General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat made your teamates salty today?

What made your teamates salty today? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Hows ur weekend doto guise? Any sightings of saltiness today? what happened?


      they made each other salty, and i just sit and cried


        I'm loving this patch 17/3 solo q so far. I can't hold all that mmr, it's fucking raining from nowhere!

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          Grats my boy, i wish i could say the same.

          Riguma Borusu

            natrium chloride

            < blank >

              "Omg alche bought manta"

              Bad Intentions

                Hmmm alch manta dats fine!

                Sexo Meister

                  I took the carries stack 3 times

                  Eh salty is delicious


                    So I'm blocking creeps and my professional 4k trashemist (alchemist) goes for the rune, gets killed by enemy team (huskar gets first blood + even gets the rune) and I'm sf = I lost mid before the game even started and other lanes were feeding aswell so I just bought couriers and fed them to enemy team so they could finish faster

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                      Good weekend! 5/7 wins, most of them with my irl buddy. Rockin the offlane POTM. Win rate still improving.


                        I made my self salty when we dont have support while the other team have 2 legit support. I also lose mid so there's no comeback from my lane and the 2 lanes.