General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki the letyourenemysupportbepoorbuyingtonsofsentrieswhileyoufarmata...

Riki the letyourenemysupportbepoorbuyingtonsofsentrieswhileyoufarmatasafeplace in General Discussion

    How do you guys play this little thing? :3
    Diffusal is pretty much the must on him but what are you guys gonna build on him onwards depending on the situation?
    is Riki played at high level games?

    Giff me Wingman

      not really, because people at higher levels know how to put down sentries.

      Otherwise i'd go for this:
      oov, pt, s&y, diff, moonshard ultra late

      basher, skadi, Bfly, daedalous, eblade + dagon, manta, AC


        Been seeing him more lately on the 6k mmr chinese games as a roamer. Didn't see him much on The Summit so there's your answer.

        Diffusal is core to dispell the dusts, rest is situational. Orb of venom if you start roaming, Treads 90% of the time, Tranquils the other 10. S&Y, Basher, Butterfly, Vlads or Satanic if you don't go any orb like MoM.

        Giff me Wingman

          who would want to pick riki roamer if u can have bounty, WtF


            Better AGI gain, better BAT stats, progresses better to lategame; Gondar got nerfed to infinity and beyond so I'll take a riki over a gondar on this patch.

            Giff me Wingman

              cuz roamer needs shitty ass rightclick damage instead of high nuke damage. Seems about right.

              also i'm rly sure bounty hunter has higher AGI gain.

              just checked:
              riki 2.9 gain
              bounty has 3 gain

              Both have same Bat, so what we can conclude, that you are full of shit, congratz.

              Brazil 3,347 52.73%
              Now everything makes sense.

              Pls don't post anymore, you are 2k mmr on EU levels.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                You seem upset.

                Giff me Wingman

                  I just destroyed you, I'm pretty happy bout that.


                    bruh ( bh don't do amazing right click damage apart from his jinada crit)
                    and riki has blink strike to quickly get close to target and start hitting, bh has to walk in range to hit
                    damage wise riki is better due to blink strike and back stab
                    and definetely the smoke is some nightmare to casters(and andy mage (:D)
                    tbh I think people are just testing stuffs with riki
                    Bh is better off going ultility due to the fact he can get lots of dolla with his ult meaning he dont need to take too much farm from his team so 2 people inside the team takes more farm to ramp up their damage while bh will be focusing on buying items to assists his team.
                    tbh if the shuriken does not bounce with his ult ultility bh might not be a very good option, that buff boosts his teamfight pressence as well as damage due to the fact now u can hit 2, or even more targets when spamming ur shurikens while each of it will ministuns( wd ult psst)
                    and riki is not the ones u want for a late game, he just falls off really hard late game(cries when I cant close the game as riki before it's too late)at least bh going ultility still assists ur team .
                    both heroes are pretty much aiming to snowball except they do things differently
                    riki will murder anyone who dares to go on alone while bounty will provide his team extra cash when killing enemies while spending his gold to support his team
                    and both are useless if they cannot snowball the game

                    Giff me Wingman

                      and this is the reason you are still 3k.

                      You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


                        yeah let's judge a hero's ability to roam based on his ultimate, top kek


                          not trolling this build is legit :D


                            i wouldn't dare to pick bounty in this patch no matter how much I like him

                            Giff me Wingman

                              still better than fucking roaming riki Dx

                              waku waku

                                riki's good noob destroyer bounty hunter's not

                                Bad Intentions

                                  Ahh riki, hey man, if u afraid of dem sents, dust, dont bother picking riki in high levels ov play :D

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    BH roam being better doesn't make Riki roam less viable. If you have nowhere to go you can at least annoy their jungler/support or maybe get a kill with smoke.


                                      I know it is his signature skill but his invis isn't his strongest skill. Probably his weakest ability imo. Blink with no cooldown, slow,miss and silence and a steroid is a lot better than his invisibility.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I fucking cringe when retards don't take one point in smoke until like level 8. That's fucking retarded and I know right away they are dogshit shitstain tier players.


                                          ^ r u srs with that? no smoke until level fcking 8? for me not having smoke at level 4 is sinful enough

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            I shit you not, those guys are retards, I come to help gank their lane, just to realize they don't have the fucking smoke. Like, fuck my life. But those end up carrying games because nobody buys detection and Riki is then OP or some shit.


                                              I play him in the offlane in 4.5k+ bracket. Supports can't place sentries in all spots. There are many hiding spots, so u can just leech xp. Going boots first is mandatory, coz he is slow as fuck. Next item is orb of venom. Those 2 items should be in every Riki's build. Rest is situational or is a matter of personal preference.

                                              Smokescreen is a better ganking ability than what BH has imo, but to do good dmg Riki needs more levels. Riki is much better late game hero, he scales really well. His problem is slow farming & if u farm lanes enemies are not afraid of your ganks. I max invis on him as last skill, I think it's the weakest from all abilities & I prefer to have maxed backstab & cloud. I think hero is very strong, I don't see how he is weak in higher brackets. His only real problem is if enemy have 5 man deathball - he can't do much vs it early on. He is kinda similar to Slark - horrible vs deathballs, great vs split pushers/farmers.


                                                ^ do you see him able to work inside a sort of deathball comp too?


                                                  theres also roaming Rikis at EU @6k games

                                                  There was actually a guy that spammed riki roaming from 5,5k to 6k. Played with him 10 games in a row or something *Guh, lategame doto gamers same sleep schedule wELP*

                                                  He won all games. Riki transitions into a carry, unlike Bounty.



                                                    I see no reason to pick Riki in a deathball lineup. Bounty would suit way better, and even then he has a gimicky position in a deathball lineup. You don't care about kills, you care about objectives. Way better options than some roaming invis heroes-


                                                      ^ do you have link to that riki player? :33333
                                                      Im pretty sure I can learn a thing or 2 from him.
                                                      yea Bh is all about that dolla, track key targets for vision to allow ur team to engage good fights/avoiding bad fights
                                                      and spend the gold from ur ult for supportive items while giving ur carry more farms and bonus gold when killing, Building items that helps ur carry kills more target is always gonna be better than dagon-ing someone for a kill only.5 man means everyone gets the bonus gold from bh ult , that's pretty good


                                                        Riki isn't useless in deathball. Can get behind enemy lines and disrupt them/pick off supports. Can cause silence/miss rate in the front.

                                                        And finishes off those that run away.

                                                        I think he offers more in a team fight than bounty. You don't even get that much gold from track any more.

                                                        Sexo Meister

                                                          As roamers


                                                          Bounty > riki


                                                          Bounty > riki, just not as goof as be4

                                                          Tbh bounty would be the best roamer due to the gold he can gain just by plain roaming, he can get all the wards and sentries the team desire and still able to get that 18 min mekans or orchid, while riki lacks these and he is item dependent which is needed to be a good roamer.

                                                          Also bounty could scout the enemy from miles away

                                                          riki roamer would fits well if their enemy team got alot of nukers that needs to use skills n stuff but still sux no matter how u see it so just go carry n farm and get that fast diffu and moonshard for the ez killz

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            ^ I would like to see that 8min orchid or even mek. What u said is actually totally absurd. I don't think you will be lvl 6 at 8min in most games as roamer.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              on support riki get gem and just deward everything. get diffusal or euls to purge dust and then get greaves solarcrest dagon etheralblade and ruin everyone's fun

                                                              Sexo Meister


                                                                Woops i mean 18min