General Discussion

General DiscussionIn what mmr people know how to pull big camp

In what mmr people know how to pull big camp in General Discussion

    4k shit stain here, wondering in what bracket do people know that you can actually PULL BIG FUCKING CAMP to creep wave.

    Синячий патруль

      On radiant heh


        the breaking point is somewhere in between 4k and 5k


          I tell my support, " you can pull at x:21/51". He's like WTF are you talking about.

          I feel more pissed than having CLQ dynasty as NP with 0/30/0 ROFL.


            Play supports instead


              so how do you pull it


                you can do it even if you are a carry

                Riguma Borusu

                  "the breaking point is somewhere in between 4k and 5k"

                  You mean on average right? I do that shit at 3.5k unranked, though I really don't see others doing pull through.


                    4.3k+, trust me, after that people are more competitive and they play better and are more consistent.

                    But even then, clowns, crybabies and so on still exists.

                    On average, yes.


                      @Fpz +1 👍👏


                        Im in the 2k bracket [i don't really think i belong there] and i pull big camps while stacking them. I also pull the small camp then pull the same creep wave to the big camp.


                          41.86% smurf SeemsGood
                          i'll save one report in case i'll somehow meet you in solo ranked and you'll decide to instalock mid


                            1k and do it frequently, either on radiant or dire


                              ye, i mean the average, ofc


                                what's big camp?


                                  So many 40% shit stains here, go back to your 1k or 2k main account please, you belong there.

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                                    King of Low Prio

                                      4k players are absolute shit

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        "[i don't really think i belong there]"

                                        Yes you fucking do, with that 50% wr and being dogshit in general. It is not forced, believe me, if you were a 3k player you'd have at 70% wr in your shit bracket.

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                                          2.5k here, I do it all the time. On both radiant and dire


                                            I do that, but I've played support almost all my doto life