General Discussion

General DiscussionHas PA playstyle changed since 6.84?

Has PA playstyle changed since 6.84? in General Discussion

    Or am I just even bigger retard than i thought I was?

    felt absolutely rusty af in this game :

    I know my last hitting was dreadful, but I don't think we should've lost as badly as we did eventually :/

    Pale Mannie

      Nothing changed in playstyle since every PA is a retard after arcana release


        Morphling literally melted and then molested my body every fight.

        i dont even know how it happened, early game he had no impact, and started 0/2/2 or something similar IIRC


          why vlads and not dominator

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            I feel maybe that was a mistake, but when I play PA , I don't go for a really intesive farm style, instead trying to go for early items and fighting with team to get the advantage.

            I try to go vlads basher early and fight and then see how the game goes from there


              PA shit hero, she needs a rework


                Basher got nerfed quite hard.

                silly goofy gaming

                  Yes now you rush headress


                    Different builds. Still dependant on rng.


                      U say ur not farm dependent but u built battlefury sooooo...
                      Either u go full damage or battlefury build
                      I go helm in any cases for ancient stacks and when i farm my bf i just go kill a 5 stacked anceint camp and ez net worth 1k gold for bkb and then u probably gotta get satanic late game and u need to sell vlads and get helm to make satanic so probably bc of ur build and fighting unnecessary team fights when u can rat with ur bf and tp back to safety / farm jungle ...

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                        7Mad About You

                          PA need rework like FV

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Dunno what you guys are smoking, PA's fine guys.

                            saving private RTZ

                              ^It's not.

                              Blur is the shittiest thing ever. Beyond the mechanic that it makes you invisible on minimap, it is too one dimensional. Its good until they get MKBs, after that PA's survivability is 0.

                              Coup de grace is just shit, is barely better than Jugg crit, and it doesn't really boost your DPS until lvl 16.

                              Dagger is cool. Phantom strike is okayish but it gets countered by bkb/linken and as most people go full damage/no attack speed you hit like a tiny with less less damage.

                              PA's skillset screams lategame yet PA sucks as a hard carry past 50 mins. You have the possibilty to go Rapier, but those who buy rapier usually(Medusa, ember etc) are either really tanky or have a great escape(like ember) + AoE. PAs go for rapier only because of crit but if you don't crit is underwhelming and you can attack only one target anyway.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                PA is just underrated as an early game fighter I think, she only seems to suck because so many people go farm all game instead of fighting when they should, so they end up losing the game when the enemy carries get MKBs and stuff.

                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                  I got the Bfury only after basher and vlads because we were all getting destroyed by PL and no one was getting anything to clear illusions.

                                  I don't know if my team even knew how dota worked, even when they got dusts, they always perfectly timed the dust to make sure they used it when riki was out of phase, and then they kept talking in chat in tagalog but all i saw were "hacks"

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    That's normal skill for you, I've played there for a while so I know how retarded people can be. Try to get your wr far above 50% if you want to get out though, you're barely making a difference.

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      I think to improve PA needs either:

                                      A strength gain increase or base strength increase, since she has the typical agility carry next to no strength gain but unlike other agility carries her only 'escape' is reliant on there being a nearby creep or hero. Almost all of the other low strength agility carries have some reliable way to escape from ganks - eg time walk, shukuchi/time lapse, blink, spin-tp, replicate, doppelwalk, pounce, spectral dagger, song of the siren etc.

                                      And also either a rework on blur, to give it either an active so that it doesn't become an utterly useless ability past 30 minutes or make it an aura for example which gives some extra evasion to nearby team mates etc or just replace it and rework the hero completely the way void, dp, riki, doom etc were reworked.

                                      Given she is currently hard countered by MKB which is always a decent item pickup for any carry, and a silver's edge which is a common item, and now even partially rod of atos for who knows what reason. Like literally past 30-40 minutes PA basically has only 3 abilities (2 if they buy silver edges).

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I am just saying that reworking everything might not be the answer, like changing values only is not. That being said, if we're talking rework, I think a fine rework would be to:

                                        1) make all she has go through BKB, except for slow from the dagger
                                        2) put evasion and crit into one ability
                                        3) make the blink give the attack speed bonus until the target dies or the duration of the buff runs out so you can be more creative with item builds
                                        4) give her a reliable % base damage bonus + crit as her ultimate, which'd be used similarly to tidebringer or walrus punch to make the hero at least somewhat independent on pure RNG and also give you more options on how to improve your damage aside from stacking raw +dmg bonuses

                                        And balance the values from then on.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          morphling is better than pa late.

                                          and u said u go early game but u build battlefury, its like saying you go farming build and rush bkb.

                                          get early phase+drums>dominator/vlads>basher/sny/bkb etc

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Also I want to comment on something:

                                            "Coup de grace is just shit, is barely better than Jugg crit, and it doesn't really boost your DPS until lvl 16."

                                            First off, just looking at the raw DPS is definitely a wrong way to look at crits, since it's a break it or make it mechanic most of the time, and second - at lvl 16 that crit gives 52% more DPS while jugg's crit gives you 35% more DPS for 4 points in it. However, having a lower BAT and generally being less shit, jugg is just going to do more damage if you are not brain dead most of the time.

                                            Sexo Meister

                                              M-melted and molested you say?
                                              T-thats Lewd!

                                              Pa's playstyle didnt change, its just the indirect n3rfs hit her hard

                                              Синячий патруль

                                                Yes. Very much. It now requires hex after blink dagger (to initiate)


                                                  I repeat PA SHIT HERO, shes ok with magnus but the hero needs rework, 2 boring passive skills and 2 spammable skills who require no skill what so ever.
                                                  People plays this shit cause its easy and can carry 2k games

                                                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                    Feels bad man, thats the only hero I felt confident in coming back from. Guess I gotta study my (lack of) skills and practice a few heroes.

                                                    Before this 3 game loss streak bristle was doing wonders for me, although I go greaves, octarine aghs utility style, instead of semi carry


                                                      Honestly i think if Phantom Strike could target spell immune units she would be fine. She's more of a situational pick who counters squishy heroes and heroes that rely on auto-attacks for early damage (such as clinkz, Drow or Anti-mage)


                                                        PA is a strong early/mid game hero that can dominate. Dagger is so strong early on squishy heroes when it crits. It does get a little rough end game when the other team has MKBs. But if you dominate early, you can usually end the game before that happens.

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          But why would you make PA blink go through bkb? Then make riki's blink as well( not that it will save him) and anyway it won't change the gameplay, still boring ass hero with 2 RNG skills and 2 braindead skills(at least dagger has some cool mechanics) but with a slight buff that anyway won't save her survivability problems


                                                            What do you mean PA blink goes through bkb? All it does is teleport you to a unit, and then you attack there is no magic damage involved. Riki's blink actually does damage, and is magic damage. If someone uses dagger correctly, they can easily control a lane and do well in last hits if being pushed back.

                                                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                              It's not the hero guys, its me, I suck more than 1 MMR people can, so even if someone gives me lvl 25 12 slotted hero against level 11 with 1 item, ill still throw.

                                                              GL HF for your dota careers :)

                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                ^Best decision ever.

                                                                I did the same for 3 months now came back now thinking to unistall again

                                                                Sup m8

                                                                  PA is a shit hero, trust me. If you aren't in 2k bracket, you are useful until about 30 minutes when the enemies gets their mkbs. Once that happens, you are fucking paper and you basically lose the game. I used to win with this hero a lot, but now she is just shit except when facing am.




                                                                      also buy as many rng items as possible like basher
                                                                      at least if you play againts me since i get bashed by dagger and first hit critted/other way around around 17% of times

                                                                      play for fan

                                                                        i hate pa but if i random her i just go this meta and it works well i used to play her alot 2 years ago and it was my meta and still is 2 years ago u could win any game with this meta (mask of madness not nerfed yet and she could dead huge crit strike lvl 11 like 1 hit dead )
                                                                        armlet of mordigian is core but u can chose between vlad or mask of madness the reason i would rather vlad and mom to helm is because we all know most of pa games end before u get satanic so mask of madness is so much better only if there is nuke or hard stun u can get vlad

                                                                        my 2nd meta is full damage dealer i get vlad - desolator - basher - abyysal - if i get lucky with crit i win if not lose


                                                                        3nd meta is battlefury and ... never mind u will lose with this meta

                                                                        armlet is the only thing she really needs

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                          Treads - MoM - Bkb - Basher = easy game.