General Discussion

General Discussionhelp how to get out of 1k

help how to get out of 1k in General Discussion
wut up

    but u cant play the game well 0_0

    wut up

      i wish you could bet more mmr points per match i want to let it ride gaben pls

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        1k mmr lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gl buddy ur stuck in the trench forever.


          Stop spamming heroes
          Start learning dota
          Watch replays
          Stop playing pudge
          Stop playing riki
          Ur winrate is so fucked up in normal skill and u abandoned 55 games so u cant expect to get out of 1k with being a 1kk. Stop boing a 1k and git gud with that winrate i can assure u u can reach 1 mmr in no time gl hf


            If u played 1200 games and u still play like this kamfksdialivsixoe

            wut up

              sometimes i play with 3 digit players and they get really worked up like its the invitational but they have problems clicking you know just walkin around and getting killed like they not even looking at the map. its like pls men chill i just wanna have a good time here pls dont make me feed ur items on the courier

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              wut up

                ive abandoned alot more games then 55 i just buy shadow amulet and go afk you know so i dont gotta worry about lpq

                the realm's delight

                  u gotta be smart


                    So dont make a thread how do i get out of 1k

                    the realm's delight

                      U SMOT U LOYAL

                      the realm's delight

                        SAY MY NAME

                        wut up

                          son uve never won or played a game at high or very high skill your probably with me in the 1k

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          wut up

                            so after reading this posts men ive decided the best way to climb the MMR LADDER is to autolock pudge for about 100 games and feed the courier if we lose first blood thanks for the advice mens

                            the realm's delight

                              which exact post made you think that is the way to go ??

                              wut up

                                i just skimmed really havn't read everything yet, but checkin everyone dotabuff im gonna be like I Hanter I he is my new idol

                                Questo commento è stato modificato


                                  wut up

                           look how many pudge games this guy has what a player commend u

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Just stay there where you belong and all is fine.


                                        you smat, you loyel, you a genies

                                        lm ao

                                          Have you heard of Purge's beginners guide to Dota 2? I'm gonna bet that youve missed out or overlooked some of the points there.

                                          Everyone that just comes out after reading that guide and learning everything by heart comes out as a better man, born anew with the mad skillz of Dendo hojks.

                                          100% guaranteed fam