General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a mentor to go beyond ~4.0k

Looking for a mentor to go beyond ~4.0k in General Discussion
senior professional griefer

    Alright, the title says it all.

    I've spent way too much time in the mid 3k bracket thinking I really belonged there, but having begun to play mid for a 4.5k average team and being able to see how beautifully sctructured a teamgame can be, I got very motivated to be 100% of what I can be when I play with friends.

    Whenever I play in the 3.5k bracket I become toxic to myself, ignore my spider sense tingling and I don't see a point climbing 1000+ MMR if I have someone who wants to lose the game on purpose on either team pretty much every other match.

    I farm very well but I have trouble choosing the fights I should participate in.

    I've played HoN more than I've played dota, so I lack some game knowledge and the ability to play heroes like Invoker. I've watched at least 300 pro matches so my game awareness is developed.

    I've made a new account to sharpen up and practice, the normal matches on this account are already way better than what I am used to -- 90% of the time I have several 5k people in the match.

    I am the most comfortable on mid, but I am very good with long teamfight CD carries like jugg/luna. I am a terrible support and would like to improve on this as well. I enjoyed the hon ganking meta a lot but I still haven't found the proper heroes to play as 3/4 position.

    Not sure what I can give in return, but whoever is willing, reply here.


      Hit me up, I'm sick so I can watch u

      senior professional griefer

        added you on steam


          Alright I'm currently in bed dying hopefully I shall rise from the grave in a bit

          Sexo Meister

            Role 3/4 would be undying tbh, he and a stunner can break down a single hero In a gank.

            Btw i was hoping someday there would be a similar hero like moraxus kek


              If u want and ur party mmr is above 3.5k, we can play in party sometimes.


                Wat so he can get his party to 3k triple ;)))


                  who knows


                    I'll hit you up on Skype so we can catch up today yeah babe?


                      talk dirty to me, biatch

                      senior professional griefer

                        my party is 3.8k, I'll add you on my actual account

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                          mane if you think 4.5k is beautifully structured i got bad news mane

                          King of Low Prio

                            fucking disgusting smurf 3k trash player

                            lm ao

                              つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF BB CODE つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                              King of Low Prio

                                We can't have bb code because the dotabuff programmers might actually have to write decent code for their page


                                  ok go play vs bots.Rank game or normal game does not do anything trust me someone stole my account 3 mounth ago and my items i got my account back and all items but i had to make a new account and play normal and bot matches till i get back my old account so i practice and practice you can look at my account mid or useless on dota buff i increased my mmr from 3666 till 4061 and easy road till 5 k because i became so good at meepo and others hero.Solo mmr means 1v5 i winning without support and without any ward mute your team mates and carry them i think i can go to 6k because my skill lvl went up just by playing vs bots

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Because playing meepo in pubs prenerf was some kinda huge feat.


                                      if you play with bots only there are a few important benefits

                                      first of all, you get punished for over extending or walking around areas with no wards , and for fighting in the wrong fight.

                                      secondly it teaches you to 1v5 against the other team cause the bots on your team don't really communicate with you and sometimes their farm is behind so you have to carry hard and kill the majority of the enemy team alone.

                                      play with bots unfair and get to a point where you can DESTROY the entire team by yourself game after game with different heroes while you constantly ask yourself what you could improve on

                                      picking fights, split pushing, simply walking around, farming, can all get you killed and ruin your game cause your dead while your enemies farm after they got exp and gold for killing you.

                                      anyways if you wanna play with me add freethought im 3.2k

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