General Discussion

General DiscussionMentality of higher-skilled players when they play

Mentality of higher-skilled players when they play in General Discussion
Laggy The Lag

    I am just curious of what the mentality of people are when they play a game of Dota 2, especially of those who are highly-skilled. I have trouble in some of my games of when to engage in battle, when to push and when not to push, itemization and so on.

    One of the example is that when my team just got aegis and were pushing high ground, we ended up getting team-wiped even though our supports are at the back and properly positioned while the carry is damaging T3 tower. This happened sometimes and I am just confused whether it is our bad positioning or just bad timing to push towers?


      If u see ur team is good = your mentality is amazing
      If you see your team is full of braindead monkeys that feed = you go afk in base while you watch youtube videos.

      Basshunter's Papa

        I am in no way a highly skilled player and surely i face issues similar to yours but for me, watching high level games/purge etc, has helped my decision making in game. Also watchin replays of my games. Try re-watching the game u mentioned. Maybe the time you tried to take the high ground the enemy team had net worth and exp advantage. One aegis doesnt guarantee that u can win a game for sure. Hope this helps

        Riguma Borusu

          I am a shitstain player, but you should know when (not to) push high ground. If you have tower advantage and have creeps pushing into their T3s from all sides, you farm the whole map until you figure out you've outfarmed the opponents enough that you can fight them. Sometimes just having exp/gold advantage means jack shit if they have good anti-carries, better itemization or better teamfight overall, you just need to be able to gauge those things and make decisions based on that.


            I've played about 8,000 games of dota at this point and watched another several thousand. I've played with players from 300 to 7600 MMR. So usually I know before a fight whether we will win or not based on the game situation and after a fight why it was won or lost.

            But occasionally someone will fail or make a spectacular play that determines the fight and you don't see it. You have to watch the replay to really know what happened. Watch it from each players perspective. Watch it on 0.25 speed. Then you will be able to see everything that happened a why people made the mistakes they did.

            Most likely if you lost a fight a don't know why it is because your team did not focus the correct target or split damage to several targets instead of finishing one off. If people missed or did not use abilities you tend to notice that.

            Laggy The Lag

              Oh ok, thanks guys, Will keep those advices in mind!

              Dire Wolf

                Do you have the match you used in example? Some teams you just aren't equipped to take high ground with until max farmed or you have to split push.

                Usually there's one target you have to get out of the way in a team fight and that'll ensure you win it, whether it's a sniper in the back, or silencing a witch dr once he ults, or initiating on silencer so he can't global silence you, you usally know who it is you have to absolutely kill first. But sometimes there's two or three heroes killing you and not much you can do.

                Like this match for example, we lost almost every team fight early cus of sand king. Spec ult, chip away, sand king comes in and cleans up. Late game we all had bkbs, so sk not a priorty to kill anymore, but spec was an issue, too farmed, one ult and we all were half hp. So I told necro grab an aghs, we just burst spec to half hp, instant death. Worked every time and we won cus he had no buyback. We nearly lost too cus LC built bkb so fucking late.


                puni puni butt UWU

                  Think to yourself "what would Jacky do?"

                  I fed 2 rapiers.


                    You might want to reword your title lol. Mentality has nothing to do with what you asked. But while we're on it, the correct mentality to have is never give up and always think forward to the next step instead of wasting thoughts dwelling on mistakes.

                    As for high ground, you gotta be ahead enough so that you feel you can win a teamfight with the enemy having an initiation advantage. An aegis helps but isn't always a green light to go.