General Discussion

General DiscussionWon a game in very highskill and as some of you know I'm 1k mmr

Won a game in very highskill and as some of you know I'm 1k mmr in General Discussion
SirSwirll unfortunately doesn't show what skill bracket it is but if you check profiles its all Very high skill

    never had such and experience before i manage a triple in a fight which change the game around. even as we had mega creeps they manage to wipe some of the team and with the WR on fountain it became very close but manage to kill her just in time and mega finished it off


      I'm 1.6 solo and 2k party now! not actually 1000 anymore


        wow very nice sir.


          techies is not a hero, if you win with techies at 9000 mmr doesn't mean shit dude.
          besides that profile is full of normal skill games idk what u're talking about son


            played with friends that are all 3.5-5k mmr son


              let me tell you one thing tho, 1k mmr is where all the disabled kids are (the real retards, autists, people with real mental/physical issues)
              or the extremely new people that hit the ranked button just after their first 100 or so games in a moba.

              if you really tryhard, rage and feel competition at 1k mmr then i have bad news


                Its not even VHS... You can see the bracket, it says "High"


                  and didnt you bother to check the other players profiles?


                    its only highskill because i bring it down so much. but everyone in the game has been playing on very high skill


                      dude check a doctor or something you are not funny there is no elo hell at 1000 mmr, when i was ultra new to the game after 300 games played i calibrated at 2400 with no prior dota experience


                        well clearly you dont know how to read ^^ check everyone profiles thier veryhigh skill


                          im like sorry to be mean dude (for real) but too many people think they are hot shit, the only way to feel close to hot shit is being ~6500+ mmr


                            wow impressive stuff keep it up.


                              "the extremely new people that hit the ranked button just after their first 100 or so games in a moba" guess im one of these, but im also a retard