General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry omni

Carry omni in General Discussion
wtf tilt sad

    I saw this pro playing carry omni, how viable is it and what kind of items do you go for?


      what u mean by carry?
      offlane core?
      safe lane solo?
      3v1 safe lane?


        never seen any pros doing it when playing srsly, but if you want to play carry omni, you can go for:
        SnY, mjollnir, skadi, radiance, mom , ac (not all at a time ofc)

        wtf tilt sad

          I mean offlane core :)


            ah, thats rather legit
            early boots, soul ring, aghs, blink, shivas, euls

            wtf tilt sad

              And the player wasnt pro , but still like 6k


                offlane omni is good if ure fighting melee carries and weak trilanes/duo lanes in general

                Mind Games

                  This bait is suuuu gud I cant help but comment here

                  wtf tilt sad

                    Oh yeeeah it works, it's easy and very annoying.


                      It actually works if you go s&y=>skadi=>AC. The skadi most of all. Then you're like an anti-carry, cuz any carry u hit wont be able to hit back like they are meant to - omni's passive attck speed slow + skadi attck speed slow fucks all enemy carrys up. But that won't work against ranged carrys unless u hav blink or silver edge.

                      And of course, its senseless to take away safe lane farm, go offlane carry or mid instead


                        LIGHTKNIGHT69 RAPES (insert pro player)


                          Going 2/7/3 when your team wins constitutes rape?