General Discussion

General DiscussionMust learn - Techniques

Must learn - Techniques in General Discussion

    To get better at dota is everyones objective and to take your game to the next level - What would you say are the 5 most important techniques you need to learn to have a decent chance of improving at this game?

    Please, I am only looking for serious answers from those who have worked their way up to whatever level they are at now.


      1 thing matters. how smart u are nothing more

      < blank >

        Or how much bitch do you fuck


          To be honest...LH/DN, map awareness, general sense of all 10 heroes in the game-their abilities, CD, their counters and item progression. Also its a team game so good communication can make a huge difference.

          твой кошмар

            I will try to keep it short and simple:
            1. Get it in the habit to check the minimap every 5 seconds.
            2. Be friendly, never flame your teammates even if they feed 0-40, it won't change anything.
            3. Don't "Mute All-Chat", but mute only those who are mean, flaming, insulting.
            4. Pick is very important part of the game. If your team needs a support, pick a support. Also check on Dotabuff "Heroes" section who counter who, who vs who have the lowest winrate and etc.
            5. Try to die as less as possible. Always bring a TP with you for escape, gank, or defense. Buy blink, force stuff for mobile.


              1. Spam GG in all-chat whenever something happens.
              2. Pick wisely, unless your team has 2 junglers - then always pick 3rd.
              3. If you are not playing DotA yourself, watch HelenaLive stream.
              4. If everyone dives and feeds like a retard, you should be either diving with them, or already dead.
              5. Remember: NA dota is the worst dota.


                1: no flame
                2: distribute memes
                3: mute team
                4: pick legion
                5: go jungle
                Fuck I was gonna actually post something meaningful but I guess it came out MEMEingful... oh god why will nobody love me


                  Always try to tryhard
                  Watch map
                  Be good at decision making
                  (If you are carry you have 2 choice in team fight (go fight/Go Rat))
                  Don't flame it will just suck your energy
                  Know when to smoke gank and go rosh
                  Sense what enemy is up to if they are not visible in the map
                  Always carry a TP <~This is must

                  Bad Intentions

                    It's all bout KDA man, its all about KDA

                    The team with the overall highest KDA "generally" wins the game

                    Broke Sensei


                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        In no particular order:

                        1. Always report if someone on your lane is missing during early game.
                        2. Always bring a TP in your inventory
                        3. Secure Last Hits.
                        4. Select a hero which is best for your team.
                        5. Kill Roshan early with your team if posible. Usually, the team that control the Aegis has more chance of winning.


                          Thanks guys appreciate all the tips. Just wish all the noobs would look for these tips and implement them into their own games. The amount of retards playing the game at my level is unreal.


                            you're one of the retards in your games. one important thing to learn is being humble. accepting that you're shit and that you're the only one that's holding you back is how you improve at the game. pretty sure in your other threads that you made ages ago that you were still bitching about your teammates even though you only play 1 hero and you still can't do it competently.


                              Well as a matter of fact I'm not one of those retards.

                              Let's get something straight!

                              Retards continue to feed!
                              Retards don't help team mates!
                              Retards play music over the mic!
                              Retards don't defend towers!
                              Retards don't push when we have advantage!
                              Retards don't call missing!
                              Retards play two supports on one lane and refuse to relocate!

                              And for your information I have played many, many heroes since then!

                              So your homework my friend needs to be resubmitted!

                              Being shit is another matter altogether!
                              You try playing at this level and then come back with some useful information that hasn't been assumed!


                                Look you can't blame your teammates for the loss (no matter what they do) or you will NEVER improve

                                And this is coming from someone "at this level"

                                Another big thing is to research what works on heroes before you play them (purgegamers on YouTube is a good resource for this) sure you had a 2:20 PA in that slark game, but your item build is atrocious

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  I follow the item builds that valve provides and other builds that are very popular. Maybe this is an area I need to improve on most and I may get some better results.

                                  I am not blaming my teammates, I am simply stating that these people do not have a clue what they are doing at all.
                                  I just played on my other account Razor mid and stomped even though a spirit breaker thought he could help me at mid saying he needs the farm and all this shite! Ya get me? 2 at mid??? These people don't have a clue! Why can't the system pair them together and people together who know what they are doing.

                                  It's pretty simple really that way you get a game with people who are in tune and you get a fair result at the end!


                                    you're also one of these people that "do not have a clue what they are doing at all".

                                    you notice that your teammates are awful at the game but you don't notice what makes you awful at it - not knowing what items to build isn't even close to everything that makes you a bad player.

                                    you're still making excuses because you're pointing out the mistakes of your teammates. your teammates should not have any impact on your skill level. your skill rating is not your ability to find random teammates that will carry you. it is your own ability to win games. your teammates are matched up with you because they have a similar ability (or lack of ability) to win games. they may do things that you're better at, but at the same time they'll also be better at other things compared to you. it's just that you don't realise it, or choose not to, because that would mean accepting that you're equally as bad as these players.

                                    if you want, you can give me access to your account or your smurf account and ill play a few games to show that even a shitter like me can win games alone despite having the same teammates you'd be matched up with.

                                    you can make excuses all you want but you can't deny your shitty stats. this past month pretty much all your days are in the red (more losses than wins) despite you supposedly improving at the game on your second acount.

                                    "Retards continue to feed!
                                    Retards don't help team mates!
                                    Retards play music over the mic!
                                    Retards don't defend towers!
                                    Retards don't push when we have advantage!
                                    Retards don't call missing!
                                    Retards play two supports on one lane and refuse to relocate!"

                                    this is actual autism right here.

                                    "Retards continue to feed!"
                                    lowest hero damage despite having e-blade, dagon 1 and aghanims scepter on a lion, second highest deaths, no hex on lion until level 10.

                                    "Retards don't call missing!"
                                    normal players look at the map and use their intuition to know when they are being ganked. normal players don't need someone to look at the map for them because they have the fucking brainpower to turn their head slightly to look at the bottom corner of their monitor instead of focusing on the fucking middle for 50 minutes straight.

                                    if you're constantly being ganked, that's your fault for not having good map awareness, not the matchmaking system's fault for not pairing you with teammates that do have map awareness.

                                    "Retards play two supports on one lane and refuse to relocate!"
                                    trilaning and having a solo offlaner is a common practice. just because you can't understand why doesn't mean it's bad.

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      #1 rule i'm barely learning after watching this miracle gameplay, SCAN THE FIGHT, don't just pick an enemy and go in on him with TUNNEL VISION, watch EVERY enemy hero while team fighting, you'll live alot more, and get nuked down a lot less. It's like you see everything clear when you go in methodically, but that doesn't mean TAKE FOREVER TO DO SOMETHING, you gotta have quick reactions.

                                      A good example was me using Wind ranger and shackling a Troll Warlord to a tree while focus firing him, instead of having tunnel vision and just focusing on there here and now, I thought of the possibility of one of his teammates being nearby, and sure enough and ES was coming with blink and echoslam ready. 1 second before Troll would be free from my focus fire, ES blinked, and I immediately double tapped blink, and blinked away and he echo slammed NOTHING, and i quickly power shotted the fleeing troll and wind ran away with ES and bane chasing me. All of this happened within 5 seconds. Any normal player probably would of just ate the echo slam into fissure + troll right click and died.


                                      15:20, perfect example of scanning for openings, but scanning for openings that will allow you to get a kill, but STILL get away safely (and not leave you open to stuns and nukes) notice how he's just scanning the battlefield, fucking amazing. The moment I learned this the other day, I knew this would be the first step to hitting a new barrier.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        Obviously your mechanical skills constantly need improving; map awareness, item/skill builds, calculating damage outputs. But i definitely feel, (from personal experience) that your first step should be developing a positive attitude. Like some of the people above have already said, getting angry with your team mates usually doesn't change anything. Try giving positive advice and if they continue to be negative are flaming others for their faults, mute them. Enjoy your dota and try to stay positive :)