General Discussion

General DiscussionPub cancer anti mage

Pub cancer anti mage in General Discussion
smol brain

    I don't play him but he's very good in pubs. I know u guys will say offlane lc, doom but that's boring. Suggest some other heroes to ruin his Lane please cuz this hero is an eyesore.

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      just pick more useful heroes than antimage is
      idk, in my games usually the team with am gets -25

      < blank >



          lich + 1 duo off
          wr weaver are also extremely annoying but if he has 2 good supports u cant do anything. am is actually a super scary safe lane carry to fight agaisnt if he has competent supports

          Livin' Real Good

            Just play the easiest hero in the game everyone can play, Meepo.


              Agree. Against many lineups, esp with lack of disable, AM is a pain in the ass. But most AM's are horrible, so it evens out. He is easy to feed with and has not the best comebackpotential. His strength is outfarming the enemy cores/carry. Many carries with equal farm crush him. Give a PL the same farm, and he shits hard on am.

              Lich offlane is a decent counter to every safelane in combination with another hero. Axe offlane with another hero can make life hard for AM, if AM has only 1 support.

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              Livin' Real Good

                It sounds like you've heard this too much:


                If so, get rekt.


                  I guess, KotL is the best counter to AM.

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                      Bloodseeker, ursa, PA, Doom, LC, WR...


                        ^Not a counters.

                        Dire Wolf

                          pick a shitload of disables, it's not really that hard. Get disables on all your carries, like safe lane sven or wk + lion or shadow shaman, mid dp or drow or something, offlane sky + another disabler semi carry like cent, slardar whatever.


                            Safelane WK against AM. Kappa. Normal Skill players sharing their knowledge.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Dude comon that matchup is so overblown, wk natural bkb carrier and can blink stun and blow am up in a few hits plus he's natural abyssal carrier too. Am won't be ready to fight when wk is. But whatever pick one of the dozen other carries with lockdown, Sven, dk, tiny, ck, Riki with silence, drow with silence, clinkz and go orchid.


                                I like AM. Magic ends here.


                                  How many times AM needs to use his Manta until people stop thinking that Orchid can counter AM...

                                  P.S. Probably, Abyssal Underlord will bring an end to anti-magic. =)

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                                  Farming Simulator

                                    actually, terrorblade seems to be a strong counter to am.
                                    Just spam q, it has low mana cost and does tons of dmg against am because the illusions burn his mana.
                                    Given am's low mana pool, 2-3 q's from tb and he is oom+ lots of hp lost.
                                    still you ll want to have a support with you cuz offlane tb sucks if left alone.
                                    If you play it like that, am will have the worst time of his life on the lane.


                                      You named too many heroes in this topic. If AM indeed has so many counters, he can't be "cancer". I believe in only one counter. Only KotL, only hardcore! =)

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        the problem is you'll now and then end up on a team with zero disables like a pa carry, dazzle and omni supports, necro off, gyro mid or some shit and then it's a nightmare. Or you'll land on a team that has three fucking blinkers and not have enough stuns like qop off, storm mid, am safe. Those kind of games make am seem super op.


                                          PA is a good counter. AM doesn't want to rush MKB and PA doesnt need mana to fight.

                                          Also, you can chase pretty well with dagger vision and blink strike.

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                                            pa is good counter in the first 30 minutes of the game
                                            if she doesn't snowball and get a good farm am just buys mkb and shits on her
                                            so you need a farmed PA + disables on team

                                            last time i played against an AM i picked Silencer offlane (against AM+ ES) and he got a 25 min BF


                                              ^Ah, come on, Silencer is not a counter to AM, no matter how you look at it.

                                              Only KotL is good vs AM at all stages of the game.

                                              smol brain

                                                I'm not saying that I don't know how to beat am. I just don't like that I HAVE to pick doom/lc to beat him.


                                                  As a frequent AM Player:

                                                  -Heroes that I do not like:

                                                  - Invoker with fast euls: Can blow you up with Blast/Meteor midgame. On the other hand hes quite nice to handle, since he spends alot of mana. Still: Big thread midgame.
                                                  - Riki: Yes; Now comes the typical: OMFG RIKI SO EASY to counter. But riki sits at 54% winrate in VHS and I is great for initiation on AM.
                                                  - Ebolaspirit: Good ebolas will make your life hell
                                                  - PA: This little shit forces you to buy mkb; not likey. Also he shits on you before you finish mkb.
                                                  -LC: Once he has his Blink, you can't splitpush safely
                                                  -Doom: Counters everyone

                                                  - A shitload of hardcarries: Lancer, Sven, Tony: Same farm= shit on am.


                                                  AM shits so hard on wk. WK loses just in every aspect