General Discussion

General Discussionretarded builds

retarded builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    So how do you tell someone their build is dogshit and get them to change? Enemy team picks a medusa, she has free farm, no biggie cus we have spectre and invoker. Spectre rushed s&y, never builds a diffusal, invoker goes exort. I never play invoker so I don't know exactly what points you tax for a quas wex emp build but shit, he landed like zero emp's. Medusa rapes us. And we were winning most team fights with spec's shitty build too, I said just sell vanguard, disassemble s&y, build manta and diffusal 2 and it's gg.

    Well naturally I'm having a shit game, slardar last pick destroyed me all day, literally tunnel visoned me every fight, so they flame the shit out of me and blame me for feeding rather than reevaluating their choices.

    How far off am I here, a spec with diffusal should crush a dusa at that point in the game right? Maybe throw in a refresher too?

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    wut up

      why would you build diffusal 2 if you havnt used all the charges on diffusal 1??! you have to enjoy the journey its not bout the destination. never tell someone sell they items ur build blows say we really need x item you might have to sell ur item to turn it around its not going well.

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      Dire Wolf

        he didn't build diffusal 1.... he built vanguard first item (fine with that, he needed regen to stay in fights plus tankiness), s&y (wtf no manta vs a team you need to mana burn), radiance, heart, demon edge which I can only assume was for daedulus since no one had butterfly. Going vanguard, manta, diffusal, radiance or radiance diffusal we'd have won game easy.

        wut up

          lets be real tho u died hella maybe he decided you were to heavy and gave up

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            People have set ideas before the game about what they want to do. If a guy goes into the game wanting to play Exort Invo, he WILL play Exort Invo even against Medusa or WK. That's simply because they feel more comfortable doing whatever they planned than try out a new thing they may not be experienced with and fail miserably.


              i ONLY play drow ranger with 3 vanguards. I'd probably get triggered if someone told me to build different.


                N0tail said "everything can work"


                  ^ he also said it was correct to go full retard, regularly screams at inanimate objects and wants every one to call him "Big Daddy". Is that really a guy who's advice you should take seriously?

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    I'm playing medusa without learning the Mystic Snake (3rd + bonus on early) and lot of people calling me noob.

                    Then eventually, I carried the game.

                    My medusa is currently 13-2 record with Avg 629 GPM.


                    Like the old saying, if its work its not stupid.

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                      Well ur doin it wrong if u win doesnt mean ur right
                      The snake is now buffed too and it just is so better than the others in laning u dont need too many shield levels and no need for split arrow at all

                      Riguma Borusu

                        "Like the old saying, if its work its not stupid."

                        It works in Normal Skill and High Skill, the snake got overbuffed, if you max it out you can remove half the HP pool of all enemies in early fights.

                        It's the same thing as winning with a no manta antimage. Sure you can do it, it's just stupid most games cause you get nothing out of it and you make the game harder for yourself for no reason.

                        And yes, I've lost games to rikis getting a ton of kills and building mom basher shit so they end up losing lategame and being unable to do shit, and every time I looked at profiles of those guys they have 46% winrate and have been stuck in the same bracket for ages. They are shit, they will remain shit, and I quickly outgrow them anyway so I am not concerned with their bullshit.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          The invoker thing I get cus its learning a play style on the fine but spec is just items. And they aren't even weird. But maybe they did think I was too heavy. I couldn't help it first 3-4 deaths were slardar sprinting and tower diving me. Once he gets 6 it was 2 hits and his crush under tower every time

                          lm ao

                            hey sven guy u startin 2 sound lyk relentless yo