General Discussion

General DiscussionBattlefury on void 6.85

Battlefury on void 6.85 in General Discussion

    Now that bfury cost less a little bit, do you think it is now viable to get bfury in pubs on faceless void?


      ya, i really think that that 50 less gold cost makes it more viable...

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        ^ lel tard is not 25 gold less.


          ^^You just edited your way out of that. you could have looked real dumb there if you didn't edit that.


            Yes BF is going to improve FV's efficiency in terms of farming but getting it as 1st/2nd item before MoM is too risky, as your ultimate will be a lot harder to secure a kill since your damage output is greatly jeopardized by the choice to buy BF. Of course it is good later on if you catch multiple heroes inside the chrono and you can kill them together with cleave, but that's just the best scenario everyone wish to get.

            50 less gold of cost isn't going to make it more viable as FV doesn't benefit from it that much. He needs pickoffs not farm like AM, contributing to fights with his ultimate.




                like 2 patches ago there was a void player who used to go pt>mom>bf and win most of his games
                idk how viable it is now tho anyway, mom + treadswitch is enough to farm fast, and you better get crit to focus some key hero rly quick in chrono imo

                lm ao

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