General Discussion

General DiscussionThe psychological warfare of the midlane

The psychological warfare of the midlane in General Discussion
Mind Games

    Any tips/general guidance on how to win mid from minute 1 until the end of laning phase? Its me your not-so-average dogshit playah HotSauce.

    Its been my issue, maining one hero but then you devolve in such a manner you play like a total dolt with other heroes. In that case its Templar Assasin for me. When I play other heroes I easily get zoned even on the first wave, even though the matchup is favorable for me. How to I avoid this? And how do I also avoid giving the opposing mid an opening to initiate on me and f0ck me up? How do I find an opening otherwise?


      learn to play 1 hero and just keep playing it against whatever you're up against. I don't even care about counters and first pick sf, drow when i feel like it


        practice is the key here

          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
          Dire Wolf

            You have to pick a hero you are comfortable with. I play viper almost exclusively mid, razor sometimes, sniper sometimes. Sniper's super easy and strong mid if no one ganks you, if they do then he is shit. But trying to master like wr, then lesh, then viper, then TA, they all have subtle mechanics that work very differently and mid matchup you have to be on your toes a lot more than a 2v2 lane where you generally last hit and your support zones out.


              draw aggro so u dont get zoned


                creep kills are usually easiest and best openings methinks


                  situations where you kill a creep and level up from those (either by normal means or by aoe; think level 5 blink scream into level up sonic wave, level 4 ember flame guard into level 5 => level 3 chains) are good openings too

                  the realm's delight

                    psychological warfare? sounds like chi long qua


                      everyhing sounds like chi long qua if you read it with batman's voice

                      Howard Donald

                        Nothing makes you go "oh shit" like when the other guy gets 8 last hits and 8 denies in the first minute, and drops you down to 50% hp.

                        So just do that every game, become a master of bossing that first minute. Don't forget to blame your teammates when you lose.


                          I don't know what kind of lvl you're playing at but in my experience playing anywhere between 2.5k - 4k (mostly around 3k) I have found it's pretty rare to come across a super aggressive mid that will zone the shit out of you.

                          In most of my match-ups I see one of the following scenarios:
                          1) I will harass the fuck out of the other mid and win the lane
                          2) We both match fairly evenly and no one will really win
                          3) I will do well, but my team will be retarded and need early ganks. My opponent will spend more time farming mid

                          I try to pick a mid that's going to be favorable against my opponent or if they are last-minute picking I just a go with strong mid in general. I'd say my go-to mids would be WR, Zeus, QOP, Lina (mostly pre-patch) and Silencer so I find that I can pretty much always spam shit and be aggressive.

                          Not trying to sound good or anything, this is fucking scrub tier, but it might be useful info for OP...

                          Mind Games


                            Ill be online in about 5 hours guys why the fuck are you online in my off hours\\

                            I play in 2K-3K bracket but I am confident in my pace of learning and my kniowledge of mechanics, so yeah dont worry I wont be dumb


                              Just keep in mind that the mid lane is not a safe lane (sometimes even the offlane is safer), so always keep an eyes on the minimap to see if the ennemies supports are missing and do not dive under tower if you are not sure about your kill potential. And maybe a last adwice, do not contest runes when you don't see one or two ennemies support

                              Elo - Hell

                                Play a matchup enough times and you will learn the niches eg. Invoker vs windrunner
                                Once you have played that a million times from invokers perspective, you'll be able to crush the invoker from the windrunners perspective. because you know the matchup.

                                basically practice, bottle crow, counter pick your advantage if you must.


                                  The first thing to do is know that matchup and itemize correctly. Are you going against a spell spammer (ie Zues, Storm, Leshrac... maybe SF, DP, Lina, Qop also)? then start with magic stick. Will it be lasthit/deny farming battle you can win with higher damage? then screw normal builds and get blades of attack into phase boots. Will you need to flash farm with spells? Then rush bottle. Are you for some dumb reason trying to mid-lane with a melee hero and no wave clearing spells... because your team picked no mids? Then get qblade.

                                  The next thing you need to do is pay attention to vision. Your support hero should be doing this, but as a mid you still need to know what the enemy mid can and cannot see. If at all possible, know where the enemy obs ward is placed so you know if and where they have uphill vision. If you do see the placement and support was smart enough to get sentries, ping it and tell them so they can deward right away. Nothing scares the enemy mid off their game more than being dewarded and blind before the creeps come.

                                  The next thing is to know the matchup... know when to attack. Know when you will win a man-fight. If you will win it, and you know enemy supports are in their own lanes, then be aggressive. If you won't win, or you can't see enemy supports then play for lasthits and control. Are your supports rotating to gank? Notice it and be ready to fight when they come.

                                  If you cannot kill the enemy mid, then focus on controling the lane so you can bottle the runes to gain an advantage. At rune spawn time (2,4,6 min) you want the lane push to their tower so they risk losing farm if they go for the rune. It is easiest to do this if you flash farm the last wave before the rune spawns.

                                  If you are losing the lane, then get a rune advantage and gank a side lane. If you are losing really badly so you can't gank, then push the lane out and stack jungle camps so you can catch up later. You have to know the timing to do this. You must be able to push the lane so that there is time to get to the camp to stack it.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    Counterpick enemy mid, make sure enemy doesn't get any meaningful help from support.
                                    Follow this simple advice and you'll own your mid 99 percent of the time


                                      Some random tips :

                                      1. Always look at enemies level & ur. For example if u play TA vs Storm & u get faster lvl 6 than him, u can kill him. There are also some crucial levels for heroes like for SF crucial lvl is 3 (2 points in raze) or lvl 3 on Ember vs nukers (lvl 1 flame guard is shit), when they get much more scary.

                                      2. If creeps are near enemies safe lane tower it probably means that supports are pulling & they probably won't gank u.

                                      3. When u dive enemy be ready for enemy's counter tp & think about what heroes can tp (like u won't get kill if dazzle tps & graves etc.)

                                      4. Secure ur own farm. It should always be ur main priority in solo queue. Until like 4.5-5k players not always use space u create well, so don't play a space creating type mids.

                                      5. Never gank if u don't get a kill. If u want to gank without rune or tp, do it after 8min (wards expiring).

                                      6. Push the wave before going for a rune.

                                      7. Stack jungle as much as possible if u play Tinker/Storm/SF/Alchemist/Lina/Lesh mid.

                                      8. Understand a match up & adjust to it. Most lower MMR people think u always play the same on mid, but u should always look at the match up & pick accordingly to it.

                                      9. Bottle crow if needed, don't be afraid to constantly use courier. On heroes like Storm it's essential to always have full mana.

                                      10. Focus on denies & push for faster lvl 6 than ur opponent to get a kill on him. You can catch many opponents of guard this way.

                                      11. Save up ur skill points on some heroes like Tinker (get 2 in laser, don't level anything & if u know u can get a kill, lvl up rockets if u see no kill potential, u can just max march).

                                      12. Always check enemy's bottle & runes. Be wary of supports ganking u with runes & play safe if support is missing & u don't know which "real rune" spawned.

                                      13. If u need gank from supports tell them. It's their obligation to gank mid & secure ur farm.

                                      14. You're the most important hero on the map till late game, so remember it. Be responsible for your play & minimize ur deaths to minimum, because u will probably give away the most xp & gold when u die to enemies.

                                      15. After u get lvl 6 always have a tp scroll to counter gank.