General Discussion

General DiscussionBrood only. Need some help.

Brood only. Need some help. in General Discussion

    i think lotus orb should be picked up on her more often. not entirely sure when in the build but it suits her well - mana regen, armour + dust purge.

    maybe when game is hard and you jsut want to hide you could get instead of orchid as first big item.

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    lm ao

      I'm gonna play Broodmother.. she's a girl right


        broodMAMA best animu grill

        swift beaver

          made some new games with her, sometimes bogi, sometimes the regular build. Have to get more farm/more cs and die less. It's kinda hard with her, she is soo fuckin unforgiving, but the Feeling when the enemy Team hugs in base and provoke one teamfight midlane and they hear the Sound "top rax is fallen" and they flame you like hell, well priceless :D


            for the record, the no=spiderling build existed before bogi put it on dotabuff. he did popularise it for a bit though there is no denying that.

            swift beaver

              hmm okay, but i saw it first in his thread, ofc the build exists somewhere already, i played it some times in dota1 lal. Just appreciate his thoughts about it.


                Practise makes brood perfect. The more you play her the better results you will yield.
                Keep in mind that many people commented here that have no idea about brood and some of them are brood players but play in unranked mode and have inflated stats @Le Soviet

                swift beaver

                  i spammed her ~40 times now, it's a good hero, when played right. It makes your Team so much space. But at low mmr it is a bit a lackluster, because you have to help your Team as an offlaner.


                    Brood can easily rotate between her lane and the midlane.
                    Being lackjuster at a bracket where not one knows what they are doing adn why they doing it is a poor excuse imo.
                    Play her and once you think you have a hold on that hero i can check on your replay and teach u a thing or two

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