General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Invoker

How to Invoker in General Discussion

    With the meta shift of 6.85, I've been experimenting with one of my favorite heroes, Invoker. I've tried countless items and skill builds and found that this is the ONLY WAY to play him in this current meta.



      This build really is the best. I will never play invoker any other way after seeing this.


        Can confirm, invokers new 4.0 int growth makes him a very scary right clicker into the late game. this is by far the best invoker build.

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        Lonesome Boy

          Singsing would be proud

          Lonesome Boy

            would rate build 9/11, never forget

            Livin' Real Good

              Dang Salza, all that before 30 mins, i'm sure the players you fought were bad, but nice, just reminds me how the only thing stopping me from getting 4K is how MUCH I FUCKING SUCK AT FARMING, FUCK WTFBBQ Hergnejknrgjklwblrgj.

              I haven't played Invoker in so long, I just saw my stats, no idea how my K/D is so high with him, I have a low win rate with him though, I suck at having impact with him, and only do well with him if my team is doing "somewhat well" or the game is slightly in our favor.


                ^ look at his skill build it is the best.


                  Salza is an invoker god



                    Giff me Wingman

                      summer is over, yorkey still not 4k. Guess it was all big talk as usual :rage:

                      < blank >

                        I mean even I got 4k pff