General Discussion

General DiscussionDiscussion on Timbersaw.

Discussion on Timbersaw. in General Discussion

    Hey guys why is timbersaw having a winrate of only 45% and a pick rate at 5%. He is my favorite hero, with over 200 matches and a 71% winrate. For me he is really good at early, mid, and lategame but people just cant grasp that fact and see him as unrelevant and being overshadowed by other offlaners who most think is better than him.


      He's a fairly strong hero. I believe the reason his winrate is low like that is because the majority of players are normal skill and can't play a hero that requires skill like Timbersaw. I actually have a 78% winrate with him and I still have no idea what I'm doing with him.

      Summoning TripleSteal!


        Yeah I suppose it requires a good certain of skill, and memory of trees (lol) in the map to play Timbersaw. My first try was quite bad with this hero but it really fascinates me what this hero is capable of and his potential while I had success on my 3-4th game and the rest 100 games. I dont understand why others players arent thinking the same thing. Is it because they think timbersaw is an odd hero, or maybe not that fun at all? Or maybe that timbersaw is a bad hero?


          He's greedy as fuck, doesnt fit the meta, requires practice to be good. Not to mention his cosmetics are shit.


            have u tried massing mangoes on him it seems legit


              i tried going for a single mango, u can make use of it actually, but in the end i came back to my usual itemization.
              except laning against am and/or lion, ofc. then it is a must.


                he's normal skill, who cares about the meta down there lol. You're not a fan of the iceiceice set either?

                Livin' Real Good

                  His sets are definitely garbage, he takes skill, requires farm and the balls to go in hard without doubt, and the only good thing about him is when he says:


                  When moving, cause he's scared of tree's. XD


                    i was answering the question about the reasons of lis low popularity, and meta matters even in normal skill bracket. few ppl want to play heroes which are not picked by pros.


                      yeah normal skill. :(
                      about to go high skill soon tho! lol. How does he not fit in the meta? I do agree he is greedy and requires some farm.
                      I really want to see him picked in the pro scene.


                        @TripleSteal- Well damn I havent saw anyone played timber that much until I saw ur profile.


                          fucking heroes that don't fit anywhere. he needs farm, but offlane doesn't give him that farm. mid? meh, safe lane? fuck. support? sitting duck.


                            What's his winrate in VHS though?

                            yung griphook

                              he's a lot of fun to play and pretty effective in normal skill depending on matchup

                              most players dont realize how much damage he can do, and with relatively low cooldowns, it's pretty easy to get kills in lane

                              just go fight from there on and usually you put your team in a good spot

                              but then again, normal skill is kind of shit show


                                43.85% in vhs ranked according to dotamax