General Discussion

General Discussionafter 200 games as bloodseeker i think Skadi and manta is the way to go

after 200 games as bloodseeker i think Skadi and manta is the way to go in General Discussion

    I believe these 2 items are much better than the normal Sarnge and Yasha build, because the slow is better, you're more tank and you have 170 base damage with the 2

    the realm's delight



        cool story


          Every time BS is picked a child dies from starvation




              Normal Skill

              nuph ze'd

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                doesnt bs kind of fall off by the time you farm those
                plus SY you can break into manta later

                i feel like you can buy pretty much whatever on BS, depends on your enemies
                only core I would say is yasha treads aquila

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                    Force Staff => Eul's => dagon =>E-blade. is the only BS build that god players use.


                      Remove this hero from the game, isnt OP, its just boring to see a BS in every game

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Why would you go manta though? BS is all about thirst and illus don't have it, they don't have bloodrage either.


                          I think if you went 5 ghost scepters on bs in normal skill you still would win them all, just because a certain item build works in 2k doesn't mean it's good.

                          lm ao

                            i hanter i i'll remember that ;)


                              are you saying that 11k worth of items is better than a 4,5k one? No shit sherlock

                              King of Low Prio

                                just dont go euls you will feed all game.....................


                                  Kappa thread


                                    I don't agree.... sorry. Plus normal skill and a 52% winrate on bs.


                                      check the past couple of months dipshit


                                        "check the past couple of months dipshit"

                                        I find this kinda funny. I checked your most recent bs games. You played 9 games on seeker in last 2 months, out of which only twice did you actually try the shit you suggested.

                                        You also have ALL your games in normal skill, without a single high or vhs game. Which means you're most likely 1k, or at the very least, sub 2k.

                                        You won 2 random games where you went Manta Skadi, and now consider it the best item choices as you won 2 games with it in normal skill bracket.


                                          nice find keep it up


                                            xG.XoD is kinda right. i got zero clue about how to play BS,mbut if for some reason i had a normall skill acc and used it to firstpick BS and build blink dagger first no matter what the picks are, I would have a way higher winrate than you do.

                                            not a fairytale bliss

                                              gg normal skill


                                                haha normal skill bracket...


                                                  ^bet on your main you're normal also, but you still talk trash for no reason :,D


                                                    I'm sorry m8 but 200 games in normal skill bracket means shit

                                                    󠀀󠀀 󠀀󠀀

                                                      NORMAL SKILL LMAO


                                                        meanwhile you all do shit with your normal bladmail build at highskill


                                                          idiotic comments. like one idiotic sheep following a single idiotic sheep about comment over normal skill and stuff


                                                            people are generally irritated because in general advice from a person is only applicable to people at his level or below him, and is usually less applicable to people above him

                                                            throw in how he has a shitty win rate over a large amount of games and a general lack of success with the hero, yet proudly touting it as his "new meta" build and it's no surprise people are going to flame him

                                                            on topic: base damage is a shitty argument (skadi and manta are some of the worst damage for cost items in the game), skadi has a shitty build up that you don't benefit from when wanting to snowball early, and the slow is largely irrelevant when blood has rupture and usually all-or-nothing people at twice their movespeed anyway. manta is a very iffy item, it's more of a tech choice against certain skills / ultimates since by itself it's a largely underwhelming item.

                                                            fuck, if i hop onto a 3k smurf and get 90% win rate with triple bfury AM that doesn't make it a good build, get my point?

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              ^ Tell me one thing, Do you think skaddi is a nice item on riki as say his 3rd item?
                                                              1st item being boots Obv and 2nd item can be diffusal or SnY depending on situation.


                                                                not 3rd, unless you are snowballing against ppl with heavy dmg but no escape. probably 4th or 5th.


                                                                  yes, it is, if you're ahead


                                                                  i generally get it as my third item if i don't need bkb and/or opponents don't have ghosts yet

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    the item build suggested id say is kinda crap, i can agree with makeing a skadi instead of SY _IF_ you face alot of bursts with stunners.

                                                                    I play bs fairly much and id say that first item pickup is a poorman into treads, then it depends on how the game turns out for you, if u can have a radiance b4 15 min id say go for it always into a sy just to get that extra movespeed and hp and then straight into a bkb

                                                                    but then again every game is a different matchup and against different players.

                                                                    however best item is still radiance due to 2 things, u can fight near creeps and if the fight is longer then 6-7 secounds u will start heal if u Q urself due to the creeps burning up + u give a slight misschance to the one ur fighting.

                                                                    biggest - on bs is if u face 2 or more targetstunners, then u will be in trouble since he relys on hes movement.

                                                                    but what do i know, this is just what i think.


                                                                      ^ Exactly for the past 3 comments.

                                                                      Now, Tell me , except for low skill games, will their be a case where the opposition wouldn't have good stuns and/or there would be atleast one hero with nice physical damage?

                                                                      In such cases, say if it's riki (I will talk about riki specifically because I have tried skaddi on riki, haven't tried same on BS so that's an open thing for me and I personally don't believe words of people unless I try it myself.). Now wiki has low health, he can be killed easily and has 0 escape if you have 2 dusts/gem etc.

                                                                      What I mean is that he can easily be killed but if he has skaddi as 3rd item, then he gets nice stats and will be OP in late game. slow of skaddi+diffusal/SnY = easy kills.

                                                                      I know its a wicked build and it takes some farm to build but is a wicked build still for mid to late game.

                                                                      VEGA ベガ (stop the war)

                                                               the best seeker ever. currently 36 games winstreak

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                          it is a problem thatshould be solved by adjusting your playstyle, and not itemisation. if you face this problem, you are probably doing smthng wrong, smthng u r not supposed to do as riki.


                                                                            A tip against bloodseeker is that you can use healing salve while under level 1 rupture.


                                                                            Fuck Bloodseeker

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              you can use bottles/salves/clarities under rupture of any level, cant you? it only deals a small initial damage when casted, and all the furter dmg comes from ur moves.


                                                                                @TripleSteal: Well, I kinda get what you might be saying. but let's say that your teammates are shit and you know that you need to get most kills by yourself.

                                                                                Wouldn't you prefer skaddi as 3rd item?

                                                                                What I feel about "How to play with riki" is be invi till your team disable or start attack on opposition, as soon as it starts, smoke , BAM BAM !

                                                                                However, what usually happens is, When you pick riki, team mates will keep pinging to smoke first (Obv thinking that you wouldn't smoke once they initiate + If they initiate and instead of playing as 5 man supporting each other 2 will fight one hero and other 2 just 200m away with another hero and both will want smoke at both places XD ). If you smoke first , teammates are too late to initiate and I personally feel that you loose some sec of smoke efficiency + opposition will know an attack is to come so use all evasion sort.

                                                                                You will definitely need skaddi if you plan to 4 v 1. My party mates hate me because I go for skaddi on riki , recently only. However, be it normal skill , shit skill , high skill or whatever it has changed my winrate on riki from <50 to better.

                                                                                Yes I had <50 wr on riki because I could never decide on a final build for this shitty hero


                                                                                  I approve this item in general, but it is a bit suboptimal cz riki is a hero supposed to snowball and kill early, and skadi is a bit too costly to get it in this stage of the game. SnY gives you basically the same for less money, and after that u would prefer some dmg items, probably. Skadi should come a bit later, imo.


                                                                                    he goes mom sny skadi


                                                                                      ^ mom ? me? Nope. Even though i know mom is a great item on many hero like void but I simply hate this item and I can't justify why I hate it but I hate mom.


                                                                                        @ triple: Yea I get it , That's what I thought you might be thinking when i wrote "Well, I kinda get what you might be saying" but I kinda changed the whole outlook of riki for me from early game to mid/late game.


                                                                                          im saying zenoth


                                                                                            i was building mom-basher a lot when i played riki, but it is optimal in only like ~30% of games.
                                                                                            note that it was in the old patches, too; probably about 5-6 years ago. with the mom nerf (movespeed) it became less viable.

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                            on our way.

                                                                                              Great find m8 i r8 8/8 will be back for more


                                                                                                GG just better cry your comments just imply how autistic you are stay in your normal skill 1.5 k mmr


                                                                                                  ^and this passage comes from a guy who smurfed into normal skill bracket

                                                                                                  it actually feels so weird watching ppl which are like 3k mmr behind you flaming those ones who are 4k mmr behind you for being trash.


                                                                                                    Tbh, from my BS experiences I'd say getting a solar creast early on him is very gut if you're going against physical damage dealers even supports without stuns and such.


                                                                                                      Zenoth what are your thoughts on diffusal and why don't you usually build it


                                                                                                        you all are fucking stupid