General Discussion

General Discussionthe talos principle

the talos principle in General Discussion

    Cheap, nice, smart

    stronngly suggested on steam


      I thought you were going to talk about Iron Talon and that Talos was just a misspelling.

      < blank >

        S E L L O U T

        Sexo Meister

          Yeah its some good shit

          Livin' Real Good

            Salza you better not be reading this, cause I know you want to comment on this thread about this game, don't you dare, if you have time to comment on here, you have time to message me on steam. Kappa


            lm ao

              *reads this thread

              *watches trailer in steampowered out of curiosity

              *mind gets blown

              *fishes for piggy bank for $4

              *no $4

              *sits down in a dark corner

              *tries not to cry


              *cries a lot


                its super great, Aimstrong did u get it mate? :))


                  if anyone buys this to me i would gladly play it

                  < blank >

                    No I didn't because there is not much games that are interesting to me, if Dota dies, I'm going to make cancer songs instead of playing


                      lookin forward to buy your music on itunes Aimstrong


                        i write sick lyrics man, need some dope beats


                          u guys should team up :D

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Too late, it's back up to 20? dollars again.


                              i got it on piratebay the other day

                              with 100% discount


                                Why not cracked? U GOTTA BUY IT HUH? U AND UR COPYWRITES. Ive literally never payed for any game in my life so if you're in my train, cumon bois