General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat about Alchemist?

What about Alchemist? in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    Why is he suddenly not picked so often? He's nerfs are not even that big, after he gets his grevil maxed, he farms faster than before, althogh he cannot have 0 min bottle like before

    King of Low Prio

      Bounty runes where what put him over the top. Without that bottle sustain from lv 1 he gets zoned out too easy mid

      the realm's delight

        he wasnt that great even before the nerfs


          625g - 110 tangos = 515 + 300 = 815 = ENOUGH FOR BOTTLE


          625 - 200 stout = 425 + 300 = 725 = ENOUGH FOR BOTTLE (get pooled some tango)


          Dr. Meℓℓowship

            It's not about the first rune bottle, but also the multiplier on all the other runes after that, it makes the 4 1 1 1 acid spray harass build that slightly less effective.

            And "slightly less effective" is all it takes for a build that honestly wasn't all that great to die the death it deserved.

            saving private RTZ

              So why was he played so much in 6.85 then?

              Livin' Real Good

                Uh, no one was doing 4 1 1 1.......... That's just dumb. XD I don't like to be the person that calls you out for being NS, so I won't, if you think that's the build, that's fine. lol....

                Most people agree that 3 levels is enough, even 2 in some cases if you have good control of the lane, and want to proceed to max greed out, and get a level of stun.

                Honestly, he was popular cause of trends, but I genuinely believe he was a decent hero, at least in pubs and lower MMR ranges, even today.
                Maybe the people saying he sucks are at higher MMR ranges, where he WILL be ganked for playing that cancer hero.

                At 2K MMR, you should be able to get Radiance and Boots of Travel no problem with that mid alchemist spray spam that was so popular last patch, cause 2K they don't ever gank mid, they just expect mid to gank other lanes.

                Questo commento è stato modificato
                lm ao

                  I hate Alchemist pickers I was almost about to make a thread on what heroes I can play against a mid Alche that can dominate him in laning stage and at the same time shit on him any part of the game.

                  Oh well.

                  7Mad About You

                    i hate Alchemist pickers farm all day like there is no tomorrow


                      411 is perfectly fine


                        402 is better

                        < blank >

                          322 best

                          A waifu a day keeps socie...

                            411 is ass


                              pre sure miracle went max acid and then max stun with his blink solar build rather than rad.