General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to winning completely by yourself!

Tips to winning completely by yourself! in General Discussion

    Yes I'm normal skill, yes all my recent look bad, but i cant get teams that know what items to get, i cant get teams that aren't retarded, my last undying game nearly made me break my screen.

    I can play in perfectly fine in games that are 1200 mmr higher on my other account. Purely because people there are not just like well fucked.

    at the start of games I'm doing fine and than bam I'm fucked. other team is highly fed and its becoming very difficult to farm and get xp with lanes on towers and jungle not safe. Sometimes my items could be better chosen and i know that

    Clearly i know someone going to be a dick on this post but i don't care. i know im not at where my mmr is i just have trouble winning games by myself, I'm a team player and find it hard to fight when they all go in 1 by 1 and die (literally every game)

    Thanks to anyone who isn't a dick


      Just play a hardcore snowballing hero that can kill anyone. In your case Legion would be good


        there's no such thing as winning by yourself..

        that's an illusion people say.. the proper mindset is "you only have control on what you can do".. so you have to do it best

        Riguma Borusu

          HotSalza, that should work on average. But when people start grouping up and you realize your teammates are fucking imbeciles, it all goes down the drain. You can get tons of damage, only to have some of your teammates abandon, and/or feed and/or bitch all the time and not even fulfill their fucking role.

          -LC player in Normal Skill, who used to have 75% wr with her, now at measily ALMOST 60%

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            Man you just gotta own them, just pick a hero any hero and think about what you need to do to annihilate them before they get farmed. It's fucking easy mate.

            Riguma Borusu

              Also, holy fucking shit, this guy has like a 15 win streak with legion. Just spam legion if you're that good, dude.

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                holy shit my last game was intense we had barracks gone in 17 minutes, once i got bkb i was fine


                  riki is love riki is life


                    maybe try ember spirit? ember is a lord in normal skill bracket. Just get rapira and rape every1.


                      Play better than the avarage player on your mmr and you'll win in the long run, it's that simple. But you could also spend nights and days complaining about your teammates that are as good as you are.


                        in order of importance
                        0) core/ability to transition to core (eg lina pos 4, lesh pos4, shaman pos 4)
                        1) ability to take objectives
                        2) ability to solo kill
                        3) capable of turtling( either high ground defence or creep cutting ability)
                        everything else is not important
                        highest tier heroes for these slark>ember>storm atm imo, i think ive had like 95% winrate when playing these heroes when boosting 4.5k bracket and below

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                          generally the highest player is the worst


                            win-by-yourself-hero => selfish spectre (passively farms and steals kills with ulti)


                              If you really want to climb fast just keep spamming LC and necro. It looks like your game impact with both heroes is good, and both can be strong cores. Ofcourse there are still games that are unwinnable. Even if you make it to VHS there are still retards. I'm normal skill and most VHS players I come across I still see as being shit.

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                                  watch a replay / stream of good players, realize how bad u are at farming, farm better
                                  now you can win solo


                                    try rat.. if ur teammate are busy feeding..try to rat enemy is one of the heroes, try watch miracle's replay when he used am, literally first 20 mins hes farming or pushing or just come to war to use his mana void to finish off weak enemies..hopefully it helps


                                      Normal skill

                                      Winning alone



                                        I am someone who does not believe in smurfing. I can tell you what I did (still doing). About 1.5 months ago I was 40% win ratio. I have climbed to around 47% very quickly, and it is still climbing. Im sure it will level off around 58%. I win a hell of a lot more then I lose now, as you can see from my recent history, graphs, etc. I'm almost always on win streaks. Solo or party (choose party members wisely). The trick is to create yourself a much smaller hero pool that you are good with, and comfortable playing. Also dont do stupid shit or make stupid picks. Dont be that guy who instantly calls mid and their hero is already pre-determined before you even see what the enemy team is picking. Learn to counterpick and dont go into games with that mentality of "man i want to play X hero today". If you want that, do that shit in unranked. So, smaller hero pool, stick to it, and learn to counter pick, and stay away from picks that are already countered.


                                          1 hero to rule them all! Omniknight!!! Kappa

                                          Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                            Spam TA. Check my profile. TA can kill everyone once she get level 7. Watch Wagamama;s TA guide on youtube it helped me alot.

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                                                1) Only engage fights you KNOW you can win.

                                                2) DO NOT DIE. If you are truly better than your team, you must carry them. Dying is not how you do this. It doesn't matter if you got a triple kill, if you die, your retards will follow. DO NOT DIE.

                                                3) If you cannot certaintly win a fight, or make a positive impact, split push a lane/farm.

                                                4) Even if you CAN win a fight, hold a TP, beg your team to fight on towers, and only help them after the fight engages. This ensures you won't be focused, and can get easy picks. (Don't be slow though, you gotta TP the MOMENT the fight starts)

                                                5) DONT FUCKING DIE HOLY FUCK.

                                                6) If your dogshits are feeding and their team is 5 manning your rax. Don't fucking feed them, go split push and take their rax at the same time.

                                                7) Never initiate first unless you're already godlike. Your team will bait you, and wait for you to die, then they will run in 1 by 1 until they die. Just take pick offs.

                                                You gotta make calls, but generally in 2k you can't trust your team to do anything. If you 4v5 defend rax, your team will bait you, you will die, and then they will also die. Unless you can ~1v4 them with your other 3 retards maybe getting 1 kill, just split push and farm. Keep getting picks and make them afraid.

                                                Generally, you have to literally play like you're all alone and your retards might accidentally help you. This changes the higher mmr you get to. I'd say at 4.5k+ you can start to trust your team. MOST of the time. (not all of the time). 5.5k almost everyone is reliable at that point and you can assume they will be useful, this doesn't always apply though.

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                                                  @Crusty Bonk Sock - Jeez, 47% win rate.. that sure is impressive.....

                                                  Did it ever occur to you that maybe once you dropped to a 40% winrate you were in a 1k mmr scrub-fest or something? Since then you've found that bracket to be much easier and you'll climb back to where you belong.

                                                  Sexo Meister

                                                    How to win alone?

                                                    id say pusher heroes that can reduce enemies's space thus slowing their farm, no matter who is in your team.

                                                    Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                      Terrorblade 8D

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                                                          I just did it with a normal skilled friend. Pick mid and outfarm them.



                                                            TA / Gyro are pretty much the do-it-all heroes at all stages of the game.

                                                            PL is good....but he is melee....


                                                              play mid / carry..
                                                              and carry your team..
                                                              DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING FROM YOUR TEAM!
                                                              if they do good stuff, fine, say WP!
                                                              if not leave it be and focus on your own shit and also pwning the other team!

                                                              btw tiny is a good pub stomping hero and idk why you have no success on the hero whatsoever..


                                                                ^ do not.

                                                                i repeat.

                                                                do NOT play carry.

                                                                you rely on your team for a solid 5-15 minutes depending on lane/heroes/etc.

                                                                you can easily lose a game in 5-15 minutes simply because your team feeds them and snowballs them.

                                                                play a role that is solo...
                                                                ... carry is fine if you convince your team to aggro trilane.


                                                                  it is a team game - this thread is flawed from the beginning tbh.


                                                                    Marlan's advice pretty much nails it. Just play around 3 or 4 heroes well. It's better to be pro but not versatile than very versatile but shit.
                                                                    Generally choose one strength, one agility and one intelligent to focus in. Try to pick last or second last and pick accordingly to complement your team so there is a balance.
                                                                    For example, if too many carry heroes pick a support. Good carry and support but no tank/initiator? Pick a tank. Having a balanced team is something you can control. Only Lord Gaben rules the eventual intellect of your other teammates or the lack thereof. Optimize what you can control and leave the rest to the Lord.
                                                                    Hope that helps.


                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Best position to grind mmr atm is offlane or carry.


                                                                        yeah, people are so fucking asshole. Especially in SEA server where we call "peenoise" races. Take mid and feed. Pick alche but roaming and not farming. Supporting but retarding ARGHGHGHGH


                                                                          .. If you think you are better than the people you are playing with and want to go up in MMR, do -not- play support until at least 4k.

                                                                          You're better off claiming mid, and buying your own courier/wards if you have to. But do not allow yourself to be the bitch with 0 farm. Like I said earlier. You don't have a team. You are alone. It is 1v5. If you allow yourself to be the 300gpm support, you lost already.


                                                                            @Sir.Swirl there's no hero who can let you 1 v 5 the enemy team. You just have to hope your team has less idiots than the other team. I try to suggest some heroes for my team who'd be good . In my experience , there is always that one idiot who goes am/tb/alch offlane and complains "i dont have farm" come mid game.

                                                                            Howard Donald

                                                                              I've been dry humping the TA mealticket for quite some time now. Even through the hells of Tinker/Razor/6.83 metas and done decently with it. Would recommend if you get comfortable with how the hero works, and low skill players won't know how to deal with it effectively.

                                                                              Mid game heroes are better than late game heroes, the earlier you come online the earlier you can rescue a bad situation.

                                                                              I think an important skill that often gets overlooked, and is especially important if you want to go most of the way to "winning by yourself" is to get a quick and accurate estimate of the skill levels of each player in the game and playing around it. Never just assume everyone's the same skill level.

                                                                              Playing a core? Work out who the worst enemy player is and feed off them. Playing support? Work out who your best player is and support the shit out of them. IMO this is why some folks complain of not being able to gain MMR with supports, and some others can climb with it no problem, rather than support the idiot who insta-locked carry, they realise their best player is the guy on the offlane, or whatever, and support the player, not the hero. Work out who the best enemy player is and FFS gank that shitface, non-stop.