General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere is Vengeful spirits place ?

Where is Vengeful spirits place ? in General Discussion
Flying Donkey

    Greeting everyone,

    With release of last two patches i started to wonder where and on what role VS should be played ?

    As general i feel like her's skill lags off from other heroes right now.

    plz do

      mid or jungle


        i saw a lot of oldschool core venges recently, and shes still ok as support, particularly in -armor strats


          In the court of ghastly eyrie with Skywraith Mage.


            Haven't seen a vengeful spirit in one of my games in ages.

            Livin' Real Good

              Support, I see people play her in push strats, than get raped in pro games by the enemy teams AM cause they didn't end the game when they would of liked whenever playing her as a carry. Even worse when you see people in your own games playing her carry just cause they saw Waga play it on his stream an hour before. That's just meh though.

              the realm's delight


                the realm's delight

                  likje any human being without a penis

                  saving private RTZ


                    Riguma Borusu


                      Please, it's "would HAVE", not "would OF".


                        In the kitchen 4head

                        Dire Wolf

                          I don't like venge at all tbh, her poor range makes her bad (or at least a lot worse) at zoning out offlaners for the carry, her stun is short, her passive is nice but not til later or in a big team fight, same for wave of terror. She really is an amazing team aura fighter later but I just don't like her in lane nearly as much as counterparts like cm, lion, jakiro.