General Discussion

General Discussion6.85 patch notes what your thought?

6.85 patch notes what your thought? in General Discussion

    what is your thought guys !!!


      Drow is top pick now with all the buffs to gay people, 90% drow winrate incoming


        Finally some drow buffs :D


          Heartstopper Aura no longer affects ancient creeps



            Impetus no longer UAM oh boy. They really are giving some hardcore love to Legion. And my boy tinker getting some love now as well this is good


              Purification cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.25



                time to quit dota

                what the fuck are these changes to tb

                now his illusions become marked like dark seer's wall illusions, and meta no longer affect his illusions if he isn't near them

                in return reflection becomes aoe

                fuck icefraud

                fuck dota


                  ure trash


                    ill give u some tb lessons tmr


                      Tombstone now requires a constant number of attacks to be destroyed: 3/4/5/7 from heroes

                      this is huge btw.


                        my thought is Nyx OP.


                          Legion, Pugna, and Veno get major buffs. Awesome.


                            atleast my teammates can finally buy a tp scroll now


                              75 for tp scroll is huge. lol less money on tp scroll now <3

                              Quick maffs

                                Yo zenoth i think you are mistaken friend, i think if you meta and make an illusion the illusion will be in meta form regardless if its close to you or not, but if you make an illusion first and meta after the illusion will be in meta form as long as it close to you.

                                At least thats what i think.

                                Quick maffs

                                  Fucking loved undying aghs, 3 decay is like a 600 and something nuke lmao its insane.


                                    Anyone else think warlock will be imba?


                                      Don't understand the techies it a buff or a nerf?


                                        oh fuck the main screen changed just as I was getting used to it


                                        Gaming is Dead

                                          the warlock buff is actually fucking retarded

                                          Gaming is Dead

                                            and invoker is still going to lose his FUCKING lane.
                                            The extra int gain is dope thouh
                                            2.7>>>3.2 in 6.84
                                            now 3.2>>>>4.0 in 6.85. Makes sense considering he's meant to be like the best fucking mage this world's ever fucking seen


                                              Warlock is broken. Golems need nerf for sure.


                                                Time to practice voker again.
                                                Meepo wasnt touched sadly, and es still not in cm...


                                                  I don't feel like the nerfs to the fotm heroes were strong enough tbh


                                                    This gotta be the worse patch I've ever seen.


                                                      Pudge buffed again g00d shit :DDDDD


                                                        tuck fechies

                                                        tb still gets nerfed lmao


                                                          RIP Storm Spirit and Bloodseeker,, Ty Volvo,, I hate tha 6.84 OP Storm Spirit that can go anywhere in half Map of Dota 2 with his mana,, now SS will be very Balanced and maybe Poor,, hahaha,, Most OP Hero Storm Spirit 6.84... ^_^ so Happy


                                                            fml they nerf ss he was fucking awesome rip ss

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              Brew Master is buffed! And he's back ! I also feel like Mirana has more core potential, just not as much as 6.83/6.84 Lina.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                Time to play Riki.


                                                                  Techies thing is definitely a nerf

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    Finally slardar! Finallyyyy 😭😭😭😭😭😭


                                                                      No, now if you walk away from illusions they lose metamorph. Tried and tested.


                                                                        TB is still stupid and...

                                                                        Ref. aoe is stupid, it brings nothinf new, it's still useless skill for him so far. They need to increase duration of the slow...

                                                                        Sunder buff is nice tho


                                                                          Tb support. Zombie uses tomb, tb aoe slows with reflection.

                                                                          Ck buff seems really good.


                                                                            its basically a minor rework of the hero. trying to change him from a tower melter to a teamfighter with an aoe slow and sunder being easier to use (cast range and you've got several slowed targets to choose from)

                                                                            i assume icefrog's trying to first find a playstyle for TB, then he'll adjust the numbers.


                                                                              CK laning issues are still there. Armor items are cheap to get especially late game. So the buff is not significant.


                                                                                I would rather icefrog buff TB str and base stats and nerf sunder.


                                                                                  Lina nerf :( sad boys
                                                                                  I reckon Luna will be stronk, she was already decent pre-patch and now got some decent buffs. Brb spamming Luna.


                                                                                    all my ranged teammates will have 4 extra damage when i'm 6 slotted as drow woo


                                                                                      thank our lord and savior RNGesus that techies got nerfed to oblivion, and then got nerfed some more just cuz fuck techies.


                                                                                        I really hate tech. The nerfs to him are all in the right directions without making him useless.

                                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                                          Really excited about the techies nerfs.


                                                                                            WELL I TOLD YOU GUYS DIDN'T I?

                                                                                            TB = REVERSE LINA/WINDRANGER

                                                                                            Nerfs and nerfs and more nerfs, no matter the time or meta.

                                                                                            Also juicy Warlock, Ogre Magi, Undy and Lich buffs.

                                                                                            Winter nerf is sad, but I can live with it.



                                                                                              its obvious they want dota to be more teamfight oriented than some dodge fights splitpush style.

                                                                                              in one way I feel its bad, but on the other hand splitpushing TB style is actually so bullishit. It doesn't require high amount of skill (Yes, some games it might, but generally speaking.) if you assume high level games only, and it wins you the game in a stupid fashion. It's kinda like enemy is fighting mega creeps and has to 5man mid to try to end or something.


                                                                                                Some important things that I've noticed so far:

                                                                                                Alch now gets even more gold for the rune control and can kill staks easier / zone the offlaner. Both buffs are useful for support and carry alch, though I think he won't be used as carry anyway.

                                                                                                I like how batrider got his decent buff. Aghs kinda situational thing I guess and not always might be useful, but definetely deserves attention.

                                                                                                BH now loses his ability to provide extra vision, not mentioning slight nerf to the gold income. Might impact his pickrate on a proscene.

                                                                                                BS wasnt nerfed much, regardless of how much people cried about it.

                                                                                                Chaos Knight got almost a free deso, which I consider as a significant buff, even though he lost some damage. Should we expect CK+IO back in the future?

                                                                                                Some good buffs for Chen will make it a little easier to play him, but that wouldn't be enough to drastically increase his pickrate.

                                                                                                Couple of extra for Death Prophet could be exactly a thing she needed to become picked again.

                                                                                                Extra vision reduced for 1st Disruptor skill, just for the Track. Looks like Icefrog thought that would make games more interesting, making scouting and warding slightly more important since some skills don't provide vision anymore?

                                                                                                Pretty good buff for Doom. On 4th level it does almost the same damage as Radiance, instead of doing 3/5 of it as it used to before. This is still not enough to make pros pick him more often as a carry, but makes him much more tough as an offlaner.

                                                                                                Extra 3 seconds of that nasty effect on DKs Breathe Fire doesnt sound too threatening, but is so annoying and could be a fight-turning factor if happens to land on a phys dmg carry as PA w/o bkb.

                                                                                                Slight buff for Drow still doesn't much for her cons and won't change anything at all imo.

                                                                                                Same goes for ES - 15 extra damage will not make pros stop picking him, because it doesnt reduce his TF potential at all.

                                                                                                Some small buffs for ET - reduced manacost for spirit and x1.4 increased extra damage from it is pretty cool and perfect for early aggression, not mentioning twice as long duration on his aura. I really like it, it makes him more viable, and I think that might be the reason to start picking him again.

                                                                                                Making Impetus not a UAM makes all difference in the world. Expect tons of Skadi Enchantresses in the future (considering also her own slow, that would be a pubstomp combo for low level matchmaking). She's still not as broken as Leshrac (in a good meaning of this word), but definetely became much stronger.

                                                                                                Is the Black Hole radius still not enough for Icefrog? He keeps slightly buffing it over and over.

                                                                                                A good nerf for Gyros ulti, this hero really needed some changes. He's still exceptionally strong, though, but it will not only make it more difficult for him to fight against carries with bkb, but also will slow him cleaning ancient stacks.

                                                                                                Invoker got a huge buff; now there is actually sense in buying aghs instead of octarine for him. Higher Int growth will make him more viable in early-mid game. It still depends on your skill how you'll utilize these buffs, but they're really good.

                                                                                                Rather small buff for Jakiro, but extra 100 units for Ice path are important, just remember that when you'll get caught right on its tip.

                                                                                                While not making Juggernaut stronger on first levels, Icefrog made his ulti even more deadlier on 7-8 level. 75 additional damage after full duratiin of blade fury isn't crucial in lategame, but might be enough to finish off some squishy heroes in eraly-midgame.

                                                                                                The changes for Kunkka kinda confused me. 5 extra damage for tidebringer is always nice to have, but its clearly not much. And for hero, who isn't being picked like at all? Moreover, XMark on earlier levels is a little bit weaker now, which leaves me wondering what Icefrog was trying to do here.

                                                                                                There goes the reduced casttime for Press The Attack! Just a little bit, but still feels better than before. Reduced cooldown for 1st and increased base damage is also great.

                                                                                                Leshrac will still remain a pubstomper, though with the reduced lightning damage it will be somewhat more difficult for him to snowball. Also with -4 base damage his lasthits will suffer in the beginning of the game. Thats not enough to get rid of him completely, but still very solid.

                                                                                                A very good buff for Lich. A little more AS slow from ulti, more frequent bounces, and on top of that - a great XP reducing tool.

                                                                                                Control on ancients for lifestealer is awesome, I agree, but practically won't make a huge difference. Still a fun thing though.

                                                                                                And there goes this glorious nerf for Lina! Not only her ultimate damage got reduced by 100 on max lvl (100 pure damage is pretty painful), but the stuns damage also was knocked down little bit. Really well deserved nerf, I'd say.

                                                                                                Lion, on the other hand, got his ulti buffed, though its understandable - he isn't picked that often and deginetely doesn't get aghas too often either (in pro plays). 100 extra units of radius on upgraded ulti now is a good argument to buy a scepter.

                                                                                                A very solid buff for Lone Druid also appears to be something, that might get this hero back in a spotlight, considering both his previous and new changes.

                                                                                                4 extra beam strikes on aghs Lunas ultimate is good, but to be honest, who really buys aghs on luna?

                                                                                                Lycan is buffed a little too. Just a little, but still scary. Little more strength over levels plus +10% of critical chance is pretty good for an underrated hero like him.

                                                                                                I also like Mystic Snake buff for Medusa, it will make her more solid during early-mid game - which would be exactly what she lacked.

                                                                                                Slightly more agility over levels won't change much in Mirana's playstyle, but is good as it is.

                                                                                                Same goes for Morph.

                                                                                                The buff for Naga's ulti is awesome. 2% of heal is just great and makes a good point for buying aghs.

                                                                                                Nature's Prophet has got some pretty cool buffs too, though to fully utilize them, players will have to build aghs - instead of rushing more useful necrobook, hex or deso.

                                                                                                No more ancients farm for necro! Fixed. Though he's now more viable on first stages of the game... Not really a fair trade.

                                                                                                A huge increase of base health regen for NS isn't as scary as it seems to be, but is a very solid buff for the laning stage.

                                                                                                Increased AS bonus from Bloodlust AND a possibility to cast it on towers is monstrous. Expect a wave of Ogre Magis on a pro scene.

                                                                                                Regardless of how high the expectations were, OD wasn't massively buffed or reworked, but his changesvare still very decent. Though now his ulti doesn't pierce Spell Immunity, it will remove 40% of max mana from enemies, which is pretty good too. A little more strength gain will also come in handy.

                                                                                                The changes on PA are not lifechanging, but are still interesting. Lifesteal on stiffling dagged? Combined with skadi maybe?

                                                                                                Slight nerfes to PL still leave him in a good position, but somewhat less agility growth is somethink you should be aware of. Thats a pretty good nerf, considering all previous.

                                                                                                Surprisingly, Pudge got buffed too. He's already being picked in pro plays, and this will only increase the rates.

                                                                                                Pugnas ulti is somewhat stronger now too.

                                                                                                Qops nerf to her ulti isn't a surprise either, even as little as this is.

                                                                                                A great buff for riki with no particular reason though. 5 more hp regen is just a lot. Its a gold time for riki pickers.

                                                                                                sand king was a good option before and is even better now, with 20% increase for the debuff damage.

                                                                                                A solid buff to shadow shamans shackles will definitely find its place on a pro scene. Easy to abuse after 5 lvl already.

                                                                                                Spectre got some rework too - though now desolate might be used to finish off creeps and maybe ancients (possibly Roshan), the dispersion was significantly nerfed, which won't impact her performance much,but still will.

                                                                                                There's also a huge nerf to storm. Increased manacosts will most likely destroy this hero; still better than let him snowball though.

                                                                                                Techies is destroyed too with his severe nerfs - which noone will regret I bet.

                                                                                                I also like terrorblade overwork, though some extra strength gain would come in handy.

                                                                                                Tiny has got a good starting buff for laning stage, but is still pretty much the same overall, excluding a little fewer mana problems in mid game.

                                                                                                Aghs for undying is great now, and reworked tombstones hp is also terrific.

                                                                                                Golems will now make you cry. No more purge working? Warlock its gonna be a constant pick now,at least in pro games.

                                                                                                Death Ward is buffed and deals more damage. WD was a decent pick before and is even better now.

                                                                                                Thats just some things that I've noticed during a quick look over the patch notes, and overall I really like how Icefrog constantly buffs supports to make their role more important.


                                                                                                  The truth is Russians hate rat doto and since they make up roughly 20% of the player base while the next bigger group barely reaches 10%...


                                                                                                  Livin' Real Good
                                                                                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                                                                      Tho they could have give more love to some underrated heroes and add some more aghs.
                                                                                                      I remember icefrog wants to give every hero an aghs upgrade. I wonder what would it be for ember or drow for e.x.

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        Tb changes suck. They killed reflection just to make it aoe, big whoop. He was finally maybe finding a niche as a lane fighter maxing reflection and meta and skipping conjure.

                                                                                                        They had to make purge not kill golems cus they reduced the cd on diffusal to 0. Not exactly sure why.

                                                                                                        The phase boots change seems the most interesting by far. I usually don't get them on melee heroes as I play guys like Sven, ck, wk. I do get them on ranged like medusa and sniper.

                                                                                                        I thought sniper needed better buffs to shrapnel like a cd reduction as well.