General Discussion

General DiscussionLast hitting average

Last hitting average in General Discussion
LFT AEF: Vynato

    Just wondering if 1000 CS in 60 minutes alright for 5k Rank games?


      Idk how u are gonna pull of 1000 last hits in 60 minutes.

      LFT AEF: Vynato
        Idk, just thought I can do better
        Only if I didn't die 3 times in a row, lost like 5 minutes of farm


          no. 17CS/min @ 60 minutes is fucking horrible you trash. A good player gets 1500 CS in 60 minutes.

          seriously get good you piece of shit.

          Riguma Borusu

            If you play naga than it's more like 2700 CS in 60 minutes, but yeah.

            LFT AEF: Vynato

              How can I improve pro?

              Riguma Borusu

                One 8k player told me I should last hit more creeps to get a better cs. I think he's right, I mean, you don't get 8k MMR overnight, he seems to know what he's doing, he has 3 million hours of DotA and can last hit in his sleep.

                LFT AEF: Vynato

                  Wow, I should try learn off him, thank you for the advice.

                  bomzh s benzopiloi

                    JUST BUY DAT AXE IN THE SHOP

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Get two quelling blades at the beginning. Then get 4. EZ last hits!


                        massive ego man is here