General Discussion

General Discussion1k games 1kmmr, HOW DO I GET OUT!

1k games 1kmmr, HOW DO I GET OUT! in General Discussion

    Uninstalll DOTA 2 . Start Living the reality .


      How do you raise your MMR?
      Win games.
      How do you win games?
      Destroy the enemy throne.
      How do you destroy the enemy throne?
      Destroy the enemy towers and barracks.
      How do you destroy the enemy towers and barracks?
      With heroes that can do that.

      You can play support as long as it's a support that can melt towers. Being the best support disruptor isn't going to do crap for your winrate at 1k because people don't push when they are able to and the game devolves into a carry fest. Get good at Shadow Shaman, Warlock, Pugna, Jakiro, or Enigma if you want to climb with support. Otherwise go for heroes that can deal a lot of damage to everything.

      If that doesn't work and you're still at 50% winrate, then you have not actually 'gotten gud' yet and are right where you should be.