General Discussion

General DiscussionManta vs S&Y on Jugger?

Manta vs S&Y on Jugger? in General Discussion

    What would be the situation in which you pick S&Y over manta or vice versa?

    Riguma Borusu

      Manta is almost always going to be a better choice most games, you get S&Y when you're really winning and they can't do shit to you so you complete an item with your yasha and proceed onto the next item, or you complete it anyway because you know you'll want to go silver edge/halberd route.

      Though manta loses a lot of its value if you can't manta dodge things and if you don't have to counter silences with it, it's still good item to take towers down especially if you go full attribute build (manta butterfly skadi etc).

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      saving private RTZ

        ^not really
        SnY offers more HP, more chase potential. I would say that unless you need manta to dodge something, SnY is generally better until 50+ min.


          1st you judge whether you need to dispel anything (silences most common)
          2nd is based on item progression, for example if u dont intend to go fury, then sny is generally a better 1st item compared to manta. a 25min sny or whatever after a fury isnt very good. also generally if u skip fury you are expecting to fight alot and sny is better in that regard. 1st item manta u also cant make use of the active for farming effectively since u dont have mana pool/regen to spam it enough


            Sny is agressive, Manta is defensive/push oriented.
            if you arent in a position to chase people down and hit them. Manta is the better choice, as it offers faster farming speed and splitpush potential.
            If you are in a position to chase people down, Sny maim will come in very useful at slaying bitches, aswell as the basic stats it brings to the table.

            Generally a fast Sny does more than a fast manta dps wise.
            however manta is used to counter stuns/silences and push towers