General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayed 200 games purely as a Support, what should i do next ?

Played 200 games purely as a Support, what should i do next ? in General Discussion

    Before i start, i must say this is not a smurf account. I just started playing dota 2 for real from June this year. I know 200 games is REALLLYYY small compared to the average match. However, i'm a casual player who play dota 2 only when i feel like it (or when my connection can handle it, Jul - Aug is really hard ... ). You can check the calender on my profile and you'll see many hole on it D:

    Well, now that's settled. This month i just hit 200 games and i want some advice from you guys. Until now, i purely just played support role. I did this because i read on the internet that's a good starting point if you want to play dota. And now, i think i have reached a good point to evaluate myself. Should i try to pick other role such as carry, because versatility is important right ? Or should i just stick with the support role for now ?

    I think if i try carry role, my LH, XPM, GPM, and so on might improve because until now i'm busy doing support role. On the other hand, if i stick with support role, maybe i can further improve my skill such as map awareness, ward placement, etc that support usually do.

    Anyway, what do you guys think ?

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      People usually tell newbies to start with support so they can learn the very basics and won't ruin the game by picking cores.
      Based on your profile, I'd say you've got some impressive winrate and stats, and personally I don't see why wouln't you try some core roles as long as you know how to play them.

      just a sloth

        Although hero versatility is important for any role. I genuinely think that spamming one hero until you become comfortable with it is the best way to transition into a role that you are new at. Focusing on one hero allows you to get into many different situations with the role (trying different item builds, analyzing different matchups, skill builds, play style, laning, late game decision making, etc.). Also you get to focus more on the role rather than the hero (since youre playing 1 or 2 at a time), general mistakes are easier to pinpoint since you factor hero pick.

        Any who, you should definitely try all roles eventually (cause its fun, you learn more about supporting if you've been in a carry's shoes)
        try to pick self sustaining carries if you're gonna play safe ane though, playing anti-mage, spectre without dedicated support can be impossible if against a decent offlane.

        watching pro players/guides is the easiest way to pick up a hero, role



          Sounds good. Any recommendation about what carry heroes i should pick ? I think BS is quite easy because he's quite independent.

          average kebab enjoyer

            Aloha, OP why do you think BS is independant? Because of the solo-pick-off power that he has if the enemys are low HP? He can farm jungles quite nicely and go for mentioned pick-offs, but he is in no way a 'true' carry, like AM or Spectre. Imho BS is more of a tempo-controller, such as p.e. QoP. You can dictate the early-/mid game phase due to being strong at that point in the game, but you're going to fall off hard if you're not able to snowball. Anyways, since you asked for some picks : Gyrocopter (strong early nukes, decent teamfight abilities and a very awesome farming skill) Spectre (for obvious reasons. If you should pick it and are getting coutered by the opponents, just go for a early game build - no Radiance rush etc. Get items like Drums, Aquila maybe Vanguard and you can fight early on, without needing your team to create space to farm up. Just use your ult to get into fights and help your team when the enemy tries to 5-man your towers) Juggernaut (is not a FotM anymore, but still a very strong carry due to his ulti and his obscene crits - again, if your under pressue go for items that allow you to fight early) that would be some easy to learn 'Hard Carries' imho which should send you on your way to win games without being the one buying the Wards =) GL & HF


              I think bloodseeker is a good starting point anyway
              When I first played DOTA I spammed CM and Bloodseeker and it turned out okay


                Support me next BibleThump


                  I never considered juggernaut a hard carry I always considered him as carry just not a hard carry


                    Look at me! I'm your future, if you keep playing supports! =)


                      If you have decent map awareness Sniper is also kind of easy, but also not very "meta" right now.


                        i think BS is a bad place to start if you want to learn different roles - firstly, he is kind of broken so you will learn a lot of bad habits. secondly, he needs game awareness and farm.

                        i think you'd actually be best off getting a simple carry like spectre and focus on improving your last hitting and surviving in lane.


                          also, bloodseeker will be nerfed in a few days time!

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