General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut vs antimage late game both fully farmed

Juggernaut vs antimage late game both fully farmed in General Discussion

    Guys i played on my smurf account btw its me again the one who started the puck thread... lol anyway this time i want to know how to beat AM using jug... here's my match lasted 62 mins... if u can watch my match and let me know where i went wrong. Triplesteal i miss you. Lol


      why do you need a smurf if you're still normal skill wtf i dont even


        Well firstly you used triple battlefury....


          Aaahhh the mythical No-boots builds.


            drop sny for travels replace 2 fury with blink abysal

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              Let's say you lost because what you had in your inventory in comparison to what he had.
              You should've had these by the time he had those.

              > Treads
              > Manta
              > Mjolnir
              > Abyssal
              > MKB (He has Butturfly)
              > Skadi


                > BoT (to chase down when he blinks)
                > Abyssal
                > MKB
                > Refresher
                > Battle Fury
                > Butterfly

                Two Ulties plus some early hits from abyssal and right clicks should take this bitch down

                Pale Mannie

                  Its been a long time i saw a Jug-refresher last time

                  lm ao


                      Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                        that item build though. who runs around barefoot with 3 axes, 2 swords, 1 pole arm, and a monkey's dick?

                        OP must be a 6 armed monkey XD


                          it's 1 battlefury for each illusion dumbass

                          < blank >

                            op likes to shower with his dad


                              who wouldent like to shower with OP's dad.


                              < blank >

                                nice one

                                im so bad at artifact

                                  Jugg doesn't beat AM late, jugg can pretty much never kill him without disables which your team lacked.
                                  But judging from the hero damage the Ursa was the real problem, which jugg is also pretty bad against.

                                  < blank >

                                    op likes molten ice cream

                                    배수지 Szy

                                      U need crabash or orchid

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        how can you not know what went wrong with triple battlefury rofl


                                          abyssal and blink (> 2 BF).
                                          dont let him blink on you; you blink on him.


                                            Hey guys well 1st of all, their line up was pretty sick alche, anti mage, ursa,tide hunter, i had boots but made room for items, Sange and Yasha gave me ms 353. still good. So I was pretty damn strong considering having 3 bf's. I could swipe mega creeps in 3-4 hits per wave, but damn that AM blink and manta. Our medusa had skadi mkb 2 divine rapiers and manta. we were outta time and outplayed by anti mages pushing and tp abilities from one lane to another plus that damn alche using shadow blade plus ursa and that tide refresher double ulti... lasted 62 mins... 4-5 hits from anti mage plus his ulti kills me right away. my omni rekts them coz i have bf almost went on a rampage killing alche, ursa, tide, and anti mage... BUT that BUYBACK From AM cost us the game killed me one on one while i was pushing mega in mid 59 mins.

                                            < blank >

                                              At least you had fun


                                                Holy shit what am i looking at.


                                                  yeah twas really fun learned alot

                                                  Bocchi The Rock

                                                    i think u should change your bf(s) when teamfight because u have no lockdown agaisnt him...?


                                                      Who even builds 3 battlefurys on a fucking jugger l0L


                                                        Nothing went wrong
                                                        Nothing went wrong
                                                        I just won two jug matches today. Damn jug is izi to fuck normal skills. Sad that i am a normal skill MingLee

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          3 battlefuries thats where it went bad


                                                            but how do you stop mega creeps if u dont increase your cleave? right? we had PA but i dont know how she failed considering she was fully farmed too.


                                                              Against mega u get 1 battlefury, lifesteal like satanic vlads anything, mjollnir and as you're jug, u have crit u can deal with mega this way no need to make weird item builds


                                                                but considering ur facing ursa,alche,tide and am... too many disables... had fun though


                                                                  The build i else gone in this situation would've been
                                                                  Moonshard eaten


                                                                    U had to have bkb there. Then there wad no need for manta at all. All the money wasted in manta... The sny was a good early game item but late game when u need slots, udont sell boots, u sell sny


                                                                      dota is 5v5 for a reason.
                                                                      you got your answer for jugg VS AM.
                                                                      when you bring other aspects (vs ursa alche tide AM etc, megacreeps give you license to 3 BF) then I don't think 1 juggernaut can answer without flaw.
                                                                      abyssal + fury + (aspd / armor / lifesteal) item still works against mega btw, no need 3 fury


                                                                        if you had dagger and abyssal instead of 9 battlefury you coulda caught someone by surprise with your "blink abilities" kek


                                                                          lol. opened a post to ask what to do with the current situation. Advice given, give sheet reasons to "show" what you did was better.

                                                                          I see nothing wrong in their lineup by the way. Totally fair game.

                                                                          if you want real advice, sthu and listen, if you want to stick to your own builds, you go do that.


                                                                            just noticed that actually noone on his team had boots, smh

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              Did anyone notice that he had Manta AND SnY? Speed bonuses don't even stack, it's so retarded.


                                                                                With the usual dumbass builds, I'd say AM wins. Because he will just burn your mana fast and can blink away from omnislash. So he has 1 strong nuke and your ulti is pretty much mitigated.

                                                                                If the AM goes for the tipical 6 slotted build (treads/bf/manta/btfl/abysal/vlads or heart) you pretty much need satanic and bkb on jug. Mkb is also required to deal with the butterfly so..i'd say something like: phase/manta/satanic/bkb/mkb/abysal. Even then, i'm not sure you can beat him that easy.

                                                                                Edit: Never go Skadi vs an AM on Jug (or PL for that matter).

                                                                                Edit 2: Maybe you can skip the manta for a butterfly, it would probably be much better since he will most probably not have an mkb :-?

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                  abyssal blade satanic bkb my man


                                                                                    @kylo needed manta for map awareness and scouting... map awareness always plays a big part in every game.

                                                                                    @son thanks for the tips will take that into consideration next time...

                                                                                    @skolder Yeah was thinking of getting butterfly but AM had mkb so its useless...

                                                                                    Thanks for all ur tips feel free to share other tips when faced with overwhelming odds

                                                                                    SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                      SEA DOTO PLZ SHOW MOAR

                                                                                      STFU & PLAY YOUR BLOODY G...

                                                                                        hex all the way.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          jesus christ your build is so fucking cancer.

                                                                                          First your entire team should have boots of travel at that point. Medusa solo ought to be able to hold megas but with no boots she can't kite at all.

                                                                                          You dropped boots for items but kept manta + s&y, wtf, why? Move speed doesn't stack you don't need stats of both at that point.

                                                                                          Abyssal is the AM killer.

                                                                                          BKBs counter a ton of what AM does in a team fight, especially on medusa.

                                                                                          They also had an alch so very hard to push vs but if PA had a battlefury instead of blade mail and boots instead of deso and satanic instead of vlads, she becomes formidable fighter and can wave clear also.

                                                                                          Then if you had like mjollnir and boots of travels maybe you guys win some fights and push out.


                                                                                            3 bfurys ? > i have already stopped caring


                                                                                              jugg lose. First he has to get travel contrary to am
                                                                                              2nd he need dagger, or am is always the one that gonna engage (thus winning)

                                                                                              So basically, Better efficient item + mana burn > jugg's crit.

                                                                                              (not to mention that am can always jump out, while jugg cann't ^^) So if jugg doesn't one shot (in 1v1 case, then he doesn't kill, while am can)

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                zero lockdown for am other than PA abyssal and no boots on any of them is a bigger issue than 3 battlefuries.

                                                                                                shadowblade on medusa... wtf.

                                                                                                Here's what I think they should all have gotten to win.

                                                                                                PA: travels, bkb, satanic, abyssal, mkb, ac
                                                                                                Medusa: travels, bkb, skadi, rapier, mkb, scythe. Sacrifice some dmg for lockdown with scythe. Bkb maybe optional.
                                                                                                Jug: travels, satanic, abyssal, mjollnir, mkb, butterfly/whatever.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  @matrice if jug gets the jump + lucky basher stun then uses abyssal he will three shot an AM. I've done this on PA before both fully farmed. It's really about locking the AM down, cus yeah right clicking AM will completely fuck a jug late.