General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to brood in 4k+??

How to brood in 4k+?? in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Gaiz i need 2 know how u 4k~7k players brood a game, my usual brood game would be like really good lane time with alot of feast on both heroes and creeps, but for some fuckin reason brood does not operate well anymore within minute 25~30 with the constant 5 man smoke bughunt and ends up getting shit on till i lose momentum and fck the game

    How do you keep up with this and how do you snowball a game? do you really need to depend on your team to protect you 24/7 or is there any other way?


      ask bogi

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        Sexo Meister

          @kitrak eh u mean the dagon brood?

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              Communication, tell your team what they can do in the meantieme ur being hunted, while you still try to get every little bit of time out of your opponent.

              Once you dominate a lane you should be top farmer and during mid and lategame well ahead in Networth that you potentially solokill everyone whilst still keeping pressure up.

              It is important to learn advanced micro and in general brood needs quiet some practise with matchups. Besides them, just try to be as efficient as you can


                i feel you, i hate brood games that go past 30 min

                tell your team to push 4 in one lane, you may have to tell them many times

                When i've won my offlane and enemy mid T1 is still up, i move some webs that way so i can backdoor the T1 (no protection)


                  Brood is OP in 7k average games, so theres that. If you don't have a lane to deal with brood you can just fuck urself.


                    Believer boys brood,i rate, so if he thinks it's easy it's easy.

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                    Sexo Meister

                      So improve micro, get a better hold on what the hero can do after owning a lane and better team matea who listen, ok noted!