters Monkey being Miracle-+4 aswell. We'll see.


                                                                                              If dotalounge lets me bet that is ;*


                                                                                                Cis are not as good as they used to be too, but whatever.
                                                                                                1) First game goes for CIS
                                                                                                2) Second - for monkeys
                                                                                                3) It will take at least 4 games to define the winner, monkeys will make a fb on 4th
                                                                                                4) And I'm betting on CIS winning this whole thing.
                                                                                                Thats gonna be interesting.


                                                                                                  alright 50value reward on CIS


                                                                                                    84 reward on CIS
                                                                                                    btw whats wrong with Alliance vs 4CL game
                                                                                                    i saw fb by A and then everything started from the start again wtf