General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is it that you generally feel when you play with me?

What is it that you generally feel when you play with me? in General Discussion

    Alright, I've been checking out a lot of things and I've been trying to improve the overall feeling people get when playing with me as well as my skill as a position 5 player.

    My priority is to get better at supporting by moving flawlessly on the map, that is being at the right place at the right time but I am sure there are TONS of things i can improve.

    The question here is:
    - How do you guys generally feel when you stack with me?
    - Is it frustrating?
    - Is it ok?
    - What do you think I have to improve (despite playing too much rubick lol)
    - What is the flaws you think I have and what are the things you think I already do good?

    General feedback with people who play with me regularly or seldomly is really appreciated for me, I find it really important because sometimes its better to see things from a different point of view.

    Thank you :)

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        -the death ratio and average gpm, you are not greedy enough even for pos 5 support

        -flaws: sometimes when u see ur cores are about to die, u try to go and save them, even if it is initially obvious u cant do anything there and only gonna die urself, too. that's unnecesary. also, as alrdy said above, try to find some farm every game, ur gpm shouldnt be that low even if you are playing supp. u also tend to do positioning mistakes which is particularly important for omniknight, but thats something that comes along with general improvement, I guess. You dont need to work on this specifically.

        things that u alrdy do good: u learnt to use smokes and rotate much better since we started to play together, which was quite a while ago.

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            Thanks for your input guys, appreciate it.

            - I noticed also that I have to position myself better and I agree with that.
            - Also agree that it's not always good to rush in to save someone who is 100% dead, it's something I took from other games I guess, this i have to really stop doing.
            - @Triple: Do you think I rotate better now? I cant seem to realise that, as for the farm I am always scared to touch creeps or farm the jungle and risk to starve my cores, need some help on improving that.

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                Guess I need some soul glo then

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                Mr. Furryhentai

                  stop being a weeb

                  D the Superior
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                      never been a weeb gotvet :))

                      anyway, I'd really appreciate some more input

                      D the Superior
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                          - How do you guys generally feel when you stack with me?

                          Your a cool guy and pretty fun to play with.

                          - Is it frustrating?

                          Not really, sometimes unnerving cause you will disappear for no reason sometimes so not 100% reliable but still very solid as a player.

                          - Is it ok?

                          Your play style for the most part is generally ok

                          - What do you think I have to improve (despite playing too much rubick lol)

                          Knowledge of how to play a next level support. Learn to read the map, do you need to TP, do you need to pull, should you maybe play more aggressively etc. Sometimes I feel you play a bit waiting for direction, you're confident enough on rubick to try and make your own calls and plays just make sure they're the right one.

                          - What is the flaws you think I have and what are the things you think I already do good?

                          You don't make risky plays which can prove a little more beneficial in the long run, I think a flaw is what I mentioned above, you can be very into "what a support does" e.g. I have to pull, I have to TP, I have to gank, etc. You have to learn when to do certain things and make the right decisions.

                          For example: I rarely TP mid to save him unless I know there is a turn around possible. If he gets 3 man ganked mid by the time I TP he's either safe or dead. Same with offlane almost never will I help them unless there is a kill chance.

                          Don't TP to lanes just to sit around make sure if you're going to another lane and leave your carry alone that you have a purpose/objective don't just idly wander the map.


                            Really appreciate the comment Havoc, thanks a bunch mate :))

                            taking notes!

                            lm ao

                              Yoshi want to play Overthrow with me sometime?

                              D the Superior
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                                  i love you all, just need precise input now :)


                                    when you play heroes like omni or abba you tend to be away from your cores, like somewhere on the map where theres no point to be.
                                    heroes like those, especially in stack games should be attached to someone like wisp, or at least close enough to save them.

                                    you play good as a support (u usually get the shit needed) you just need a bit of positioning and idk mb calmness in fights, so that you don't stack stuns or use skills too fast (like the ward on tiny knowhatimsayin :) ).

                                    but i like playing with you, if u are online and i wanna stack ill invite 9/11 times 4head


                                      Ahaha the ward on tiny was a huge fail, but I see what you mean.
                                      I'll try to be more in the "zone" when playing those heroes, thanks Dogolino :)

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                                        Sometimes I would like to see you playing different heroes, just like lately, because sometimes rubick just can't do anything and there was a pick that would have been a lot more useful. You're fun to play with and I always see you are trying to win, so that's nice. About the things you need to improve, well there are a lot of them :D you could stack woods if we have heroes that can clear it, positioning, map movement, warding, item and spell usage, trying not to leech too much carries xp especially if there are 3 heroes, you can just pull, stack, gank or go into the empty lane and get your levels that way or even ask your carry player to go woods, so you can farm and get your levels if you really need to.

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                                          Thanks aFeect, I'll try to diversify a bit more, I am testing some other heroes as we speak :)


                                            If I remember right, you're too slow to move, react and stuff like that. The support is the one to lead the game not the other way around (what I felt was your problem), you just gotta di stuff, it being the right decision and expect people to do their shiit/movements later. If you do nothing, nothing happens. Boring dota, bad dota. Start playing ;)


                                              lol thanks Benao


                                                i havent played with u for the past 2 years but i used to trust u as a solid rubik player:) dunno after we play i can come back and coment again:D

                                                Imagine a thread by me like this = i will get banned from dotabuff cause they all hatin my playstyle = EXDEEE

                                                waku waku

                                                  -remember to buy all the wards and smokes so i don't have to
                                                  -try to figure quick when i need repel wherever you play omniknight and i play pudge, also remember to stack more

                                                  yeah i'm not very helpful sorry

                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                    I don't play with scrubs


                                                      ^ u still are 9k mmr at chess

                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                        I'm 9 mmr at chess


                                                          I just got Rick rolledddddddddddddddddd ^ happy new year



                                                            Serious? I get a boner


                                                              We both know that you're too slow sometimes (especially cause you're old as fuck XD), that you dont position too well often or you're not in the right place where you need to be. You also need to become sharper in terms when you can kill their offlaner or be quicker with rotations, reactions and better with spell usage. You also need bigger hero pool for real :D

                                                              But i love you Yoshi, you know that :) I like your personality, your mentality that you're always trying to get better although it doesnt work out sometimes and that counts in my book like nothing else <3

                                                              acc buyers in my team

                                                                - As usual, u're a player on my team and you can do whatever you feel like, i find it silly to be mad. So it's completely fine for you to play mediocre. I don't expect you to be some next level genious.
                                                                - As stated no.
                                                                - As stated yes.
                                                                - Pretty much everything you do, to put it bluntly.
                                                                - I don't really want to make a relentless post, so i'll just say 'to many flaws to point out'

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                                                                    I really appreciate all your comments guys, mostly because they are honest and direct.

                                                                    - Without critics there is no improvement and when you mention what I do wrong I can clearly see that you are correct by rechecking/rethinking my games.

                                                                    - While still difficult, because you have your hero to control, don't be shy to tell me in game too what I'm doing wrong so that I can try to correct it immediately, sadly sometimes my decision making is hard and I may get confused as to what to do next or how to improve your game.

                                                                    - Lastly I am glad that you guys are ok with playing with me or glad even, I am always glad to login and enter a game just because of that reason :)))

                                                                    @Chi long qua
                                                                    I love you too man, sending you nudes as we speak!

                                                                    @DaFaq Is GoIN On
                                                                    No worries, thanks for sharing it and dont feel free to tell me what I can do to improve or what I can correct. :)


                                                                    Agreed that I need a bigger pool, Rubick is so much addicting to me and it's the hero i think i perform the best with, still I have to expand and focus on other heroes too, I've been working slowly on WD, Dazzle, Omniknight and some others too.

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                                                                        omni is good guy

