General Discussion

General Discussionwhats up with EUW servers today?

whats up with EUW servers today? in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    Always someone who speak english very bad and its very angry kid

    lina speaks very low english and blame everyone.
    Ill relate you how pick screen chat goes.

    Doom guy hovers on ES saying : counter pick PL or TB.
    Mid guy doesnt want to pick so early so Doom guy says: " u noob scared of mid counter pick? WTF WTF WTF pick pick pick mid"
    proceeds to pick DOom: " now PL gets fat, no body bethar than PL fat, u noobs"

    and this goes on onto the game. I ask him, how old are you, ofc he replies with "ask ur mom hahaha"
    so i ask him: " are you 10? 12?"
    he doesnt reply so i guess thats his age.

    Idk whats up with these kids, non-english speakers. He wasnt a russian either, probably turkish

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      My games are full of russians that communicate by saying cyka blyat and some other russian insults, easy losses.

      saving private RTZ

        oh yea, now i got LP for some reason.

        Eh, i dont have anything with russians but i hate these guys who speak english so bad and only know how to swear like this Doom guy, which was probabl 12 yrs old based on his reaction and language

        the realm's delight

          i fed couriers in 3 games and did 5 lpq game today. lifes good

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