General Discussion

General DiscussionTELL WHY ANIME?

TELL WHY ANIME? in General Discussion

    My love life in a nutshell basically:

    D the Superior
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        Two things wrong with that sentence:

        1. I value my virginity really high, so sex or the act of getting a girl pregnant is not gonna happen.

        2. I value my own life, thank you.

        Livin' Real Good

          LOL what.

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            ^ So basically this girl:

            also: DON'T CHANGE YOUR STATEMENT.

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            Livin' Real Good

              Who me? you're talking to? If so, yes, i'm taking back my statement, too many SJW around the internet, i'll keep that thought to myself. O_O

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                Lol I just posted that I'm still a virgin at 20 to the whole world and actually like it that way.

                If you're scared of people online, then they're just gonna chew you up and spit you out. This thread has basically been my little anime play ground for like the last couple days. I really don't care who's opinions are valid, and who I've offended.

                Just be yourself and enjoy it. Social morals don't exist on the internet.

                Livin' Real Good

                  Uh, don't lecture me on being myself, thank you very much, and i'm not scared of what people think of me.
                  I'm actually the person that goes around TELLING OTHERS TO BE THEMSELVES, cause that's the only way you can truly be free.

                  I just don't feel like dealing with it like I stated above, cause ive posted something like that on here before, and had someone throw a bitch (a female on here) fit, and annoy me, and send me invites to random stupid groups. The world know's you're a virgin! Look at you ! you're so brave ! The perfect example of someone who know's how to be themself! NOT. I don't care either, everyone knew I was a virgin till 21, lost it in 2015 barely. Jeez, don't act like you know me already based off one action. (me editing that post)

                  I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT THEY THINK, thanks. The world chew me up? Hah'? just like that girl did to you? No, girls chew you up, but not me.

                  Honestly, I have no idea why I even need to explain myself to you, cause that in turn shows that I care what you think, no, I think it was necessary actually, but next time I won't reply if you accuse me of not being "myself."

                  I don't want things to be awkward so:


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                    Oh boy a lively one now, aren't cha?

                    Helpful advice can be helpful if you let it be helpful. I learned that along the way. I also don't have shame or humility, so appealing to my sense of humanity won't work in spits.

                    However, a gentleman, I am first. But if you weren't as worried about what people think as you say you are, then why do you have a glaring contradiction?

                    You even wrote it out, you "changed it cause you don't want to deal with it". Ergo, you're worried; ergo you're not as shameless as you think you are.

                    If you're even close to shameless as me, then you wouldn't have changed your statement now would you?

                    (Also, yeah I know I'im being a dick right now, but I like to see other's squirm and it's been a while. XD)


                      Oh, I'm not saying that you're not being yourself. I'm saying you're not being the self that you could POTENTIALLY be.

                      All a matter of perspective.


                        Oh don't worry, I'll make it awkward. Been doing it for the last 3 pages.

                        Livin' Real Good

                          I don't contradict myself, and I don't need to explain why either, use whatever word play, or logic you want, I really don't care.

                          The more I reply to you, the more I go against my own beliefs.

                          Also, no one cares if you're a virgin or not, it's 2015, is that suppose to make you a "good guy?" lmao

                          I don't see how telling me you're a virgin, or having everyone know you are a virgin is any indication of how much you don't care what people think. #burned
                          So you basically just said that for no reason.

                          we live in an age of political correctness, maybe you just care abit too much what people think, I don't see why you needed to tell me you are a virgin, maybe you get some false sense of merit from it, whatever makes you happy I guess.

                          Cause I don't care what people think, but I do care about seeing people happy, that's probably what separates me from you.

                          Have a good day though.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            On the contrary.

                            Suppose to make me "The Easy One."

                            You know? The type of guy you typically pick on, make fun of, call him names, bully him, that kind of thing.

                            I like to set my targets ego's big, cause it's more satisfying when I knock them down a few notches. I like to use my own logic and trick to get them to do what I want. Then I corner them with my own sense of logic.

                            I'm weird in this sense. It's how I get my rise.

                            Also then you are my complete opposite. I really don't care about seeing people happy, but I'm more into it to see people suffer.

                            It's as easy as play bating someone to keep replying.....

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            puni puni butt UWU

                              AREU ufCKING KIDIDGN me itsumi is my favorite in that vn bc its sorta relatable. also heres the pic


                                ^ Still a miss. Just url it bro

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  i'm done replying, notice how I edited my message again?
                                  cause I dont' want to deal with you, similar to that SJW, and it having nothing to do with me caring about what you think? Makes sense?

                                  Also: Hitagi, you're not "away" on steam! gnerbgergbergeg

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                                  puni puni butt UWU



                                    also i jusrt got back yorkey

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                                      Someone figured out I have a big ego. Well played, you figured something out that pretty sure everyone here can say without a doubt. My ego is my fuel, my excitement, and my own satisfying pleasure.

                                      I'm also here cause I have nothing to do right now. Porn is just not cutting it tonight.

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        You're not clever you know that? You're just annoying, it's not even worth getting mad at, it's just me feeling sorry for you. Just stop, talk like a normal human being, I already said "you won" earlier, isn't that enough. lmao

                                        Damn, I just finished making some sick shit in photoshop, well not finished, almost.

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                                          What shame Yorkey. It was just getting good too....

                                          Ahh well, can't win them all.

                                          puni puni butt UWU

                                            if ur bored go work out! dont do cardio ir ur gonna be a sad boy. its healthy and its an excuse to eat like a fucking slob. or at least thats what i do.


                                              So much nonsense in one page.


                                                Already did my work out. I'm physically exhausted, but still need my mind to wear out.


                                                  Also if you think I'm talking normally yorkey, then you're sorely mistaken.

                                                  I'm not even being seductive right now. lol


                                                    Brb gone drawing.


                                                      so what are your best animu in 2015 ?
                                                      mine is gakkou gurashi and concrete revolutio


                                                        Well since I was always working, the only one I got to see was One Punch Man but that was about it.

                                                        D the Superior
                                                          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                          waku waku



                                                              Believe it or not, my pic is a dude

                                                              D the Superior
                                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                  Hey you know how girly men do in all the anime...

                                                                  They get all the BITCHES!!!


                                                                    Hour no new post? MANDITORY SEXY PIC

                                                                    EZ MID 9k mmr


                                                                        Because Anime give me a Life


                                                                          No it would be more like.

                                                                          *Girl walks up to me,
                                                                          Girl: Hi!
                                                                          Me: And you are?
                                                                          Girl: Well, I just wanted to say hi... What's wrong with that?
                                                                          Me: Nothing, but why would you, a hot girl, come up to someone like me, a normal average guy, and say hi with no end game?
                                                                          Girl: I.... uh....
                                                                          Me: Cause the odds are with you trying to hit me up is something I rather not do. I rather be alone, and I rather do my own thing.
                                                                          Girl: Well if that's the case.....
                                                                          Me: There's a reason for everything someone does, and you were planning something long term and wanted something from me during that time.
                                                                          Girl: What! No I....
                                                                          Me: Well, if I was looking, I would've said hi first to such a pretty lady, but right now I'm not interested.
                                                                          Girl: Well..... can I at least have a Phone number?
                                                                          Me: *Sigh* Sure, my number is ***-***-****.
                                                                          Girl: Okay got it!
                                                                          Me: I don't answer texts from people I don't know. Later. *Walks away*
                                                                          Girl: Wait, what? *Baffled from the whole Tsundere business.*
                                                                          Me: *"God damnit, I did it again" Walk*


                                                                            Ironically, that's how I would look like in anime in that dream scenario.

                                                                            Except with headphones.

                                                                            D the Superior
                                                                              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                holy shit this page is so gay compared to the last one
                                                                                post more pictures of hana midorikawa

                                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                                  Negus nee-gas

                                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                                      senran kagura is so shit, someone really needs the bible to clean themselves


                                                                                        u guys gotta watch prison school, it has like every genre at its top: action, comedy, romance, ecchi, thriller, sports, school (obviously)

                                                                                        Miku Plays


                                                                                            ehm, okay

                                                                                            puni puni butt UWU

                                                                                              prison school is the arteezy stream of anime


                                                                                                @Neko Gamer Soul
                                                                                                i can relate to what you said. this scenario of yours ran over my head many times, but i'd probably never say it (even if i'd want to) and fall into that trap of figuring out whether the person actually likes me, going through all that anxiety and depression that's naturally connected to it, etc.
                                                                                                except that i'm isolating myself entirely from social life and i very rarely go out, so there's nobody who would actually begin to talk with me, lel.

                                                                                                D the Superior
                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                                    Arin dont use that avatar again thats heresy if you talk about love life

                                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                                      Oh my god why did I open this thread