General Discussion

General Discussionasking for opinions, trash talkers alowed :))

asking for opinions, trash talkers alowed :)) in General Discussion

    Ok, so I'm at 3.7k games just in dota 2, probably even more in dota 1, but the thing is everytime I get near 3.5k mmr, either party or solo I'm dropping fast at 2.8k-3k again. I'm building the required items most of the time, thinking of strats, picks, counters(played a bit of CM). Almost never being the one who feeds the enemy and still not going up. What should I do more?
    Reborn stats:
    Versatility: 0.76
    Fighting: 0.53
    Farming: 0.77
    Supporting: 0.39
    Pushing 0.70
    Average last hits ~200(usually having 300+ but sometimes I'm playing more of a ganking strat or just being pudge at 100 creeps/game :D )

    So what do you guys think? What should I change?

    Thanks in advance!


      Play carry/mid only, that's exactly what I'm doing and you'll climb. This is what I have

      Versatility: 0.07
      Farming: 0.72
      Supporting 0:33 (I Have no clue why it's that high I never play support)
      Fighting 0.35
      Pushing 0.66

      I actually have no clue why my stats are low, this thing is definitely broken lol, my supporting is almost the same as my fighting when I never play support but constantly fight?

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        Play support only. =)
        I got from 3.2k to 3.8k by spamming Lich mostly.
        After "Lich stage" move to supports with disables.

        Versatility: 0.08
        Fighting: 0.46
        Farming: 0.10
        Supporting: 0.92
        Pushing 0.28

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            I don't think you can just look at these stats and see what you're doing wrong. I don't know what you do in order to improve, but you should watch your own replays and study your own and your opponent's behavior/movement/positioning and learn from that.


            I watched this replay, things I noticed:
            - YOu start with stoud shield and Quelling Blade on Jugg safelane. That's horrible. You always want some sort of stats item to start with, you can acquire a quelling blade later.
            - You miss easy CS on lane, either because you go away from the wave too much or you chase the WR for harrassment.
            - You try killing her by targetting her or running through a wave - you take a lot of harrass dmg from the creeps and dont even kill her. Multiple times, while losing CS. You even have to walk back to base bc of it.
            - Then you chase a Venge across the map and die after wasting a lot of time - you actually give away the kill to the enemy midlaner.
            - Then you TP to bot, your support dies and you chase 3(!!) heroes with bladefury, even though there is no help in sight (I guess Legion, but theres no way you guys get a kill there, she's not even lvl 6)

            I stopped watching after this bc of time, but in general you should play less aggressive i suppose, or less greedy. Try to be more calm, try to be patient. Most importantly, analyze your own replays, because then you'll easily see what it is that you do wrong.


              Doom bringer this week global average 51.5% win vs Kitrak analysis

              229,276 wins, 215920 losses this week for Doom

              Kitrak about an hour ago

              "i dont think its possible to win against doom"

              How many years of playing dota will it be before you realize the game is balanced and all heroes can beat all heroes? There are only minor advantages. Execution wins the games, picks mean almost nothing outside of pro dota. Players best hero is easily 1.5k MMR above their worst hero... yet you think people at one level "know" more than other levels... as if it is a grade school.

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                @ OP, if you want to raise your MMR you need to focus on your best heroes. Practicing a few heroes to optimize your mechanics on them is how you will maximize your MMR.

                You need to play them enough that you don't have to think about how and what to do and just do it. That is when you will be at your best. If you still have to take time to think, then you did not practice enough yet.

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                    wow you really are salty that he called you out


                      hmm... well i kinda suck at jugger... but i think i'm doing good at most of current meta: wr, lina, ember, sf, silencer... sometimes even I fight for mid and this is why the lose. Well I guess I should focus on supporting more. But how about that: I do good at last hitting and every single time there isn't a single carry capable of farming properly? How do you win games then?

                      bum farto

                        I think the analysis is broken because it would be harder to beat a good doom than a bad one. This game was pretty decent and I saw the benefits of Octorine on Doom



                          And how about my party mmr? I'm the one doing the drafts usually. Tried an imba pick: lc/sniper/dazzle/nuker, even tho last time I did a mistake forgetting to ban axe, i still think this draft is op