General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the best players are sometimes are not fit to be good coaches?

Why the best players are sometimes are not fit to be good coaches? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Does it take a different mentality? Does mindset comes into play? ego? selfishness? patience?

    What are your thoughts on this?

    And why is it, generally speaking, you want the best players as your coaches?

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      for similar reasons that the best researchers/scientists aren't always the best teachers


        ability to teach other people barely has anything to do with actual knowledge in the given field


          for similar reasons that the best athletes aren't always the best coaches

          coaching requires good people communication skills.

          Riguma Borusu

            Playing is tied to your mechanical ability and also the ability to make quick decisions. A coach does not need to do this, instead, a coach needs to know how to teach you to get better and practice.

            Most good players do not even know why they're good - they do not analyze what they do so deeply, nor are they really aware how and why they got better.

            Bruce Almighty (smurf)

              @sven +1

              Merve Dibo & the Podracin...

                A coach needs to walk the fine line of making his/her (girls play DOTA too) disciple always want to get better while not infuriating them. For instance, players like Purge might be supremely helpful coaches, as they can analyze what went wrong and explain it back to you, making you realize your mistake while at the same time not suggesting that your utter trash. However, I dread anyone who might a Singsing-esque player as their coach; while Singsing players might be individually of higher skill than Purge players, all they do is flame and make you think that you're not even a 2k skrub. Just watch a Singsing video to get the point there.

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                  lm ao

                    For similar reasons why your mothers can't be your first one night stands