General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I Calibrate?

Should I Calibrate? in General Discussion

    I'd like everyone to assess my performance through my dotabuff profile, and let me know if i should start calibrating for a better MMR.

    My younger brother used to play this profile earlier so early games are fucked up bad stats, recent are the ones I have been playing, ever since ranked got unlocked for this ID.

    Im open to all suggestions/criticism, should i start calibrating right now, or should i keep playing normal try to be better first, improve my skill bracket and then start calibrate?
    My only aim is to calibrate around 3.8 or 4k mmr. no hate,
    Thank you.


      Any help is appreciated!


        as long as you have "normal skill" attached to your games you will not get 4k, u need to have "very high skill" in your unranked games then u calibrate around 4k so try to improve


          Okay, so keep playing unranked till i get to VHS skill bracket it is then.
          Can you kindly suggest me some pointers on how to improve and move up from normal to high and very high skill brackets?

          should i just strive to win games? or other factors count as well? XPM GPM KDA, hero damage sort of stuff?

          Grilled Chicken

            Play your best heroes beyond average ! It will be in very high bracket !

            Grilled Chicken

              Play your best heroes beyond average ! It will be in very high bracket !

              Grilled Chicken

                Play your best heroes beyond average ! It will be in very high bracket !


                  Watch pro players replays
                  Watch ur own replays and analyze what u did wrong each part of the game
                  Watch some tutorial and stuff available on YouTube like in SimplyDOTA channel


                    I have a 2.7k party mmr and my solo rank is not calibrated. I play with friends having 3.5k mmr, and I got a VHS game today. So can I start callibrating my solo mmr? Or did I get a VHS game because of my friends in the party?


                      1900 mmr for u OP

                      u cant get over 2.5k

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        KDA/XPM/GPM/Herodamage/Towerdamage are all factored in. You're actually better off creating another account.


                          Why are people so fucking stupid.. What makes you think PLAYING NORMAL SKILL RATHER THAN RANKED TAKES LESS TIME TO ACHIEVE 4k you STUPID FRIGGING SH1T! You're shit and STOOPID! MMR and HIDDEN MMR BEHAVE THE SAME WAY AFTER LIKE your 10th game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WONT RISE FASTER, IF AT ALL, AND YOU're GONNA BE PLAYING WITH TRASH AGAINST TRASH SO YOU'LL NEVER GET BETTER OR ACHIEVE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Paid actor


                            SEIG HEIL!!!


                              It will take him longer to climb from 2k5 to 4k than creating a new account and playing 150 games.
                              I used to sell accounts we boosted as a 4 man group via Battle Point boosters that no longer exist... was good times.


                                First of all if you hadn't played Dota, it will be hard for you, if your normal games are in 'normal skill' it is almost impossible to get to VHS bracket, and yet it will take longer to get into HS braket as well!
                                I'm not saying you won't improve or anything, but as some guy above said, you will be matched with bad mates (but that means enemy team is bad aswell), this might upset you but things are even if you think you improved and bad mates are in your team, it actually means you didn't improve much.
                                As for me, when I created my acc (this one), after idk 20-30 games maybe I began to play in HS bracket (idk how much i've been playing) then I started to play in VHS bracket but compared to HS those game were rare (*NOTICE* I WAS PLAYING NORMAL). When I reached the lvl of being able to play ranked, after TBD games I calibrated at 2.8k, both Solo MMR and Party MMR. So even if you see your normal games at HS/VHS don't cheer yourself up, since TBD games are taking all your info from your normal matches K/D/A, Farm, Fight, Push etc..
                                You and others that read my post are welcome to disagree since I've played dota like for months, I might be wrong!

                                (*I'm currently at 3.3k solo and 3k party*)


                                  I appreciate all the replies.
                                  Yes as one guy stated above hes probably right, just to see out of curiosity at what MMR i am currently, i played just ONE game of solo ranking. though i couldnt see the mmr of other players, but i the average said "1895" so yeah that means im 1900 or 2K tops like the guy above stated. All probably because the games played by my brother prior to unlocking RANKED MMR, were of shitty stats, he just did it to make sure acc gets to lvl 50, never knew it could affect the MMR this much.

                                  so getting a new acc would be a better idea, that's what i sort of understood from all the replies above, would appreciate more help from "Fuckin'A"


                                    Since I'm really confused, if the hidden MMR really is essential while calibrating, I thought why not just keep playing normal and try to be better at every game and focus on getting better till i can finally improve from normal to high skill and then eventually very high skill bracket?

                                    Or the other thing in my mind is that since fights, KDA, GPM, XPM, push, tp scrolls etc, are the major factors in gameplay regarding MMR, why not just jump into calibration and play games with all these factors in mind and try to keep them as best as possible, will that help?

                                    any opinion and clarification will be helpful


                                      Basically... just maintain high GPM/XPM/KDA (good KDA doesn't necessarily mean crazy scores like 25-5-10 since it's the same as 5-1-2).
                                      Try to minimize deaths and maximize presence/damage in team fights all while farming at every occasion you can find ; great heroes for this are Sven/WK/Spectre. I'd say WK is the overall champ to not die if you understand when & where to die.
                                      Just don't be the one to initiate at that level of play. It's usually better to come a bit late & drop the bomb on the enemy team.


                                        If your normal games are in Normal Skill level then you really have no idea what it means to be good at DotA. Stop playing games with those people as you'll never learn how to be good no matter how much you play. Start watching games of people who are better than you and really study their decisions and movements.

                                        Valve has a system that determines your skill level based on how efficiently you manage your time. This means KDA, lasthits, tower damage, etc are all factors in determining whether you're good at DotA or not. For example, a person in Normal Skill playing Alchemist will probably get like 500 GPM in an average game, whereas a person in VHS would achieve 800+ GPM in that same game.

                                        Focus on learning first. If you think you are anything above trash at the game, you won't have the drive to better yourself.



                                          All replies are appreciated, thank you for your time.


                                            If you played one match of ranked you might as well play them all. Your unranked games will no longer have any effect on your ranked mmr


                                              Since you have more than 100 games on this account, and after that point hidden mmr adjusts the same as normal, ranked mmr, you have 2 options;

                                              - Calibrate and play ranked to gain MMR. If your first game was at 2k, the most you can get is 2.9k. (9 wins, each win +100 MMR - correct me if im wrong)

                                              - Create a new account and if you are good enough get into the VHS bracket (or high skill) and calibrate then. Keep in mind though, that if you really are good enough for VHS, you should be able to have 60-65% win ratio at 2k (probably even more) and you KDAs should be around 4-5.


                                                ur daily dose of normal skill smurfs.


                                                  i don't think unranked mmr moves at the same rate as ranked - i think it has a few added filters like win streak for moving you up/down. i don't have any evidence but i think mad bad benao is maybe wrong....

                                                  definitely once you have done one calibration match you might as well do them all because your unranked mmr is no longer relevant to where you calibrate.

                                                  fuck knows why i responded contructively to this dogshit smurf question mind.


                                                    I didn't know abt this MMR calibrating stuff, so this is how it works. I am dammned I guess, new account would be a better option, ur post helped me indirectly