General Discussion

General DiscussionDear King Dave

Dear King Dave in General Discussion

    You're a fucking world class retard.

    First you start off picking AM while I made clear I was going to pick him and carry bot.
    Then because of your retarded shit everyone went ham and all picked cores. I wasn't being too much of a dick about it so I picked Rubick and solo supported all game. Then the retardedness happened
    Not even skilling spell shield against a necrophos but you are going heart for some dumb ass reason.
    You and jug get picked off all the time then blame it on the vision while it was obvious that they were 5 man and trying to push while you just farm as some dumb shit way out.

    When I started telling you two about how terrible you are and what you should do you two pretty much gave me the finger and kept blaming me for solo supporting and not have wards OVER THE WHOLE FUCKING MAP.

    #1 retard, mute and dodge this player is my tip for everyone.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Giff me Wingman

      I doubt that fuck is readin forums.

      Also, since when did u go ventmode? Dx

      lm ao

        Nice b8 m8


          I don't care he isnt reading this forum, I want everyone to dodge this fuck #helpingthecommunity

          Giff me Wingman

            U should know by now that around 90% are as bad or worse than him #suckitup

            < blank >

              Don't pick Rubick to "save" those monkeys. Get something that makes fun to play, Pudge? When the fun comes your mmr will raise again. Prosciutto?


                How can you trash talk about people when you have a lower than 50% winrate?

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  ^Why would you necro a thread like this?


                    was linked to it. thought it was funny. didn't read the times.