General Discussion

General DiscussionMidlane Terrorblade discussion.

Midlane Terrorblade discussion. in General Discussion

    Remember that troll guide on how he could work there? I used it to some varying success at 10 wins 3 losses so I'm hyped over how this patch shadowbuffs him a lot.

    Previously the idea was horrible because plenty of meta heroes were very powerful against him. Lina made laning hell and laguna was a death sentence at any point of the game. Leshrac stomped lane and cleared illusions late game as well. Storm raped melee mid heroes and TB was generally useless against him mid/late game. Items like Solar Crest also hurt him a lot because he wasn't a good MKB holder.

    But they're all GONE.

    Surviving in midlane is far more easy now and heroes that were previously great against him mid/late game have taken big nerfs. I'm excited to test it out tbh.


      New TB seems even worse. Why would you make his illusions look different than him????



        your mid is even weaker now because your slow got gutted from 60% to 25%, sure you can cast it from further away now but it sure as hell ain't netting you solo kills in lane like before


          Well, his illusion being different from him might actually a buff during clash, since people will psychologicaly both less with them, so they can actually dish damage xD


            Can you two play some TB games to give me some sexy replays to watch XD

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              It was obvious to tell which was the real TB anyway. But zenoth are you actually sure that illus don't remain with Meta when you cast them with Meta on, after they leave the AoE?


                yeap, i tested it out

                anyway tb right now has a bug where reflection does 100% damage at level 1 which explains his massive win rate increase

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                    "illus don't remain with Meta when you cast them with Meta on, after they leave the AoE?"

                    wow what, i thought that change meant old illusions would convert into meta illus but still remain that way

                    nvm then dont know how I feel about this anymore, there still a bunch of shadowbuffs around him but the reworks have changed his playstyle too much, bye bye ratting :/


                      He still needs what Luna recieved this patch >_>, fucking HP.