General Discussion

General DiscussionDaily dose of me complaining about retards

Daily dose of me complaining about retards in General Discussion

    Any 8k's here that can exactly tell me what I did wrong here I want to know plz thx.

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      Why join, if abandon?

        @ I Hanter I that page doesn't tell the story of the match, like what subtleties happened, what you did, what you didn't do, it simply shows numbers.

        and yet, 520 Tower damage on clinkz. 5 assists. 50 Minute game.

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          5 assist but where are 17 kills? tower damage? im hunting kills while AM does tower damage

          get out of here if you dont say the whole thing retard.

          Why join, if abandon?

            @ I Hanter I , 1. babyrage 2. Ancient wins the game.


              Oh nvm, some kid sitting in normal skill bracket with 50% win rate I'm fucking done replying to you lmfao you are a waste of oxygen.


                Quad blink team 2 stronk


                  Na, it's more the clock feeding nonstop and prophet feeding aswell like everytime he respawns he tps to a place where enemy team was last seen and just feed kills away, AM was absolutely useless even though I gave him space/farm by not farming creeps but farming heroes and then you had a wr mid that got crushed mid. was 1v9 that game.


                    Classic Haunter thread.

                    - Makes attention seeking shitpost
                    - Asks for advice/opinions
                    - Gets advice/opinions
                    - Flames other ppl because he doesnt like their advice/opinions


                      @ceesa don't forget the humblebrags


                        You want to see how retards look like? Just look at my ex team (yeah, i left the team today after that loss) and be amazed how the retards with 4-5.5k mmr cant finish the game with aegis and their TA dead withouth buyback. The weight is just too hard to carry.


                        You wanna know what you did wrong OP? Why the fuck do you have 0 tower dmg as clinkz retard...

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                            stop complaining man, get a dirty gf, get aids, die happy, burn in hell

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Maybe you should consider seeking professional help?


                                Ah I am surprised, I see your trash commander is getting you closer to your 2.5k mmr!

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  400GPM, learn to farm.
                                  500 TD as clinkz, learn to go for objectives.
                                  MKB instead of crit, lolz.
                                  Sheepstick lulz.

                                  Hunter the 4.4k boy. Road to 3k assured.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    Nah MKB seems legit especially against riki. But da dagger enemy team is real.

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      You are that retard dude who posted in the meepo thread. Ofc you would say that.


                                        Where can i get your signature doto master ?

                                        ure not right :) and the mkb here is just perfect. Just a retarded team.

                                        And yes im the dude who posted on meepo thread and u blamed me for being noob cos of havin only slightly more than 50% Wr with him. But it was too much for u to check that most of my loses were in the beggining of my journey with meepo. However i dont find myself any good, only i find u a selfish bastard who thinks he has a license to flame. Nuff said.


                                          hanter threads are the new wave threads

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            4k flat knowledge, pls bless us some more.


                                              crit's better than mkb unless you're against >25% miss/evasion rate. vs 25% the dps is similar. in this game he's against rikis smoke and alch's evasion+rad although imo getting bkb would have nullified the smoke cloud + rad so that daed is better than mkb against 4 of their team and near-equal to mkb vs alch.

                                              @my team your team
                                              hex is legit on clinkz. tbh it's never a bad item on any hero. clinkz is a hero that wants to pick off others and also has no disable. late game if you don't have disable and you start right clicking from invis the riki is just gonna abyssal him, or the TA just uses refraction + manta and fights him.

                                              the gpm is also closer to 500 than 400, as much as I dislike hanter (and I really fucking do), that's kind of misleading. I do agree with the lack of tower damage and farm seeing as the enemy should be quite scared of him.


                                                cant be bothered watching the game but since ur eager to blame ur team for feeding did you ever consider standing behind your team and using them as bait cos it seems like you're running around the map not farming and looking for kills and the enemy is doing the same thing but more efficiently.

                                                  Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                    nah dude you dont calculate it that way lmao

                                                    anyway hex is fine idk whats happening


                                                      daed is a 35% avg increase. if u go from 75% hit rate to 100% that's a 1/3rd increase or basically 33.(3)%. plus theres also the chance that you get several crits in a row and just delete a hero that you don't get with mkb.

                                                      alch doesn't even seem to be the problem and that's who you'd get mkb against in this game. ta and riki are the ones pulling their weight. against ta u want daed. against riki if he catches u out ur fucked anyway mkb or not cos he has abyssal but if u get the jump on him you'd also want crit not mkb cos he has no evasion. and you just hope that you can kill him before hex wears off.


                                                        what did lex say


                                                          what did the lex say
                                                          pooom booom booom pooom

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            Hex is NOT fine if you cannot teamfight. In this game going for teamfight is retarded. I know that sheep can be decent on clinkz, but not if u have to go for splitpush.


                                                              er if he deleted it i wont say haha
                                                              personally i think hex is for pickoff + split push based playstyle but since our views differ i hope you could explain why i am wrong

                                                              i feel like the play is to constantly split push / have the furion+am split push so radiant would have to be constantly spread across the map trying to defend and thats where you can do the pick off with hex, but thats just my opinion.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                what was it about at least?

                                                                "nah dude you dont calculate it that way lmao" was that directed at him or me


                                                                  directed at him oops

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    You don't need sheepstick if you plan on splitpushing for a simple reason, most times when you go splitpush means that the enemy is teamfight oriented and your teamfight is vastly inferior, meaning they will go 5man and you will try to rat. In that case your sheepstick is useless and getting most damage is the best solution.

                                                                    I play meepo the exact same way, that's why you don't see sheepstick and more AGI items.


                                                                      alright thanks for the explanation

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                                                                          ^ The reason why I have this win-rate with Pudge is because I always counter pick him, I know who's he's good against that's why my win rate is so high, I could've had WAY higher win rate with him if I didn't pick him every game for like 100-200 games straight and lost all of them due to being bad.


                                                                          ''learn to farm''

                                                                          After I got medallion I stopped farming and started hunting kills nonstop, the only reason I have alot of last hits is because of he using my ulti every time it's off cool down, I think you're actually a retard because you're telling me learn to farm but then you look at my team and you see that we have a wind farming, nature's prophet farming AND anti mage farming but u are 6k pro you think u know everything, you're the cancer to this game.

                                                                          ''500 tower damage HAHAHAH LOLOLOL XD''

                                                                          Another typical cancer imbecile comment from you, look at nature's rat and anti mage, they push while I get solo pick offs and join teamfights you imbecile ape.

                                                                          ""MKB INSTEAD OF CRIT LOLOLOLOLOLOLO HAHAHAHAHA HUEHUEH XD''

                                                                          They have riki with smoke and alch with radiance you incest mongrel

                                                                          ''Sheepstick lulz'' for solo pick offs you cancer ape

                                                                          You've just proven how trash you are, as I said before stick to playing ur meepo to get ur rating up and get the fuck out of dotabuff forums.

                                                                          ''Hunter the 4.4k boy'' I guarantee you I'd absolutely annihilate you in lane if I'd get the chance, you act tough but you are probably not even 5k worthy.

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 4.4k BOY IS MAD.


                                                                              Oh so putting you in your place makes me mad rofl you're pathetic, that's why you don't say anything in return.

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                You're upset because 90% of this forum has higher mmr and know 200% more than you. Just proceed being autistic, u will reach 3k soon.

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  Nobody cares, Hanter.

                                                                                  Also you're a fucking imbecile with goldfish memory. Your mentality is 1k mmr at best. I also told you I am not even playing ranked, you dogshit shitstain. I play the game for fun and could not care less for ratings, although I am steadily climbing in unranked, I do not really care about it. I spam one hero and don't give two shits. What you do is tryharding or intentionally feeding and then blaming others, ignoring what goes on in the other team, and generally being a toxic shitstain with 1k mmr mentality wondering why he can't rise above when he's obviously 8k.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    Blunt in the end we both know I'd stomp you so it's fine, keep playing ur mapo xD

                                                                                    rolovo, hey welcome back 2k trash! How's the road to 2.5k with the legion? :P

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      You couldn't even stomp rolovo sam dvajes

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        So you lack reading comprehension as well, I guess :X This'd be like fourth time I'd have told you I do not even play ranked.

                                                                                        He probably could, depending on other factors, too, but that's beside the point, he's an imbecile in the head, and it has little to do with dota.

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                          ^ 2 baddies above me xxD

                                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                                            somehow this baddie has multiple accounts with higher MMR than urs. I must have gud contacts with lord gaben.



                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                My Team, it's because somehow you teleported over 4.5 so you did not get held back by teammates. It's gaben's dark conspiracy against hantard.

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                                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                    I think i should ask lord gaben for 9k MMR.

                                                                                                    Mind Games

                                                                                                      Hanter I love you we should be drinking buddies IRL


                                                                                                        u so shit hanter