General Discussion

General DiscussionSome questions I had.

Some questions I had. in General Discussion

    On Slark, rush Skadi, or do SnY first?

    On Windrunner, Maelstrom before or after Sceptre if at all?

    Random Draft ranked, is it better than AP Ranked as I noticed a few friends with decent win streaks playing this mode.

    Thank you, commended.

    the realm's delight

      idk if those heroes are played anymore but when they were sny be4 skadi and i wouldnt get maelstrom at all on wr

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        S&Y before because it's cheaper and is a midgame item which loses effectiveness later on. Maelstrom on WR is not really necessary, it used to be good because ulti reduced your AA damage but not the lightning damage, but it doesn't reduce your AA damage anymore so you should just go for damage. Didn't play RD, but 50 heroes is too much I think.


          u eitehr get SnY first or dont get it at all, i think.

          the most common way to play now is rush aghs, but if you use maelstorm build, its usually maelstorm first.

          neither one is better, in my opinion. but it depends on the player, i suppose.


            sny if u need to figth
            maelstroms awful
            rd if u know how to paly 1v9 heroees


              I have been playing quite a bit of slark and he still seems aight, Ihanter guy managed to outc arry an AM with equal farm so I think the hero still has potential. I have done a couple WR games cause I suck with her but she seems so strong even if you're bad, it's impossible not to shackle.

              Thanks for the responses.

              < blank >

                For Slark check this in-depth guide of Banana Dogshit Shitstain Jamma and on WR build Skeptre.
                RD is dogshit, only people who are mentally challenged play this mode, a true definition of monkey brawl.


                  "On Slark, rush Skadi, or do SnY first?"

                  SnY. SnY is overall a way better item than Skadi on Slark comparing price. You gain movespeed equilevant to hasterune when out of vision, and you walk faster in teamfights to get out of vision or stay on a target. The only issue now is maim not going thru bkb anymore.

                  Still SnY>Skadi

                  "On Windrunner, Maelstrom before or after Sceptre if at all?"

                  This is preference. Mage more or less always goes maelstrom first, but most other goes straight aghs.

                  "Random Draft ranked, is it better than AP Ranked as I noticed a few friends with decent win streaks playing this mode."

                  If I queue this mode I get 5k flat average or lower games, so I can't say anything about it's viability. I'm sure it's a fine mode if you can get games on ur own mmr.


                    btw AM>Slark. Only way Slark can beat AM iis if he has stacked up a lot of essence shift, or if his team composition is better.

                    edit: or if slarks a way better player

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                    play for fan

                      well slark without high movement speed is a shit a big shit u need at least yasha then skadi or shadow blade yasha skadi
                      some times u can get sny basher bkb then skadi
                      i played win ranger 150 time and i can promise u maelstrom is a shit becuz
                      1.shes so squishy u can die with 2 hit from sf and 1 raze u need that aghs fast becuz everyone will focus on win
                      2.she needs blink too and if u get maelstrom aghs then blink it will be too late since enemy core hero witch u gotta focus on already have bkb that means male maelstrom is useless
                      3.she needs to kill roshan asap to get some advantage over enemy and u need aghs for that
                      4.if u get aghs like 17 min you can push towers so hard ez roshan that mean so much gold so u can get blink few min after aghs but if u get malestrom u cant do shit unless u can catch enemy alone and kill them ( thats not gonna happen)
                      5.malestorm + aghs + blink = enemy got mkb or butterfly that mean gg or they have a tinker and u dont mkb

                      6. its the most important reason u should rush aghs and skip maelstrom
                      this patch there is always qop or voker against u and they both will get orchid so if u dont get aghs ur gonna feed them over and over again or invoker eul > wind malestorm

                      crystal > malestrom ( becuz u can upgrade it to daedalus so u didnt waste 2000gold for late game ) but malestrom cant be up cuz u dont need miolnir
                      plus mkb in kinda core late game item and wind is not a good farmer so u should save that 2700 gold for something better

                      wind + aghs + blink > wind + aghs + malestrom

                      saving private RTZ

                        BSJ says SnY is a way better item than Skadi for what it offers + it lets you fight early, which is nessecary this patch(or at least in 6.85). His build is treads,aquila,drums,(shadowblade),SnY and then whatever he need, but he encourages slark players to not avoid bkb all the times, although its not an optimal item.

                        Also he said that one of the few carries that Slark can't really deal with is AM because you cannot gank him, he will eventually outfarm you, and in lategame you are not even that good against him because even with abyssal you don't have the burst to kill him fast enough before he blinks.


                          isnt dagger core on wr?

                          Dire Wolf

                            Random draft is exactly the same format as ranked all pick but with half the heroes. You still alternate picks exactly the same way. So it's not better or worse really but queues are retarded long and I can't say which gets you better players. I'd imagine high rated players like you will get shitty mmr distribution.

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              1. SnY first if you are doing good, if not skip it.

                              2. No to Maelstrom.

                              3. RD is awesome. I get matched with 5.5-6.5k people regularly, played with 7ks as well.

                              @DD Slark with Abysall, EoS, MKB and Refresher can demolish any carry.

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Dang, all that maelstrom wind ranger hate, weird. I like trying to have Malestrom, Blink before 20 minutes, I usually snow ball like crazy, and for some reason, thanks to the maelstrom, blink to cover ground fast, farming up an AGS after is no problem. Most people can't deal with a WR who has maelstrom + Blink before 20 minutes, but to each his own I guess.

                                As far as Slark goes, Sange Yasha first is an excellent item, but if they have tons of passives, Silver edge > Skadi is pretty sick.
                                I have no idea why some Chinese teams use Manta style on him, but it's pretty popular in China, and obviously the item scales better into late game, and makes Slark that much harder to kill I guess.


                                  If you are trying to fight early you go SnY and if you want to farm you go skadi since you benefit a lot from the mana you get.

                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    I don't really like skadi before having 2 big items (eg sb sny), but if you have a Midas it's not so bad as 2nd item if you wanna be greedy

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      s&y is a bit more dps than skadi according to dps calculator but skadi is a shit ton more ehp.

                                      Sup m8

                                        I really like RD because of the pick phase. I don't play ranked much because of the stress, so it's like ranked without the MMR part. Which is really fun in my opinion.

                                        lm ao

                                          Hey who honestly gets a Random Draft Ranked match without at least 30 minutes of time passing lmfao

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Well yeah cus normal mode all pick is a free for all of picking. Ranked u alternate so no difference between random draft and ap aside from the number of heroes. But it's a huge number still so no must haves like old rd where you might only get 2 or 3 agi carries


                                              Yo Dire, on sniper. Start with two faerie fire and gloves of attack and you can never miss a last hit, I found starting with the wraith or anything else was just bad.

                                              lm ao

                                                Havoc you are joking right XDD

                                                plz do

                                                  some of these rd games are just beyond anything i have ever experienced in dota2. most random item builds and people playin really bad on their position (including me ayy lmao) turning into real stomps.
                                                  first it was less bad people. now its filling w the real retards.


                                                    i always liked skadi better.

                                                    no to mael

                                                    and if rd was like rd back on dlg then it would be playable. this way, no.