General Discussion

General DiscussionFor full time ranked gamers, do you still remember your unranked gami...

For full time ranked gamers, do you still remember your unranked gaming days? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Those times where youre still trying out doto, not caring bout mmr, just playing all other heroes, probably just focused on having fun and not really trying to win, how was your unranked days?


      Feels the same as ranked except with occasional 3-4 stacks.

      the realm's delight

        those games were actually fun

        Livin' Real Good

          Honestly, barely, I played my first solo MMR ranked game January 2015 as my new year resolution. But I remember starting Dota in December 2013 or jan 2014, and playing very casually, and remember fearing Faceless Void, I felt like Chrono was OP, and thought Earthshaker was really scary cause I had ZERO map awareness, and thought he could blink in with echo at anytime. Also like most noobs, I respect for Pudge, I felt like he was a scary hero, and that whenever you saw him on the map, just avoid him or get hooked.

          Funny, cause now I like when people pick Pudge, he's so easy cause most of them are so bad with him here at 3.9-4.2K

          I also played a lot of drow, now i can't stand that hero, she's so bad, and I hate when people pick her, cause instaloss.

          Games felt great, I didn't care about winning or losing, just wanted to discover dota, and I used to LOVE being on the hero select screen and hearing that Dota 2 menu music theme... so mystical, and O_O haehehjtrnhejrkrn


            ^ i want your dealer number mistical boy

            Livin' Real Good

              It's 6AM, haven't slept, and typed that up in like 30 seconds, fuck off. LOL


                U havent slept cos u took too much metamphetamine and talk about hero select screen as mystical. Have some sleep, good night.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  The game was a game back then, now it's just a mess. What's the point of raising MMR if you aren't even having fun or at least fucking improving? Most players do neither, it's just sad.


                    i had some more friends back then

                    World Eater

                      Yes. It was on Warcraft 3, and you could keep making new accounts to reset your mmr. You didn't have qualifying matches, you had to win to build it up. They had an implemented system where you could check everyone.. and consequently the host of the game would most likely put all the good players on Radiant(his team). I always played Crixalis(Sand King), but had no idea what roles were. I just built Aghs and Heart everytime no skill. I was only 13 years, or so. If I won plenty I would keep my account. When I lost.. time to make new account.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato


                        plz do

                          yep, it was about fun and testing weird hero combos. like back in the days when io combos were actually new. it wasnt about skill, just about hanging w friend and having fun.


                            used to play only stacks with my friends who played dotA.
                            they taught me to play drow ranger 4head